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Posts posted by phuketjock

  1. I believe you are thinking about IOL replacement rather than a 'transplant'


    Presbyopia is a 'normal' condition associated with aging and most often only reading glasses are need for an effective result

    I doubt there will be many who have undergone surgery with the single aim of solving/curing presbyopia.

    The Rutnin Eye Hospital would be considered by many to be the best place to obtain a specialist opinion in Thailand

    I also have never heard of IOL transplants, but I am no expert.

    I have had IOL replacement about 4/5 years ago for deteriorating vision and initial indications of cataracts.

    The procedure was carried out at Bangkok Phuket hospital over several days, between eyes, by Dr.Sinchai

    Tanabodeetamajaree at the hospital eye clinic and I have never had any reason to regret having the procedure.

    I was 63/4 at the time and as far as I can remember the cost at the time was around 78,000 Thai baht per eye.

    From the many posters on the clinic walls recommending this type of surgery it would seem to be more aimed

    at over 50s and upwards and can be repeated if necessary, but as I said I am no expert.

    It did take me some time to get used to not reaching for my specs for a while but I did get over that lol.

    Of course where you go for your specialist opinion will depend on where you are in Thailand, Good luck.

  2. Copy of passport main page, current extension expiry date, and arrival card.

    LIK You are almost correct except it is your departure card, not your arrival card, and you will also require a completed

    form TM47.

    The arrival and departure card is the same piece of paper, you fill it in on arrival and hand back on departure.

    I've never had to hand in the TM47 card the last few times in was forced to go into Patong office when I missed the online 90 day registration window.

    But as we all well know the individual officer makes up the rules as they move along. I remember a couple of years back making the 90 day in Patong with only my passport, no copies, no forms.... oh well

    You need to look at your passport where you will see your DEPARTURE CARD TM.6 clearly marked in

    Thai and English in the top left hand corner as " Departure card. " which started life as a combined

    arrival/departure card which on arrival the completed " arrival section ' of the form is torn off and retained

    by immigration and the remaining " departure card " is returned to you to complete on your DEPARTURE.

    I, like you, for a period just popped into the Patong office with nothing but my passport and old 90 day and

    that was deemed sufficient to issue a new 90 day report printout but not anymore recently and you are of

    course correct it is not possible for anyone to know what will be required on the day which is why when

    advising on what they may need for a 90 day report I would advise taking a completed TM 47 form.

  3. Hi

    Have a 90 day report due tomorrow. As things seem to change by the week what do I need to take with me now (last time had the form filled in etc. and still needed photocopies of things they have had a million times before)


    Copy of passport main page, current extension expiry date, and arrival card.

    LIK You are almost correct except it is your departure card, not your arrival card, and you will also require a completed

    form TM47.

  4. Any halfway intelligent person reading about UK FLR applications in a visa an immigration forum would know that FLR in this context has nothing to do with Forward Looking Radar but something to do with UK immigration!

    Any one who didn't know that FLR stands for Further Leave to Remain will have soon found out when reading the link in the OP!

    Non-EEA national partners and parents on the family route will need to pass a speaking and listening test at level A2 in order to qualify, after two-and-a half-years in the UK, for further leave to remain on the five-year partner or parent route to settlement.

    To avoid further confusing you; UK in this context stands for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

    I just put FLR into Google, on a different device so the results wouldn't be influenced by my search history on this one.

    The first 11 results were all to do with UK immigration and Further Leave to Remain applications. his result also appeared regularly in later results.

    The twelfth was Female Led Relationships.

    Then there were Family Law Reports, flights to Florence airport (FLR), FLR cycle shoes, etc., etc,. There's a lot of companies out there with the initials FLR!

    I gave up after 10 pages of results; having found no references to Forward Looking Radar.

    Sorry, but you've tried to be clever but instead ended up with egg all over your face.


    It is actually FLIR for Forward Looking Infra-Red but I thought I would have a little fun with my

    old mate 7x7. gigglem.gif

    You will be OK googling that it comes up right away lol.

  5. If I had a choice.

    That would be my way to go.

    Yes, but I would prefer doing it with the opposite sex though.

    How do you know what sex the bar owner was?

    Read the thread.

