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Posts posted by phuketjock

  1. On 12/24/2016 at 9:45 AM, DrPH said:

    I'll be 50 in April 2017. Should I apply in the US for a retirement visa in April or is it better to enter on a tourist visa whether I'm 50 (In April) or still 49 ( Feb/March) and change it when I'm there? Also... I'll be doing the 800k deposit, just to be clear,  this should be opened 60 days prior to applying for a retirement visa or 90 days. Thanks in advance for your feedback 


    One more time everybody there is no such thing as a retirement Visa it is an extension of permission to stay

    based on retirement or marriage to a Thai national. Are you people really that slow that you cannot do minimal

    research on the subject that you are enquiring about or are you just plain idle??

    You may not know or even care but the use of the wrong terminology regarding Visas and extensions has and

    continues to cause never-ending confusion so please, please try to get it right for everyones sake, thanks.

  2. Final update,

    Happy ending ( no not that kind ) listing back up and all reviews returned so everything

    ok now.

    To onthesoi, Shot, d123, jas21, Graig, and kowpot many thanks for taking the time to

    offer your help and assistance it is/was greatly appreciated. The order you posted in.

    To the others who posted can you please read the thread thoroughly and think very carefully

    whether you actually have the where with all to make the judgement and comments that you

    feel compelled to make???

    If you cannot help please keep quiet.

    To sipi It doesn't feel like a good thing when you are on the receiving end and have done nothing

    wrong................but i do appreciate the sentiment of your post.

    Forgot to add it is not a hotel or resort for those who made the assumption. 


    for anyone interested the number I called to reach TA it was +18663225942. I used the Thai 006

    prefix for the first call but it would not work for second call so I used 005 with no problem.

    Thanks again.      :thumbsup:

  3. On 12/18/2016 at 9:48 AM, phuketjock said:


    Thanks kowpot, at last someone with constructive advice to give.

    We now have a web site and facebook page up and running so i am

    currently heading towards your suggestion, the new web site fb page

    explains the new ownership and the slight name change etc., so hopefully

    our problem will be resolved soon. Thanks again for your help.


    Just received an e-mail from Google accepting my edit adding our new

    website. so things going in the right direction.



    After one more call to TA i have been assured that our listing will be re-opened in

    the next 24 to 48 hours, probably the later as over the weekend, will let you know

    how it ends, well I hope?

    Received an e-mail from TA customer support that they considered my request

    resolved, i hope they are right.                      :clap2:   :thumbsup:     :wai:

  4. 4 hours ago, Robert333 said:

    Thank you ubonjoe for your further reply, and for taking the time and trouble to do so.


    That makes it a lot clearer, and of course it is in the prerogative of the authorities to decide what will actually occur in each case.


    Thank you.







    Robert, You could help yourself and other people by using the correct terminology you are applying 

    for an extension of permission to stay based on marriage to a Thai national not a Visa or a visa extension.

    If this is not your first application for an extension your Visa expired long ago.

  5. There is no such thing as a marriage/spouse or retirement Visa.

    What type of extension of permission to stay you have has absolutely 

    nothing to do with your landlord or anyone else but you, and of course

    immigration, who are the only people who can issue such an extension.

    I believe you would have to change your extension type at the immigration

    office that it was first issued at but there are more knowledgeable people

    on here than me on this subject, try obonjoe?


  6. 1 hour ago, kowpot said:

    Have someone do a review of your place. Or just do it yourself. If you kept the same name that would be easy. If you changed it, explain that in the review. Put all the new information in the review. Explain that your business is under new ownership.   It will all eventually get back to Tripadvisor. In the meantime, all your new information will be on the Tripadvisor website listing for your business.   I have done numerous reviews on Tripadvisor. Sometimes I will receive an email from Tripadvisor for a follow up for my review. 


    Thanks kowpot, at last someone with constructive advice to give.

    We now have a web site and facebook page up and running so i am

    currently heading towards your suggestion, the new web site fb page

    explains the new ownership and the slight name change etc., so hopefully

    our problem will be resolved soon. Thanks again for your help.


    Just received an e-mail from Google accepting my edit adding our new

    website. so things going in the right direction.

