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Posts posted by timonase

  1. hello all,

    well, for the people who dont live here, how do you know, what bangkok ist all about??? For the people who live here, and dont have to live here and dont like it, just dont be here, if you think its such a crappy place.

    I myself, live here for 7 years and am still amazed about the diversity and the surprises this city offers me day by day. Bangkok may not be the most beautiful cities in the world ( appearance), but without a doubt, one of the most relaxed metropols in the world.

    The way I understood the article, it wasnt about prettieness, but leisure and lifestyle.

    By the way I am not a dirty old geezer, but a 30 old journalist who has had the privelege to travel a lot in my short life.

    so, embrace bangkok the way it is, with all the, agreeable negative sides and you might find a hidden jewel still.

    best regards


  2. "It's So Fashionable To Bash Thaksin, Aint It?"

    so is this thread to do the, on this forum, not less fashionable sport of bash the Thais???

    I always say even late lessons learnt are better than never learn at all.

    After listening to the verdict about thai rak thai yesterday for a feww hours, it made even clearer, the bashing is more than correct.



  3. ever thought about why we have or used to have so many tanning studios in the west? might be an interesting discussion as well. You always want what you dont have. Here its working class to bbe dark, in the west its " i have been on vacation" to be dark......and so on and so on.



  4. Please allow me to say some words in german.

    Mein Beileid gilt Axels Familie und allen, die im sehr nahe standen. Ich habe ihn zwar nie persönlich kennengelernt, aber habe seinen Rat öfter gerne angenommen.

    Ich bin zutiefst bestürzt, über diese nachricht.

    In Trauer


  5. hello all,

    about three years ago, me and my girlfriend used to live in a single house on on nut 46. one day i hear her screaming for me and telling me to keep our dog upstairs. Belive it or not, we had a cobra in our kitchen. wasnt that big just about 2 meters. called the local soi security and the caught it and took it out of the house. have video footage, it was hiding under our chinese sprit house, which was downstairs on the floor.

    apart from that biggest i have seen was in a zoo.



  6. hello,

    so it starts at suvanarbhumi and goes to paya thai? is that the same link that come from the airport an goes by srinakarin, pattanakarn, rama9 and if yes are there any stops on the way.

    sorry i am a little confused, as i can see the construction from my house on pattanakarn 41 and though i will be linked to it in some way as well.



  7. thank you,

    please could you tell me what direction i exit bangkok on the motorway, is it the rangsit way???



    edit by myself: it is obviously not the motorway to rangsit, the problem is i cant find the highway 317, there is the highway 314 towards chachoengsao, the rest i see, 319 towards Phanom Sarakrahm, then the 304 and then finally back on the A1 to sakeaw and aran, right?

    one more questins, the motorway exiting bangkok, is that the one rama 9, srinakarin way?

    regards and thanks alot


  8. Samstag, 05. Mai 2007, 18:16 Uhr

    Bombenexplosion im Zentrum von Bangkok

    In der thailändischen Hauptstadt Bangkok ist eine Bombe explodiert. Dabei wurde ein Mensch verletzt. Der Sprengsatz war nahe einer Telefonzelle in einer Seitenstraße im Stadtzentrum deponiert. Nähere Einzelheiten wurden zunächst nicht mitgeteilt. Der Fernsehsender iTV berichtete, bei dem Verletzten handele es sich um einen 22 Jahre alten Mann. Die politische Lage in Thailand ist seit dem Militärputsch und dem Sturz von Ministerpräsident Thaksin Shinawatra im September instabil.

    sorry only in german, talking about bomb going off oin phone booth, one man injured. itv reporting in thai tv.



  9. I have talked to 3 different law firms and all three prefered the usufruct. after all it seemed to be the best choice for me. No doubt questions are being asked about all sorts of foreign involment in property at the moment, but thats thailand at the moment and you either are willing to put trust in to the thai system, that it is not becoming even more hostile in the future or not invest in any way. I believe everybody has to make that choice for themselves.

    as for the option under the current situation, the usufruct is believed to be the safest( but then again no guarantees for the future)



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