    Because it said so in the original, since amended, article.

    You appear to be the only person who has read this unamended article, apparently

    unseen by everyone else????? Amazing!!! facepalm.gif

    Maybe, I read it on PG website a few hours before it was published on TV.

    MAYBE?? So you are not sure then?? facepalm.gif

  6. If I had a choice.

    That would be my way to go.

    Yes, but I would prefer doing it with the opposite sex though.

    i am happy to be corrected but where does it say that the bar owner is Male????

    soi paradise is a gay area

    So that automatically means all the bar owners in soi Paradise are male ???? crazy.gif

    Another Amazing assumption!!!

  7. If I had a choice.

    That would be my way to go.

    Yes, but I would prefer doing it with the opposite sex though.

    How do you know what sex the bar owner was?

    Read the thread.

    Because it said so in the original, since amended, article.

    You appear to be the only person who has read this unamended article, apparently

    unseen by everyone else????? Amazing!!! facepalm.gif

  8. ..

    All that is working in Uk is that the supermarket chains already obscene profits are boosted by the revenue from plastic bags

    Well done.............................facepalm.gif

    Just so happens all the money raised by the supermarkets in the UK for selling plastic bags is going to charity.

    Yeah sure, who checks?

    The plastic bag supermarket 5p charity commission, who else would you expect ?

    Nice One cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

  9. Charge for them (Plastic Bags) and buy a shopping bag.....wait, did'nt we do that 20 years ago....... it's working in the UK.....

    All that is working in Uk is that the supermarket chains already obscene profits are boosted by the revenue from plastic bags

    Well done.............................facepalm.gif

    Just so happens all the money raised by the supermarkets in the UK for selling plastic bags is going to charity.

    Yeah sure, who checks?

  10. Charge for them (Plastic Bags) and buy a shopping bag.....wait, did'nt we do that 20 years ago....... it's working in the UK.....

    All that is working in Uk is that the supermarket chains already obscene profits are boosted by the revenue from plastic bags

    Well done.............................facepalm.gif

    What would work is if these profit hungry supermarkets gave you money back for every one of their plastic bags you returned

    on your next vist, wouldn't see plastic bags littering the roads/pavements then, BUT not profitable is it, so not going to happen

    is it?

    What is happening now is that the supermarkets no longer have to pay for the bags and are in fact making money from you and

    me for using them, they are more than happy to supply them at a profit.

    Have to agree with you Impulse this plastic bag nonsense pops up every few weeks, boring.

  11. It is their country. If they feel it is not good to wear like this in the park just respect it. In many countries it is allowed by law or by their culture to wear bikinis in parks. people just not do it. is some countries it is common just respect the local culture and customs.

    I'll ask again, "Has any Thai law actually been broken?"

    If not, it appears the Police Officer has taken the law into his own hands, and had no right to ask them to leave.

    A few things you and your tourist mates might want to read before getting on the plane.




    You of all people NKM should know way better how to behave and dress respectfully in


    I had a quick look at your links, PJ.

    None of them quote Thai Law, particularly in relation to indecent exposure in a public place.

    They deal with "travel tips" and "Thai culture" and "Thai etiquette."

    My question goes directly to Thai Law, and whether an offence has been committed by the tourists or not.

    It's a strictly legal question. It's not a question about Thai culture or etiquette for tourists traveling in Thailand.

    Post from another thread by police volunteer seems to indicate illegal act.


    same thread.


  12. It is their country. If they feel it is not good to wear like this in the park just respect it. In many countries it is allowed by law or by their culture to wear bikinis in parks. people just not do it. is some countries it is common just respect the local culture and customs.

    I'll ask again, "Has any Thai law actually been broken?"

    If not, it appears the Police Officer has taken the law into his own hands, and had no right to ask them to leave.

    A few things you and your tourist mates might want to read before getting on the plane.




    You of all people NKM should know way better how to behave and dress respectfully in


  13. Exercise has been called the silver bullet in diabetes reversal [emoji106]

    You are probably correct in that statement Lumbini but unfortunately not very far down the Diabetes road

    painful neuropathy greatly curbs the ability, no matter how keen, of anyone to accomplish any kind of

    meaningful or effective exercise.

