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Posts posted by timonase

  1. In less than 24 hours, we will know the PAD's true intentions. If the courts deliver a verdict tomorrow to disband the PPP effective immediately, the PAD should clear out of the airports the same day. We'll see if they keep their word or if they find a new reason to stay.


    they will go once a decision has been made, who will be the interim PM, i expect thst decision on friday.


    Changing the terms again, I see. Sondhi clearly said they will immediately leave the airports "once the PM steps down". He said nothing about waiting to see who the interim PM would be.

    its not my terms, nor do i agree, but i try to be realistic.....evidence is so clear

  2. In less than 24 hours, we will know the PAD's true intentions. If the courts deliver a verdict tomorrow to disband the PPP effective immediately, the PAD should clear out of the airports the same day. We'll see if they keep their word or if they find a new reason to stay.


    they will go once a decision has been made, who will be the interim PM, i expect the decision on friday.


  3. As a seeker of truth and justice it is clear to me that the international community will defend democracy in Thailand by taking their money and investment elsewhere.

    Capitalist nations, under the guise of "Global Economy", will take their money whereever they get the most bang for their buck, no matter what the political climate is. They will keep trying to keep their sweatshops open in poor countries like Thailand and will continue to take advantage of the people of this Nation :-(

    Western Sex tourists and Pedophiles will continue to come to Thailand by the millions, unless there is a government to start protecting it's people against exploitations.

    While Auto workers sit on welfare in the US, wondering what happened to their jobs, the Thai Auto industry will thrive

    As for the few disgruntled foreigners, who do nothing but complain, if they want to go back to their countries, good riddance!

    Some of us here love Thailand, Love HM and support the PAD in their struggle to wipe out corruption. Even though this may be a long struggle, since corruption is so widespread and largely tolerated in this country. We can win against it, one Court case at at time, one ousted government at at time.

    Things won't change all at once, overnight. There is no magic pill. These are growing pains. Shutting down an airport for a few days to get rid of a violent, corrupt government, is not the end of the world. My boss used to say.."any news is good news" and I believe that. This conflict has put Thailand on the map. People who have never thought of Thailand as a place to invest in or to go to on holidays, may consider it, after this conflict is over.

    Kurt Gruen


    oh my god!!!!. please visit the webpage for brainwash at its best.

    By the way, before people flame me, i do not agree with thaksin and i do not want him back running the country, but .........not allowed to say more on this forum.



  4. Rainman, i am also affected by the airport seizure, but you need to look deeper into the situation. It is not a PAD problem only, they are not the people behind and we might see things unfold on Friday.

    I know that. I am sure all the people here and elsewhere know it. Some don't want to accept it, others do. Surely nobody wants to talk about it.

    but then there is no reason to ask, why the police and the military does not remove them....

    Dont get me wrong, i do not agree with the goals of the "PAD" but they will win. The only alternative is civil war and believe me, thats not good for your business, either.


  5. Maybe this will help some stranded folks.

    I am now stranded and wasn't sure what I should do. I tried to call Air Asia, always busy. I tried to call TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand) couldn't get a connection. It all seemed so helpless.

    Anyway I checked the homepage of TAT and found a list of hotels that are under the agreement to support stranded tourists.

    I phoned a few hotels and enquired what I needed to do.

    VERY EASY. Show up at the hotel with your ticket and passport.

    We did that and were given a room straight away. We get 3 meals a day and free accommodation until the airline gives a date to leave. Excellent service, great food and very first class staff.

    I know this is no help to those of you who are anxious about losing jobs or business but for many I think the government are trying very hard to make your stay as pleasant as can be. Those of you who are blood thirsty and want to see fights, let me remind you, you are talking about killing mothers, fathers, grandparents and children. Do you really want that? I am happy that the police, army, navy, airforce or any other group are NOT using force.

    I wish and hope for a peaceful speedy end to all of this and will try to enjoy my compulsory stay as much as I can.

    Good luck to everyone and thanks to TAT for your help (after all it not TAT's fault that this is happening)

    I cannot imagine the UK doing this, they are I think the only country who are not sending in relief flights to help their citizens. Very sad.

