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Posts posted by timonase

  1. Hello,

    as mentioned before, i am in the process of buying property, not married myself. I understand that after you do get married everything is back to normal, meaning the property will be shared in case of a divorce.

    The only advantage, if you can call it so, is that the foreigner does not have to sign, that he waives any rights to the property. I am unsure whether he has to sign this paper if the couple gets married afterwards.

    But then, the usufruct come into play after the divorce anyways, meaning that the foreigner can use or rent out the property for as long as he lives.



  2. Hello,

    i am just in the process of buying a house, not being married myself. We use sunbelt asia, to have an usufruct registered on the chanote(landpaper). There is no disandvantage of being not married, at least thats how i understand the lawyers from sunbelt, as if married you would have to sign that the property is not part of the marriage deal, anyways. If you get married anytime after you bought the property, your wife only has to goe change the chanote and the land office.

    I reccomend you to see a good law firm about the usufruct process anyways.

    best regards


  3. Hello,

    Nigeria is the most common scam location, on ebay and on the internet in general. When i still sold stuff on ebay, i was contacted once a month by people who wanted to buy lots of my offered goods. They always wanted to pay western union money....something... it always was a service3 wetern union does not even offer.

    stay away and sell your mac here.



  4. Having had homeowners insurance for my whole life and never made a claim, when I arrived in Thailand, I concluded that nothing in my home was so expensive I couldn't replace it and went with no insurance.

    Keep in mind that your insurance settlement takes into account depreciation when you make your claim unless you specify replacement value.

    I rahther meant to insure the property itself

    Thanks for the answers, i will look into the matter.

    if anybody else has experiences....... feel free, everything is appreciated.



  5. Chang Light is my favorite. It tastes more like the American lagers than any other beer I have tried. San Mig Light is okay. It tastes a lot like Miller Lite to me. I like to drink Singh Light whenever I don't want to get drunk since it has less than 4% alcohol. If none of the above is available, I'll always just order a Heineken. I'm not really a big fan of the high alcohol % beers but that is probably just because I grew up drinking American beers which are usually around 4.2% alcohol.

    tastes like american lager, well i was up for giving it a try, but now.....................

    well, leo it is for me... as long as no german beer is availale or affordable.



  6. Hello again,

    thanks for all the answers. I believe i will just go ahead with it, as i also believe that if we love the house, a couple of thousand bucks more or less shouldnt matter. I just didnt want to get ripped of! as for location. The house id relatively close to the new skytrain coming from the airport( about a mile to the future station), whenever that will be finished.

    The house is not meant to be a future investment, but you know.... maybe one day it will.



  7. Hello,

    thanks for the answers. Please understand i am completely aware of the legal situation.... usufruct contract, to at least have a bit of security would be made in case of purchase. I know you dont know my situation and it is not so simple to explain. We already live in the house, we want to buy, for rent!!! It is the only house i would want to buy here in bangkok.... all these things make a discount a little harder. The owner is not calling me, i contact the owner to talk about a possible interest in buying the house.

    Well, is it really a buyers market at the moment. Even on this forum everybody seems to have a different opinon on this, nevermind lawyers and agents. I believe the political situation is no different on houses as it is on condos. If the goverment one day decides they do not want foreigners anymore, they also do not want condo owners anymore.

    by the way, all the fees will be covered by him, i guess thats what he thought is his discount.

    thanks again for the

  8. Hello,

    i am looking into buying a house, directly from the owner. Is it common to bargain, as it seems that he doesnt want to go down at all from the list price. For your understanding it is a six townhouse complex and four of them are already sold. The owner claims that all other people ( thais) paid the same list price. Also my wife says thai people usually pay the price given. Does anyone have experience in this topic. Please advice.

    best regards and thanks for the help.


  9. I have been there in february. To be quite honest i was not so impressed. No bungalows on the beach in sihanoukville, all behind the costal street. beach is nice though. the tuk tuk drivers are a pain in..... Excellent seafood, though.



  10. I ll think pnhom phen is probably the cheapest and most interesting tour to do at the moment. Nice laid back atmosphere, yes very poor but very friendly as well. Sit on the waterfront, maybe on the balcony of the FCCC ( foreign correspondent club cambodia) and have a cheap and delicous ankor beer.

    A bit of sightseeing at daytime.



  11. Whether German consulates/embassy share visa issuance data I have no idea.

    An obvious question is on what grounds have you been requesting the visa? That may help in understanding whether they have been generous to you in the past and why you were told not to return. Others more knowledgeable than I may then be able to offer you advice on presentation of your next application.

    I have german clothing and textile company and requested the visa to expand business contacts and buying products on the thai market for that company. Of course my company pays my flights and accomodation during my business trips.

    thanks for the answers


  12. Hello all,

    for the last four years on my annual visit home in Hamburg, Germany i always applied for a non immigrant b visa. Never had any problems. This time the lady at the reception said" this is going to be the last". Would it work just to go to a different consulate in germany or even the embassy in berlin, or are they all connected with each other.

    Has anybody heard of limits of applying for certain visa.

    best regards and thanks for the help.

    timo Ruge

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