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Everything posted by Ctkong

  1. Let Thais show them true Thai ‘hospitality’ for non payments.
  2. That is the irony of democracy. The person you may vote against gets into office and you reap the result of his policies regardless. Tarring every American with the same brush is a universal act.
  3. In Thailand, it is easy to make people disappear. The fee is cheap and plenty of opportunities to kidnap and murder people. Taxis can be fake and authorities bribed to turn the other way. People had been kidnapped by fake taxis in front of their hotel or kidnapped at the meeting place and nobody would be wiser. life is cheap here and many foreigners found that out to their detriment.
  4. I have a true story to tell. My Singaporean friend who worked for a German firm in Singapore once told me a story of his German superior coming to Indonesia via Singapore to collect an unpaid debt of US$200,000 that was owed for more than a year. The Singapore office side was unable to collect on the debt thus the German was sent from head office instead. The German met up with the customer in Indonesia and after a couple of meeting at the customer’s office, the customer relented and paid the whole debt in Indonesia rupiah in front of the German guy .The debt was paid in full with photo and documents as evidence. However the Indonesian customer informed the German guy that he would not be responsible for the German guy’s money once he stepped outside his office. Given the state of security in Indonesia capital Jakarta at that time where people kill for less money, the German guy was reluctant to hold onto the cash. The customer then came up with a solution to wire the money instead to the Singapore office . The German ,being not wanting to be responsible for the safe keeping of the cash, immediately agreed to the proposal. When told to the Singaporean manager later on about the proposal, my friend laughed at the German stating that the debt will never be paid and no money will be wired. He was right on the button there.
  5. Thailand is a pragmatic country as the law of justice is slanted towards the rich. Lawyers, judges ,politicians , you can influence them if money changed hands. So if disputes can settle amiably unofficially without going to courts, what is wrong with that. Mafia and Traids had been doing that in society before there were any meaningful law enforcement around.
  6. The Chinese are up to no good . It is just an underworld business that gone wrong.
  7. Thais taking the law into their own hands because the wheel of justice turns slowly depending upon the amount of ‘grease ‘ applied.
  8. Given the attitude of Chinese businesses towards their own country folks in China, it is just business as usual. No ultruistic attitude expected.
  9. Again bad driving habits. Excuse of driving against traffic for years having no bad outcome is just an accident waiting to happen depending upon the oncoming vehicle’s driving habit. 99.9% safety only meant that out of 1000 times there is one time that you don’t make it. So if you drive as such for 3 years, there will be a time when you come up badly.
  10. Thai drivers are not conscious of situational awareness and drive accordingly to the road situation. They just drive like they always do. Their reason? I have been driving like this for years and nothing bad happened to me until it does.
  11. Probably he think not wrongly that using lawyers and throwing money at the problem will make it go away . The hell with other beach users. Thailand seem to attract such undesirables and white trash like flies attracted to garbage dumps.
  12. How many people would not take something valuable left on a chair and owner had gone missing ? Would they take it to the authority for safe keeping until the rightful owner come to claim the belonging ? I think not. There are many Thais who are Buddhists in name but actually not practicing Buddhism. A good buddhist would not crave other people’s belonging and wouid accept their current life as their karma.
  13. Thai culture of face saving and the concept of borrowing without repayment . Using the term borrowing is just a face saving term for grifting. You never see your money again. This happened to me from my kid’s teacher.
  14. Losing face in public to a Thai is very embarrassing and losing all reasoning.
  15. Why laughable ? Posting it online after having your way with her without her consent and respecting her privacy is deplorable and disgusting for a human being. Karma will bite him on the arse. Oh , it seems it already did.. enjoy his stay at the Hilton on the invitation of the royal police.
  16. She did it in a fair exchange not scamming or robbing anybody. Being put in unwanted public spotlight without her consent is a violation of her basic human right. Person is just trying to make a living .
  17. In Malaysia and other countries, the police are not so energetic in smashing crime syndicates in cyber scams so long as the victims are not from their (police) own countries. That is why Chinese scammers in foreign land scam their own country folks. Without the pressure of locals filing police reports, the police would only act upon the pressure from interpol or embassies . That is why there are Malaysians scammers operating out of myanmar or Cambodia to scam Malaysians, Chinese scammers operation out of Thailand , myanmar or Cambodia to scam fellow Chinese. thai scammers operating out of myanmar or Cambodia to scam Thais. Never or rarely do syndicate scammers scam within their own country. Thus scammers operating in Cambodia do not scam Cambodians, those in Myanmar do not scam myanmar citizens and so on. There seem to be an unwritten rule that you do not shxx onto the place you eat or sleep.
  18. They are neither blind or stupid. They are just not caring for the ensuing problems when they cropped up because it is not their business to take care of. The problems go to other departments to resolve while they reap the benefits of open borders.
  19. Visas would not be a problem for those Chinese criminals as I knew of some Chinese who entered with new passports even though they were deported recently. How they managed to evade the scrutiny is remarkable. There must be an underground network with set up businesses to facilitate these people. I also knew of some Thais who ventured into Cambodia often to work for their bosses in scams. They just come and go across the border. Seem to have no problem doing that.
  20. Correct. I have a monk who has a van and volunteer driver to drive him to do home or new business blessings … monks need private transportation too not only public ones.
  21. I think Thailand need economy of scale for EV to provide enough charging stations in both rural areas as well as cities.
  22. Didn’t the Toyota Tacoma had issues with their engines recently with recalls?
  23. Make those public transports such as tuk tuk , taxis and buses into Ev like some countries doing now. Air pollution would decrease dramatically.
  24. The large F150 is not suitable for Thai roads especially the alleys that are too narrow for American truck. Sharp junctions also make the Soi travel stressful. I remembered my Japanese friend in Nagoya who imported the Benz S500 from America. Not only is it a LHD but is a headache everytime he travel along one of those small alleys in Nagoya.
  25. My Australian friend had a F150 for pulling his horse carriage in Australia. I think it was right hand drive RHD version . I may be mistaken of course.
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