    (this message has been posted in other forums)

    Finally someone postng something helpful. Great post!!!

    Q: What grade are you in? (only ask as many of your comments are very childish, at best)

    Q: What kind of a democratic Govt desires to remove vote-fraud rules from it's constitution?

    Q: Will you be as vitriolic against the Red-UDD if they follow through on a promise to 'seige' the constitution court (or worse)?

    Even peaceful people lose patience. In every other Western country, thousands of people of a MINORITY seizing an international airport, causing billions in damages and job losses in the millions, would have been immediately arrested and thrown into jail. If they didn't comply with court orders, as the PAD are doing, and barricading themselves in the airport and closing it with barbed wires, they would have been shot.

    That's the truth. Accept it or not.

    Rainman, i am also affected by the airport seizure, but you need to look deeper into the situation. It is not a PAD problem only, they are not the people behind and we might see things unfold on Friday.

    regards and all the best

  6. Hello,

    i have read through all the answers on various threads on this forum regarding the current situation and i did like this forum for a few years now ( visa advice, food, pub,business), but as since it is clearly not possible to say an uncensored truth on this forum, the discussions are pointless. The pieces are moving, the outcome is clear....only we are not allowed to talk about it here.

    fair enough, tuesday and of course Friday will show us, what is been discussed everwhere else already.

    Sorry not allowed to specify.




    Army chief holds the trump card

    By Thanong Khanthong

    The Nation

    Published on August 28, 2008

    Who will prevail in the end between Samak Sundaravej, the prime minister, and the People's Alliance for Democracy?

    We should know the result over the next few days, as a clash of this massive scale can't be allowed to drag on for too long.

    Political tension heightened yesterday after the Criminal Court agreed to a police request to issue arrest warrants against nine leaders of the PAD on charges of treason and creating unrest.

    As soon as he heard about the arrest warrant against him, Chamlong Srimuang, one of the PAD's core leaders, calmly sat down in the middle of the crowd on the lawn in front of Government House.

    The scene was reminiscent of the tragedy in May 1992, when he led a street protest against the Suchinda government and sat on Rajdamnoen Road before he was taken away by authorities on similar charges.

    The other PAD leaders facing arrest include Sondhi Limthongkul, Pipop Thongchai, Somkiat Pongpaiboon, Somsak Kosaisuk, Suriyasai Katasila, Chaiwat Sinsuwong, Amorn Amornrattananont, and Therdpoom Chaidee.

    Heads of the Alliance, in fact, welcomed the warrants, as it is likely to intensify the turmoil and focus attention on their actions.

    Any hope they have of bringing down the Samak government through street protests depends critically on mass support over the next few days, particularly sympathy from the middleclass, as well as how the military opts to play the game in this predicament.

    Several thousand PAD supporters have already taken over areas outside Government House, which is Thailand's equivalent of the White House. They have vowed to camp inside the compound until they succeed in ousting the Samak government for good and pushing for "new politics", whatever that means.

    The PAD suffered an initial setback when video footage on Tuesday showed their members armed with weapons and cloaked in black, ambushing NBT, a TV news station run by the Public Relations Department. Somehow their game plan went out of control. But that was just the first round of this fight. The PAD is now trying more footwork to keep its momentum alive.

    Samak has already become a lame duck prime minister. He has allowed the PAD to capture Government House. He has to hold meetings at the Army headquarters on the Chaeng Wattana Road, 20 kilometres away from downtown Bangkok.

    He is looking at ways to strike back at the PAD. But how can he do it?

    First, Samak may opt to sit back and do nothing. But this proposition is not feasible, as reclaiming Government House must be a top priority.

    Second, Samak may need to bring in the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship. The DAAD "red shirts" may be enlisted to take on the PAD "yellow shirts". That would fuel further violence, but the end result would certainly not go his way.

    Third, Samak must arrest the core leaders of the PAD, then find a way to quash their supporters inside Government House. This is what he's trying to do. The arrest warrants have been issued for the PAD's leaders. It's now the job of police to try to take these men away in handcuffs.

    Fourth, Samak might in the end find it impossible to continue as premier. In this case, he can either resign from office to pave the way for Parliament to form a new government. Or he can dissolve Parliament to call a snap election.

