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Posts posted by NoshowJones

  1. Work out at home, only good if you have a room to make a home gym in, some money to invest and will stay here for a longer time. Else join a gym.

    Work out at home, only good if you have a room to make a home gym in, some money to invest and will stay here for a longer time. Else join a gym.

    Robblok, Why does no one mention the variety of fitness machines in parks all over Thailand, they are excellent and free. I use them five mornings a week. Surely that is better than joining expensive gyms, or buying expensive equipment.
  2. Nothing personal to our SA brothers and sisters. But, I rate their English as the second most difficult English to understand, second to the Scots.

    My own informal worthless poll:

    Top to bottom, top being most difficult.

    1. Scotland

    2. South African

    3. Liverpool

    4. Nigerian

    5. TN and Mississippi English

    6. New Jersey (US)

    7. SE England

    8. Mid US

    9. California

    10. My own biggrin.png

    Swap Scotland with Liverpool, Liverpool is the most dreadful accent I have ever heard, and so hard to understand, especially the high pitched male voices. Do you remember the scouse soap Brookside? I rest my case.
  3. look on Agoda maybe a few listed this far out. On Soi 50 is a ok hotel but prices have been going up since I stayed there last, and sorry cannot remember name.

    Don't look on Agoda, they have extra taxes in small print. the reason for the small print is the same with small print everywhere. The reason the print is small is because they are hoping you won't notice.
  4. I don't usually like to make flippant comments but your question is like 'Why did the chicken cross the raod'

    Therefore the answers I will give you are;

    Because they can

    Because it gives a few guys a job.

    It makes the road look pretty

    Other than that I have to agree with most of the posts that they are used as guidelines/warnings, but there again many Thais have never read the Highway Code and wouldn't know this so I guess my original answers are what you might get in reply.

    Do Thais have a highway code?
  5. I wasn't really complaining. I was just noticing the difference. In many ways I kind of enjoy the "unlawlessness" of it here. My sister in London has a small car, but it's always parked in their paid for parking spot. They always take the subway, bus or train system unless taking a trip to the countryside. I just thought it strange to waste money painting lines on the roads when nobody is ever going to follow them as a rough sort of guidance. You just get used to people coming at you in your lane. I think it might be tougher for people from North America to adjust because they normally drive on the right in Canada and the US. In an emergency a person tends to revert to how they learned. That can be a disaster when driving in Thailand or Britain.

    Don't compare driving in Thailand with driving in Britain. When British drivers speed, cut you up etc, and plenty do, it's because they are ignorant. When drivers in Thailand do the same it's not because they are ignorant, it's because they don't know any better, and have very little common sense.
  6. I'd say the forum would be a less interesting place without people like yourself

    Why thanks Bookie, I wouldn't be doing my job if everyone agreed with me 8-)

    And wrt kissing, note the Thais need to be taught to do it in the first place, if you're looking for a girl inexperienced with farang and she knows how to kiss, you've been had.

    I've gotten out of the habit myself, bit like wearing shoes in the house. One of my girls thought she'd give it a go from watching videos and really jumped in full-on tongue wrestling, freaked me right out! Had to give her points for enthusiasm though. . .

    The first Thai girl I went out with (not a bargirl) was 31 years old, she had no idea how to kiss, it didn't take long to teach her though, she was very affectionate, and even took my hand on our first date. I believe lots of Thai girls especially those from up country only know about kissing by watching western movies, when I worked as a school teacher, I saw plenty of boys and girls together holding hands in the corridors etc, but never once did I see any kissing. I've come to the conclusion that most Thai men are only interested in the Wham Bam Thankyou Mam.
  7. Why do foreigners expect Thais to love them?

    ........... especially if no one else does in their home countries.

    Does any ugly old grossly overweight Farang, dressed in a simmet and shorts, covered in Tattoos, and with facial hair seriously believe a beautiful young bargirl will love him? Well they will, until his money runs out. These are the sort of losers who can't get a woman in their own country, but think they can buy love over here. That is not love, the bargirls are just taking him for a ride, and getting well paid for it, and good luck to them.
    • Like 1
  8. That is what is wrong with Thai immigration, some offices will do this, some won't. some will do that and some won't. Sometimes it depends on what mood the officer is in. May I give you an example, this is not my personal experience, but a good friend of a few years told me of his experience, he wanted an O visa based on marriage, Phitsanulok will not accept a combination of money in your Thai bank and money you have coming into the country. It must be 400000 Baht in the bank or 40000Baht coming into the country every month. I'm told some other immigration offices will accept a combination. Thailand should make sure all their immigration offices stick to whatever rules they decide on.

