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Posts posted by timonase

  1. Sorry, but you're missing the point as well, that it chiefly depends on your background (language group/relative language proximity, age, stimulation of language-related skills in your environment, previous languages mastered.)

    It is just as wrong to state that English is one of the easiest languages in the world as it is to state that Thai is.

    It depends on your starting point. Of course, if you speak one or more Northern European languages from the start and have been exposed to latin-derived vocabulary through studies of science or direct studying of a Romance language, you will find it very easy to learn English, but not so if you are 40 years old and your starting point is Japanese with no previous exposure to European languages.

    Well, firefox, there we go! So who stated in the original threat that Thai was not hard to lern?? You!! Coming to thailand, at a quite young age, so for YOU it wasnt that hard!!!!

    Anyways, i am far off, wanting to fight with you as many others have done before, the only thing i would recommend to you is to be as diplomatic in your original threads as you try to be now.

    To the english language, its not wrong to say that it is one of the easier languages in the world. as it is!!

    I have two mother tounges, German and turkish, but grew up in germany. My father is turkish, so i was raised bilingual. Still, i have an german accent in my turkish so........ i dont want to comment on your statement, of not having an accent in your Thai AT ALL........

    People, say the cannot here a german accent when i talk english, rather a brummi accent. Do i have to believe them, i rather think they mean, its as close as it gets to being gone. Always be careful with terms like "perfection" or "nobody" can hear the different.

    Well, you neither dis-or encouraged me to learn, i just keep on learning anyway, whether its thai, english or even german and turkish.


  2. Also Thailand does have a VERY HUGE DRINKING PROBLEM.   Believe it or not about 70 percent of the Thai population are alcoholics!!!!!!!!!  If you don't believe me, look around and you will without doubt find someone drinking from some glass or bottle.  Thai booze here is awful cheap, at 100 baht.  This stuff is so strong, you are totally drunk by the time you drink 1/8 of the bottle.  But that is not all, these people now have gotten so used to drinking they are doing near 1- 6 pack of Thai Whiskey every day.  They also glue sniff here cause it is so easy to get.

    How does closing the tourist places like phuket, pattaya plus touristy places in Bkk, affect the motorbike guys, chicken sellers, somtam ladies and so on from drinking local whisky or prevent local slum kids from sniffing glue?

    Closing the bars is like just a little effort to keep Thai people from getting so drunk, so late in the morning, so they will have enough time to sober up to go to work the next morning.

    Again, closing touristy places does not affect, the local pissheads at all!

    I agree only drawback is to the Tourists.  But I don't see that being a problem because even in America most bars and night clubs do close between 1 and 2 am in the morning.  Very few now are opened to 4 am.

    Yeah, as america under dubya is not very appealing to tourist anymore, anyways!

    I don't think it will affect people that much.  It will affect the bar and entertainment owners to some extent of loss revenues for what 1 lousey particular hour. 

    Do you know when bars usually make the most money? After 12, so its not only one hour less, its only hour of big bucks! Plus,  you said it yourself, it will not stop the drinking problem, but affect people who are in fact not drinking, as bar owners or little karaoke owners.

  3. I wasn't trying to be original, rather I was trying to get comments on why westerners consider Thai to be so hard when it is actually much simpler and more structured than English. 

    First of all i dont want to compare my thai to yours at all, i still consider myself as a beginner++(after living here for 4 years). I can speak, i can read, but i would never call me fluent or say about myself i didnt have an accent at all.

    But now to what i wanted to say, according to your quote, you compare english, the maybe easiest language in the world, with thai? Give me a break, i learnt english myself as i am not a native speaker and after 10 years only living in english speaking countries or now for four years in bangkok, living with native english speakers i can say i come close to be fluent.

    But trying to learn thai, is far more complicated for me(eventhough i work with many thais). Also, please if you want to compare the difficulties of the thai language dont take the simple english as an comparison point, try turkish for example( one of the more tricky euro-asian languages or german)

    Again, i dont want to doubt your abillity to handle thai but be resonable.

  4. I thought the poll was about what people drink while they are in Thailand, not whats their favourite beer in general.

    Well, as i am from germany, i like a good Wheat beer, but mostlikly brands they dont have here.

    Coming back to the poll, i thinks the best value for money is beer chang.

  5. i have been to ranong twice myself and i think the way to the immigration, then on the boat over to myanmar, then back again to the thai immigration is a bit of a pain in the butt. But i must admit ranong is a nice pleasent city.

    As for mae sot, if you have a night stop there, there is a highly recommendable dinner restaurant called " Kao Mau, Kao Fang" ( spelling?) which is located in a nice and garden, waterfall atmosphaere, just a about 2 miles outside of mae sod.

    good food, reasonable prices.


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