  7. 8 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    How can you verify your ownership if you done what many Farlang businesses do and that is put the business under the name of a Thai. Are you registered as an official owner or director of that business? Are you registered with the tax office for income tax purposes?


    If this is all on the up and up and proper, then you shouldn`t have any problems.


    The procedure for verification has nothing to do with who owns the business but depends, in

    this case, solely on the phone number of the business concerned, at least for TA. I am trying 

    to claim the business on TA on behalf of my wife, i have no income from the business and my 

    wife is well aware of the tax laws of her home country. 

    I find it quite sad how ill informed some people are but feel the need to comment on a situation

    that they really know little or nothing about.

    The company was previously owned by a Thai BTW.


  8. 1 hour ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    Why are you complaining about trip advisor removing the reviews, when they weren't even your reviews in the first place. You clearly said your wife took over the business.

    I am dealing with another huge and very famous web site and I can tell you that the info they are requesting is just a minimal verification on their part. You are quite lucky they gave you a chance and didn't shut you down.


    Perhaps you should return to the other forum or get your facts right if you cannot offer anything constructive, the

    latest and very good reviews are since my wife took over.

    Maybe if you took the time to read the thread thoroughly you would see that they did shut her down and all because

    of a change in the business's phone number, this is about much more than reviews. If you cannot take the time to read

    the thread properly please keep your unhelpful comments to yourself. 

    Just because you are" dealing with another huge and very famous web site " doesn't mean you know what you are

    talking about or give you license to berate someone who is asking for help not criticism.

    I find your comments and attitude deplorable. 

    good day Sir......................

  9. Up date for you.

    Since I started this thread TA has closed our listing on there webpage effectively shutting

    down all our reviews, which were very good, and shutting off any chance of further reviews

    or any chance of business being generated via TAs website.  

    I finally, out of desperation ended up calling TA on a US number I found on their help

    page and spoke to someone who informed me, after some discussion that i would need

    to open a website and facebook page for the business before they will re-open my 

    business listing on TAs website, so i am now in the process of doing this at not little


    I am having difficulty in understanding why TA would effectively shut someones

    business down just because their phone number changed, something that is not

    controllable by the business owner. Then they have accepted some of the suggested

    changes i made but for some reason not the phone number change?????

    Which incidentally Google accepted with no problems. 

    I am hoping the process of website and facebook page is completed tomorrow or

    the following day and that this will encourage TA to re-open our listing, if not I could be 

    enlisting your offered help craig3365.

    BTW the guy that I spoke with on the phone was a Greek guy in Bulgaria????


  10. On 12/14/2016 at 7:05 PM, Shot said:

    Your best bet is a small restaurant that offer free WiFi, that also has no customers other than you. Buy some food and a few beers, download, etc. You won't get lighting speed unless you pay for it.


    Heard the Sandwich Shoppe Cafe' & Bar in Aroonsom Plaza has decent free internet and wifi.

    Just along the road from BYD Lofts.

    Good luck.

  11. 2 hours ago, d123 said:

    At the very bottom of the TripAdvisor web page theres a 'button' named 'Help Centre'. Maybe they can give you an address?


    Merry Xmas


    Thanks d123 yes I have tried that, same scenario, verification required to get anything done as an owner and yes

    you have guessed phone number required, another dead end.

  12. 6 hours ago, Shot said:


    12 hours ago, onthesoi said:

    Have you tried the free number?


    Even if they can't directly help they might provide an email address or other point of contact:


    9:30 AM – 5:00 PM EST
    0800-098-8460 (UK Toll-Free)
    +44 (0) 203 318 5019(Calling from outside UK)


    Thanks onthesoi, the free no. is only if you are calling in the UK.

    Having read Shot's link appears TA don't do direct contact except with owners,

    but here's the rub you have to verify you ownership, how? with your phone no.

    hence this OP.........................................:w00t:


    Thanks Shot I will have a look at your link.

    Update just had a quick read through and it doesn't look promising right now

    but thanks again for the link.

  13. This may sound like an obvious question but have you tried finding an E-mail address for Trip Advisor?

    I have and have not been successful so far.

    Any help from any source greatly appreciated.