  14. Update on search for meal replacement supplement for the purpose of

    weight loss.

    I was out today and visited several outlets that looked like they could

    possibly have what I was looking for, most of them have supplements

    that are designed for muscling up and body building like the shop you

    told me about schlog, thanks, I eventually found a fairly close substitute

    in the same location schlog but in the Pharmacy actually in Tesco, it is a

    meal replacement supplement specifically designed for dieting and losing

    weight and its' specs are very close to those of the recommended optifast.

    Tesco was unfortunately out of stock but to my surprise I found the exact

    same product in Boots and at the same price so success.

    The product, for those who are interested, is called Mega Esy Complet

    and is manufactured by a company called.


    Victoria 3810, Australia. and it is imported by


    Samutprakan Thailand.

    Many thanks to you GOM and you Expatbrit for your helpful and informative


    To you bearpolar perhaps you should use your energy to address the subject of

    any thread you may feel compelled to respond to instead of showing how ill informed

    and ignorant you appear to be.

    And thanks to you LeungKen for your patience and guidance.

  15. I don't know what idiot gave you this diet but your body cant function without anything

    Meal replacements are filled with dairy product. Toxins and dangerous overdosed vitamins with no proper delivery system(going directly out of you through your kidneys)

    root vegetable and fruits are the 2 of the 3 healthiest things in the world.

    The " idiot that gave me this diet " as you put it is The Newcastle Biomedicine

    Clinical Research Platform section of

    Magnetic Resonance Centre

    Newcastle University

    Campus for Ageing and Vitality

    Newcastle upon Tyne UK

    whom I am pretty sure know a bit more than you about Low Calorie Diet Programming in the attempted reversal of Diabetes. See link below.



    P.S. You still have not told me where this health shop is in Phuket??

  16. buy protein from phuket health shop (pea or other vegan if you can afford it) get brown rice milk add oats and any frozen veggies/fruits in the blender and save yourself from an early death.

    "meal replacements" are not meal replacements

    Once again thanks bearpolar but the diet I am looking at does not allow pulses, dairy, fruit, bread, pasta, fish, poultry, meat,

    root vegetables, or alcohol, so most of what you suggest is off limits.

    " Buy from Phuket health shop " is not really that helpful a location might be better because I can't actually recall seeing a health

    shop during my shopping trips around Phuket but if you lived in Phuket you would surely know that?

    I would suggest that any food that is consumed as an alternative to a meal can safely be called a meal replacement no? and

    they are consumed as an alternative while ensuring the required amounts of daily vitamins and minerals are met.

  17. You do know its just cheap protein rebranded to be more expensive? When they add extra 'stuff' its not actual stuff that gets assimilated. So you're just getting your dose of cheap whey

    Thank you for taking the time to post bearpolar and your criticism may or may not be valid,

    but unless you can come up with a viable alternative I am stuck with what is available on the

    market in Phuket. Please don't give me an alternative unless you can give me a local source

    for same cheers.

  18. That website is vastly overstating what is possible. The research he is claiming to back up his assertions only included people recently diagnosed with diabetes and included a very small sample of people.

    Andrews is also adding in a few pills and potions which are, without a shadow of doubt, not proven scientifically effective.

    In short, he's yet another Internet snake oil salesmen peddling false hope with the sole intention of lining his own pocket.

    You can read about the original research on reversing the effects of type 2 diabetes at http://www.ncl.ac.uk/magres/research/diabetes/reversal.htm

    Many thanks AyG that is exactly the kind of info I was hoping my OP would generate.

    Great link thanks again.

    phuketjock. thumbsup.gif

  19. Hi all I have had type 2 diabetes for about 15 years now and subscribe to

    regular update info e-mails from "Diabetic Direct"

    I recently received an e-mail from someone called David Andrews who claims

    through a website called " diabetesdestroyer.com " that diabetes can be

    reversed and all previous sufferers from diabetes can be free of it within

    a few weeks. Has anyone on this thread heard of this guy or his claims?

    **link removed**

  20. I've heard there is a shortage of turkeys this year.

    Don't know how true it is.

    I know I'm opening up myself for some abuse with that statement but I'm actually being serious.

    You could be right there are only 11 replies before this one. gigglem.gif

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