    Phitsanulok immigraiton was right, based on marriage a combination is not allowed. (Based on retirement it is allowed).

    That is exactly as I said Mario, the point I am making is, if other immigration offices will accept a combination, why won't the Phitsanulok office? every immigration office in Thailand should go by the same rules.
  9. 1. Rather than doing the the change of visa status it would be best to get the O visa first.

    For the change of visa status to get an extension based upon marriage you would need to show you have the 40K income or 400K in the bank.

    For the B visa change of status you would need the work permit application and etc. plus company documents.

    2. Yes

    3. My last (over 4 years ago) two visas from Savannakhet have all the info about my marriage including date and registration number at Amphoe. If not I am sure if you asked they would write it on the sticker.

    Sorry to differ...

    1. Phuket Labour like to have Non 'B' Visas and have baulked in the past at Non 'O's - this would be a big risk, plus the 2.18 (Thai Spouse and working) Extension process at Phuket Immigration is straight forward with the correct paperwork if married with WP and a Non 'B' with income >40k pcm, note the Income Requirement is lower for most than with a 2.1 Extension (Employment).

    2. See my comment above - it's not worth the risk at Phuket - plus why get a non 'O' if you can get a Non 'B'?

    3. Again - do not recommend Non 'O' if the OP can get a Non 'B'

    My employers now seem confident that they can process a work permit with a non-O. Can you tell me more about Phuket Labour demanding a non-B for this?

    Would they be within their rights to do so, when the national rules state otherwise? I can't find any accounts of this happening by searching the ThaiVisa forums & the rules seem to state only that a non-immigrant visa is required, it does not specify O or B.

    The advantage of the non-O that I can see is that the application process is easier and I won't lose my extension if I lose my job.

    Another poster suggested a run to Chaeng Wattana, but that's an extra 1000 k round trip if it doesn't work out.

    That is what is wrong with Thai immigration, some offices will do this, some won't. some will do that and some won't. Sometimes it depends on what mood the officer is in. May I give you an example, this is not my personal experience, but a good friend of a few years told me of his experience, he wanted an O visa based on marriage, Phitsanulok will not accept a combination of money in your Thai bank and money you have coming into the country. It must be 400000 Baht in the bank or 40000Baht coming into the country every month. I'm told some other immigration offices will accept a combination. Thailand should make sure all their immigration offices stick to whatever rules they decide on.
  10. his employers will left wondering why he fell asleep

    Let me make a wild guess - because he was tired ?

    The employer was probably as much to blame for insisting their drivers work very long hours. Why did that news reach the paper? That sort of thing is happening nearly every day in Thailand with the truck and bus drivers. Why do you never see them having their tachographs checked at the side of the road by the police? Don't tell me, they don't use tachographs. TIT.
  11. I said there were 13000 deaths on Thailands roads every year, I did know that was only people who died at the scene, I am really surprised to hear now there are about 35000 deaths every year on the roads. I would like to know how many of these fatalities are underage children being given the keys for motorbikes by their stupid parents. Only today an obviously underage girl did a u-turn in front of me in front of the police. As an ex teacher, I know the girl was underage because of her haircut.

  12. hahahaha, maybe if the thai drivers actually knew the road rules or had a license it might be better. Considering most thai drivers only care about themselves and what they want to do, trying to drive by the rules here is almost impossible. Double lines on a blind corner mean go fast when you cross over them, the cars coming the other way will go off the road for you, what a joke. I have to admit though, I am getting used to it but it would be nice if they understood they need to stop at red lights.

    What rules would that be? To have a good chance of avoiding accidents driving in Thailand, you need to drive defensively all the time and use a lot of common sense. There are around 13000 Thais dying on Thai roads every year probably mostly through drink driving and a severe lack of common sense, which we all know Thais are not known for.
    • Like 1
  13. The man then went into his own kitchen and came out with the knife, to protect his dog and hopefully drive the animal away.

    How would a dog recognize a knife as something dangerous? the obvious thing here would have been a big stick (or a broom which he surly would have had to hand).

    17 stab wounds is is a frenzied attack, how do we know that the bits were from the retriever before he started attacking it, to me a retriever is very much a docile animal and possibly the injuries to the german were sustained as the dog defended itself.

    Anyway a person who does that to a dog should never be allowed to keep any animal.

    I would say fair enough. And it is an undeniable fact that Thai's do not control their dogs. I don't really know why they acquire them in the first place other than TiT

    The vast majority of Thais only have dogs to guard their property.
    • Like 1
  14. I am on the Germans side. Some of you guys don't get it.

    We get singled out here a lot and by our own while the Thai's stick together right or wrong.