    For the PAD, its strategy is simple. It can withdraw from Government House and return to its camp at the Makkawan Rangsan Bridge. But this idea is out of the question as the PAD has decided to launch what it calls the "final war" and is going for broke.

    Second, the PAD may want to fight a violent war in order to initiate political change.

    Sources say the PAD wants Samak to step down to pave the way for Parliament to form a national government - with an outsider as prime minister. They want a new government to reform the country so it can make a break from "old politics" and the yoke of ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

    Doing so would require a suspension of some articles in the Constitution.

    The question is whether the military would go along with such a game plan. The latest military reshuffle, signed by Samak on Tuesday, has further strengthened Gen Anupong Paochinda, the Army chief, as the most powerful figure in Thailand. Whichever side he picks, that party will win in this power play. But at the moment, it's too hard to read his mind yet.

    Good article, good journalism with almost all options, what could happen. I do have to disagree on one sentence though.

    The latest military reshuffle, signed by Samak on Tuesday, has further strengthened Gen Anupong Paochinda, the Army chief, as the most powerful figure in Thailand

    He is not the most powerful figure in Thailand! The most powerful one has not come in play yet.


  8. Chamlong later apologized for his role in the events: "I wanted a peaceful rally," he said afterwards. "I can’t deny some responsibility for the damage and loss of life. I feel deeply sorry for those families whose members were killed in the incident, for those people who were injured and their families." Nevertheless, he noted that "we were right in what we have done."

    Quote Wikipedia Chamlong on the events of the bloody may 1992

  9. Hitler was democratic elected

    this is a commonly believed misconception.

    When the German voters had to decide in the 1932 Presidential election who they wanted to be President, they rejected Hitler and chose Hindenberg as Head of State instead by a huge margin. Hitler gained power by means of manipulating a democratic process - but definitely not through his individual democratic election. The Nazi party never received more than 30 odd per cent of the vote in any election.

    5. March 1933 NSDAP 43,9 %, plus 8 % Deutschnationale which was actually considered a bad result for them back in the days. Dont know what this has to do with the thailand topic, but i dont like wrong facts.



  10. Guess this is thailand,

    wasnt it to be opened last year, then this year, kings b-day....and now next year.

    anybody know for sure what the progress is.



  11. Hello All,

    slightly off topic, but still an extension of the train system. Is the airport link still planned to be opended in december this year, or are the more delays?



    P.S the staion at Hua Mark ( Srinakarin) seems to be finished soon....not sure about the main station on Makassan, though

  12. Hello all,

    Lotusbluete has said it all. Unbelievable, how a team can play without heart, when its down to only 2 games. I dont have much hope for the last game.

    On top of that newspapers in germany cover that martin jol has an offer from man city..... should he decide not to go to HSV, chaos is perfect.

    well, thats it....

    p.s lotusbluete...i accidentely deleted the PM, with your email-address, could you resend.



  13. ok guys point taken,

    we germans never fully understood your british humor :D .

    As for the stadiums, i agree.

    Well, dont be sad...you still have the IC ( island cup) with scottland,Ireland Northern Ireland and wales, or did you not qualify for that one either. :o



  14. Hello,

    its gonna be shown on thai tv. From the opening game to the final.

    Been looking everywhere, when is englands first game?

    I wonder why somone would call it mickey mouse competition, with the last world cups semi-finals being all european, it seems like this euro cup will be as competitive if not stronger than the world cup.



  15. Hello all,

    only one day to the soooooo crutial northern derby and it seems like Hamburg ´has a new manager.

    Martin Jol, former Tottenham manager looks like to take over after this season.

    I am quite happy with this decision,at least it is a decision after 5 mont of ongoing search.

    ok, good luck for tomorrow to all HSV supporters, wherever you may be.



  16. Hello all,

    well they did it. HSV can still score goals. After 4 games without a win or a goal, they beat Hansa Rostock 3:1.

    Lets hope, this gives a boost for the next game. The northern derby vs Wärda Brämen.

    Keep this thread up, boys...championsluague place isnt entirely gone yet, after schalke failed to win at home today.

    thats all for now.

    hummel hummel

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