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Posts posted by timonase

  1. http://www.tropicalstormrisk.com/tracker/dynamic/main.html

    If I interpreted the above site correctly then KETSANA was classified as a CAT 2 Typhoon when it tore into Vietnam, (Indicated by the arrow turning yellow over Vietnam) its moved through to Laos now and the arrow is currently green, indicating that it has degraded to a Tropical Storm category.

    If that site's forecast is accurate by the time it reaches Thailand, sometime tonight, it will have covered a lot of ground and probably degraded further to be classified as a Tropical depression as the arrow starts to turn light blue. I certainly hope that the case.

    that is correct. It usally happens when a storm stay over land too long. Still lots of rain possible.



  2. not a reliable newspaper, this one here.....

    believe it is from singapore, this newspaper feed......

    it is like fox news channel of the usa.......

    or even des spiegel of germany.......

    inter alia.........et.al.

    oh my, sorry off topic....but to compare fox news und DER SPIEGEL...., DER Spiegel happens to be one of the most renowned political magazin in the world.

    sorry ´, but could not let that one slip through



  3. Hello,

    first of all it is important to know, whether you have torn a tendon in one of the 4 muscles the rotetor cuff consists of. An ultra sound or an MRI can make sure. Next step is to determine, if it is a small or larger big rupture, if at all. Depending on the size of the rupture and the patients age, the doctor wil decide on the treatment( surgery or not). Most ruptures can be treated without surgery, but its better to make sure. From my experience, being a goal keeper, rotator cuff injuries are one of the most time consuming injuries to deal with and after a long resting period a long physio-therapie is needed to strengthen the muscles.

    Rest rest rest, sorry but thats the key for it to heal. If you continue to train through the injurie a partial tear can become a complete tear......




    Timo is giving you good advice. Seek medical attention for proper diagnoses and faster healing.

    I hurt my rotator cuff after returning from a three month visit to Thailand. I resumed my workouts when I came home as if I never stopped. After a few weeks of weight lifting, pull-ups, chin-ups and power heated yoga, I woke up in the middle of the night with shooting pain over my entire upper back. The next day, I couldn't put my arm on the floor in child's pose. Instead of seeking medical help, I rested, rested and rested. The pain did not go away. I started seeing a massage therapist weekly. The only time I felt relief was during a massage, and yoga stretches after warming up with steady state cardio like jogging. I always iced my shoulder afterwards.

    After a couple of months, my ROM (range of motion) for abduction was decreasing and sleeping on my side was painful. I went to see the top orthopedic surgeon in the Philadelphia area who diagnosed me with tendinitis, bursitis and partial frozen shoulder from overuse. He took an X-ray to rule out bone spurs. (Calcium deposits show up on X-rays.) Because I still had some strength and ROM, he was able to determine that the best treatment for me would be physical therapy. In the past, treatment was surgery.

    My PT also conducted active and passive ROM tests. My PT sessions included: ultrasound therapy, hydrotherapy, cardio, stretch, strengthening, and myofascial release. I felt relief from pain after the very first session. My ROM returned to normal in about a month. I saw the PT 3 times a week for six weeks. My sessions lasted 2 hours since both shoulders were affected.

    I still incorporate the rotator cuff and rhomboid exercises into my workout rotations. The pain from poor posture comes back if I don't keep up with the exercises. I continue to get massages... I would be very careful about using a massage therapist who focuses on massaging only where you feel pain. It is very common for a person to feel pain in a stretched muscle (think of a taut rubber band) instead of a contracted muscle (think of antagonists). If the therapist uses a technique which elongates an already weak, stretched muscle under constant spasm, it might feel good in the moment but, it will make the situation worse in the long run. I'm not saying to tell your massage therapist to not touch your painful muscles. Just that you might want to find a therapist with enough knowledge to use the correct techniques that will aid in your healing. Massage can only do so much. If there is a weak muscle or muscles, you need to work them or they will atrophy from disuse. In my case, the combination of regular chiropractic sessions, massage and rehab exercises keep me pain-free with full ROM.


    spot on description of how to make an injury worse, by continuing to work out and the struggle to repair it afterwards......as for acupuncture, though it being a valid point and the shoulder being a good spot in the body to use it, if a tendon is injured acupuncture can only help a little to make the bloodflow better in the surrounding muscles. The tendon itself doesnt have a strong supply of blood. In my case ultrasound therapy and PT semms to help.



  4. Hello,

    first of all it is important to know, whether you have torn a tendon in one of the 4 muscles the rotetor cuff consists of. An ultra sound or an MRI can make sure. Next step is to determine, if it is a small or larger big rupture, if at all. Depending on the size of the rupture and the patients age, the doctor wil decide on the treatment( surgery or not). Most ruptures can be treated without surgery, but its better to make sure. From my experience, being a goal keeper, rotator cuff injuries are one of the most time consuming injuries to deal with and after a long resting period a long physio-therapie is needed to strengthen the muscles.

    Rest rest rest, sorry but thats the key for it to heal. If you continue to train through the injurie a partial tear can become a complete tear......



  5. Traps are prone to trigger points....the Trap is also a muscle so injecting a corticosteroid into it is not a good idea. Corticosteroids injected into joints need to be mixed with lydocaine or else thsy feel like molten lava being incected into you.........Myofascial trigger points respond well to trigger point therapy and also simple saline injected into the point......Also...the average jpint should only be injected with corticosteroids 3 times...they turn the joint matrix into a mush predisposing the joint to degeneration.

    Have someone lightly oil the trap and try and find any painful bumps. then apply a very hard pressure for 30 sec. due the same thing around the area....you will be able to feel a diffrence shortly.......also contionuous ultrasound with voltarten mixed into the gel works wonders......made me a lot of money anyway.

    -that is all correct.

    but the OP does not 100% know where the pain originates..... it might as well come from the shoulder blades.



  6. I know from your other post, that you are very into your training and very knowledgeable i might add......but training through a possible injury might not be the best soulution. As i said before i am sidelined with a partial tear of the rotator cuff and its very hard for me not to do anything, but rest is the only way ......



  7. Hello,

    it varies from case to case and from doctor to doctor. In my case it was prednisilone, which is a short acting corticosteroid and has anti-infamatory purposes.

    For a minor muscle ache i would not recommend injection, though....but i am no doctor and maybe you should go see a sports medicine specialist if your symptoms do not improve.



  8. Yes, i remember it.

    I believe it was some kind of seasonal thing, about six years ago. Inever tried it, and it disappeared after a few weeks. Never to be seen again.



  9. Hello All,

    i was aactually robbed by them, on 17.1.09. Stole my notebook and some cash and left the house in a mess. They robbed 4 houses on the same day in my street, in broad daylight.

    I am glad that the police actually caught them...

    I will have to go see them on friday to press charges against them.

    I was able to get my computer bacm, but many things from us and our neighbours are still with the people at large.

    By the way the colombian embassy does not want to help with a translator.



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