    Brief explanation of the problem, recently took over new business ( the wife did ) and it is listed on Trip

    Advisor. We/she have been trying to claim ownership of said business but to do so verification is required

    which involves TA calling the business to verify her/my presence, just before we took over phone went

    out and after long and numerous attempts at repair new phone provider required therefore new phone

    number. the source of the problem new number not possible to verify.

    I have tried and tried to update the phone number but no success.

    I am not sure if this is in the correct forum but could not see one corresponding to my plight, pls move

    if wished.  

  14. 14 hours ago, billythehat said:

    Again, I would have to disagree with your diatribe relating to the Irish times. A large open plan area with plenty of seating, air con and clean toilets with bog paper. The Islander can be too hot and coupled with the din and fumes of the traffic clattering oop and down the soi spoils the enjoyment of eating out. Not nearly enough spuds on the plate either.


    The Islander doesn't have any traffic it is a dead end soi??????

  15. 34 minutes ago, LALes said:

    I don't think a day or two is going to be a dealbreaker here.  I've had retirement visas for 9 years and I'm sure they will look at all the evidence before making a decision.  If they do, I shouldn't have anything to worry about.


    There is no such thing as a retirement VISA it is an extension of permission to stay on the grounds of retirement, so

    I suspect you have had 9 extensions.............not VISAS.

  16. 10 hours ago, BigDamo said:


    Which is better? The Islander or the Irish Times?

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


    There is only one way you can answer that question go and try them you have plenty

    of time before Xmas.

    I have eaten at the Islander regularly for many years and have yet to have a bad meal

    but I have never eaten at the Irish times so cannot comment based on knowledge.

    Obviously I would recommend the Islander based on my own personal experience.

    I think which ever one you choose you have a good chance of having a good Xmas

    dinner.           :wai:

  17. 15 minutes ago, BigDamo said:

    Thanks guys

    I'm going to email them to see what time they are serving until as I'd prefer to go out late afternoon if poss

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


    I think the Islander does two sittings on two days but can't remember if it is xmas eve and xmas day

    or xmas day and boxing day. should be easy to call them and find out, but they are usually pretty well

    booked up but things are quite slow this year so you might be lucky?? 

  18. 8 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:


    Well combinations require no seasoning.. 


    So then it becomes a judgement on income proof requirements to top it up.. I am unsure if this is always embassy certified or officer dependant ??? 


    Thats just a guess.. But oddly even the 'agent fee' system they waltz you to the bank, deposit money, get some letter, then hand hold you through the app. I was asking earlier in the week, stragely for a mate who has 800k in the bank, but Hua hin are such dicks, and he is short of time and entering on visa exempt stamps direct from work, just wants to pay to have it solved. Hua Hin agents want 22,500 (unsure if thats with his money) but need 22 days. Bangkok agent said 28k and 3 days, one to apply and passport back 2nd day after. 




    LivinLOS I am pretty sure any income/pension has to be verified by ones embassy.

    You appear to be heading down the same road as minotlaw, you have so far insulted the Huahin office

    and implied that agents in Huahin and Bangkok are circumventing the law to obtain illegal extensions. 

  19. 4 minutes ago, Munotlaw said:

    I know you are around for many years now. Always appreciated your advices back in 1998 when I was working in Bangkok. Interested to know when the last crackdown took place 




    Munotlaw  I am of course not certain of this but I strongly suspect that these very threads are 

    watched/scrutinised by the powers that be?

    What you have been posting could find you and the people you are talking about under much

    more scrutiny than you or they would wish, be careful before you post, or you could be responsible

    for the next "crackdown ".


  20. 12 minutes ago, webcrawler00 said:

    oh, that's fantastic news. So I don't need to go back to my country and re-apply for an 'O-A' visa (which which I came to LOS) which is annually renewable. I can just annually renew my "O" visa?  Note that I do not have dependables in Thailand... no Thai wife or kids. Yet I got the "O" visa in Laos. Shown them my BKK condo ownership and 800k+ in Thai bank.

    Have you actually read any of the info relayed to you in this post???

    There is no such thing as a retirement VISA it is an extension of stay

    based on retirement, not a visa.

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