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Posts posted by NoshowJones

  1. 23 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    Agree but in a democracy what is said in parliament is immune from defamation prosecution under parliamentary privilege. This should never happen. Any abuse of parliamentary privilege is sorted out in parliament but this isn't abuse. It's simply pointing out corruption under what I would think to be parliamentary privilege.

    "Agree but in a democracy" This Banana Republic of Thailand is anything but a democracy. Even in Parliament, who decides what defamation is? It is only a word to suit those with the most power and that is not a PM who does not have a backing of soldiers with guns and tanks.

    • Agree 1
  2. 21 hours ago, John Drake said:


    Yes, I liked Prayuth's government better than this one. I wouldn't use the D-word for it, but I often wonder if other current politicians have precisely that in mine.  Now, why did I prefer Prayuth?


    Electricity prices were cheaper


    Inflation was low


    Immigration was stable, with no major changes


    There was no remittance tax


    There was no proposal for a worldwide income tax


    Prayuth did a better job in foreign policy, while being pro China he walked the line between China and the US better than does the Shin government


    Didn't have government regulations about mobile phones that could cause you to lose your number


    While Prayuth was PM I never had a flood cover my first floor for two months as it did under the Shinawatras




    What about all the money grabbing from the unelected soldier and his medical profession and hotel owning buddies during the Chinese virus?

  3. 22 hours ago, Cabradelmar said:

    Of course it's a conflict... the PM made his fortune on real estate development. His only ideas are geared to reinvigorate that market. Largely because it's the ONLY thing he understands (otherwise, he's the worst political leader THA has had in decades, maybe ever).  If he really wants to get hit with conflict charges, reshuffle the TRD (and sack that nutter who wants a worldwide tax scheme), and revert the tax laws that changed 1-Jan that are now holding the market back... why not, in for a penny, in for a pound.

    "he's the worst political leader THA has had in decades,"  What???? Don't you remember the also unelected soldier who led that illegal coup in 2014 and stayed in charge of this backward third world country for 9 years?

  4. 1 hour ago, champers said:

    Both Labour and the Tories are losing voters to Reform so smear campaigns in the media are only to be expected.  There will be no let up till voting day.

    Hopefully, from 5th of July, Reform will be a mere footnote in UK political history.

    Labour  the party of the "working class"  with the multimillionaire "Sir" in charge, or a guy from a family of emigrants?? Nobody could be any worse than them, so for a change vote for Reform.

    • Sad 1
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  5. 2 hours ago, jesimps said:

    Being that he was responsible for the overthrow of a democratically elected government and paving the way for the military to take power for donkey's years, I reckon his sentence should have been drastically increased.

    What about the former unelected PM who caused an illegal coup in 2014? Why has he not been charged the same as that other criminal Suthep?

    • Confused 1
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  6. 23 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

    I did not know that they booked flights.

    I only use them for hotels.

    For flights, I try to book with the airline.

    No one else will help you if anything goes wrong.

    If you want to book a hotel, don't forget to add the 17% taxes on the price Agoda first quotes you. They do have the small print, but that is because they know most people don't notice it.


    • Thumbs Up 1
  7. On 6/22/2024 at 8:40 AM, impulse said:

    If they made it a little easier for foreigners to open legal factories and a little more difficult for foreigners to operate illegal factories, I suspect they could replace 15,000 Thai jobs in a heartbeat.


    Also, I wonder about the net...  Factories open.  Factories shut down.  That's normal.    The question is, are there more new ones opening than closing, or is this a net loss?  And is it a significant number?  (Obviously it is for the 15,300, but hopefully, they can find new jobs at new and/or growing factories)


    Also, 567 factories with 15,300 jobs is less than 30 jobs per.  That would lead me to believe it's smaller factories, that normally have a higher churn.


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    "If they made it a little easier for foreigners to open legal factories and a little more difficult for foreigners to operate illegal factories, I suspect they could replace 15,000 Thai jobs in a heartbeat.

    Common sense is not the trait of Thai governments.

  8. 3 hours ago, mikebell said:

    Whilst ignoring the daily slaughter on the roads.

    The patrol cars are sitting outside the highway police stations most of the time because their budget does not include enough for fuel to keep these cars on the road.

    Would common sense not tell you that these cars with their crew could be sitting at certain spots out of sight from traffic and watching for bad driving than sitting in these Highway police stations probably playing with their phones.

    The officers themselves would probably tell you that if they were patrollig the roads all the time the drivers would always see them and start behaving themselves, so they may as well just stay for long periods in their stations.

    • Sad 1
  9. 2 hours ago, khunjeff said:


    Actually, exchange rates are normally quite good. At this moment, the Visa rate (which I would get from using my foreign debit card at an ATM here) is 36.61 THB/USD, only marginally lower than the SuperRich cash rate of 36.67. And the fees and charges are dependent on your bank. If your card has no foreign exchange fee and refunds all ATM fees - as mine does - then the "service charges" are zero.

    What bank's that then? Bangkok bank charged me 500Bt for a replacement  debit card when I lost  my original one.

    • Confused 1
  10. 4 hours ago, SbuxPlease said:

    The only thing you need to know about the average traveler coming to Pattaya:


    Every hotel in Pattaya demands a cash deposit in case the guest steals something from the room.


    "Every hotel in Pattaya demands a cash deposit in case the guest steals something from the room". Hotels and guesthouses have to get payment up front otherwise some guests will just do a fly by night, and that applies anywhere. I have stayed in lots of hotels and guesthouses in Pattaya and I don't ever remember paying any more than the agreed price up front for the nights you are staying.

    • Agree 2
  11. 7 minutes ago, simple1 said:


    Conservatives have stuffed up for the past decade or so. If Labour get into power one hopes they have learnt some lessons; have to wait and see if they can make overall improvements. Whoever gets info power they're going to face some very tough challenges. IMO Farage definitely is not the man...


    "Conservatives have stuffed up for the past decade or so." True, and Labour have stuffed up since the sixties and seventies when Wilson was PM and they will stuff up again with this Tory in disguise "Sir" in charge.

    • Agree 1
  12. On 6/15/2024 at 10:25 AM, simple1 said:

    Nationalism and associated divisive politics has never had a happy ending. Farage is yet another revolting sycophant of trump. This is the eight time Farage has tried to get elected as an MP - I sincerely wish he fails again.

    So you would rather have this "Sir" as PM again?

  13. On 6/15/2024 at 4:50 AM, Chomper Higgot said:

    It’s an ‘outlier’ result following the introduction by YouGov of a new methodology.


    The polling averages and polling trends are a better indicator and at this stage MRP polls are probably the most reliable.


    I don’t think it’s anywhere near indicative of actual voting intention, but if it further panics the Tories it’ll do for now.



    It's amazing how many working class Brits actually believe that Labour with a multimillionaire "Sir" is actually going to do anything for the working class. Every labour PM since Harold Wilson has betrayed the British working class big time.

    Why do you think that from the time since Wilson was PM right up until now, it has been the Tories who have been in control of the country the majority of that time?

    The vast majority of the British people are working class, so surely the Tories should never have been in power since Wilsons time.

    It just goes to prove that all these Labour PM's since then have badly let the electorate down. So why can't the working class people not see this.

    Do they really think this "Sir" is going to be any better?



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