    For me even though I am American, I chose to believe the German. He isn't to far off the marker

    Even though you can cut wholes ( No pun intended) in his story the fact remains that the Thai dog owners

    Never take responsibility for their dogs. If their dog bits you it's not their dog, they only give it food sometimes

    If you dog bits them they want money right away, starting at 4,000 baht. If you hit them on the motorcycle even no damage they want money

    If they hit you on a motorcycle they give you the middle finger as they run off. So, for all you nayers in here I hope you don't have to stand alone anytime soon.

    As he said this was an ongoing issue, he did file a complaint, nothing was done...not surprising. The police in Sattahip force you to take things into your own hands

    I would say that the Thai dog owner doesn't really care anyway, he is most likely waiting for a handsome payout of 20,000 baht or so. Then he will go buy more dogs and put them out

    in the street just so this guy will kill them again. Instead of the police fining the guy for not keeping his dog fenced in or leashed he will get a reward for doing the wrong thing which seems to be

    consistent with the rule of law here.

    Again, a good point, but for your own safety forget the Knife, use a big stick.
  15. So lets get the story straight.

    1.Instead of taking a different route, he kept walking his "well trained" dog in the same area further escalating the problem?

    The other dog was simply protecting its territory as most dogs do

    2. His well trained Rottweiler was unable to defend itself?

    3. Supposedly after the last attack, he

    a. went home

    b. took a knife, supposedly to scare the other dog?blink.png

    c. Went back

    d. the dog just attacked him? for no reason, interesting that the dog never attacked him before, only his dog

    e. A Rottweiler needs a protection from a retriever?whistling.gif

    Not only the man is short of few IQ points, but does not even seem to comprehend the basics of dog ownership,

    Man capable of stabbing an animal 17 times in cold blood is capable of stabbing another human being, only the matter of time.

    I do feel sorry for the Rottweiler not only for his owner, but also very likely the dog will be poisoned by the thai neighbors, though hope authority's will throw him out of the country after having him serve sometime in luxury Thai prison

    Maybe, as in the street where i live, there is only one way to leave it! (Why should he have to accept a no go area in the village he lives?)

    If he had an attack dog i am sure you would be slagging him off too.

    If i could not leave my street (if that is the case), had asked the police and the Thai man to control his "attack dog" but nothing happened, i'm sure i would be inclined to do the same.

    It's reported he had been attacked before!

    What the %cuk has the breed got to with an uncontrable dog attacking another?

    Basics of dog ownership. What are you talking about?

    Good post except for one thing, I would not use a knife, a knife is not much good for self defence as you need to be very close to your assailant for it to be effective. A stick is ideal.
  16. Too many "stray" dogs in Thailand as it is. Who will really miss this one? Keep your dog inside or risk random farangs stabbing it to death is the moral of the story here.

    maybe the owners children will never forget the sight of their beloved pet barbarically killed in the street by some crazed farang

    this act might well be the root cause of a thai-farang death at some time in the future by those same children

    for sure its not going help thai german relations is it.......?

    That is very well said Timekeeper, but I've got to say if I was walking down the street and a dog as much as bit me, I would take a stick to it if possible. I do not hate dogs, I have two at present and they both stay in the grounds of my house. Also, they are both walked most days. I also had a Labrador for 14 years when I lived in the UK.
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  17. Anyway, never underestimate the reaction of a Thai.

    If they end up losing it, which may happen for the slightest of reasons given their emotionally restrictive culture and build up of anger, it isn't going to be a few punches they let loose.

    What you are saying is wrong, Thai people are the most tolerant people on earth, and I believe 99.99 % of them would not harm anyone without good reason, the thing I would say is if any Thais did want to harm anyone, they would have to be in a group as they are too cowardly to try and harm you by themselves.
  18. There's anger and there's psychotic violence: whoever did this has been watching too many death wish movies. I can understand the rage felt at the theft of something special to you, but to kill four people, that's just wrong.

    rage at having a bike stolen?

    Rage/anger/mild irritation or whatever, still no reason to embark upon a killing spree.

    If I was walking down the street and was attacked by a stranger without any provocation, I would be happy to kill them, and believe me I would, because scum like that do not deserve to live amongst decent people, and in the two countries I have lived in, the UK and Thailand, the vast majority of people are decent.
  19. I bet this wasn't the first bike that had stolen?

    Is it me, am I right in thinking that since the present Gov. came into power these types of crime have been increasing? If so could it be because people are not as well off as such are becoming more desperate and committing more crimes in order to live?

    It doesn't matter how poor you are, you do not commit crimes against ordinary people, or steal from them, and that applies in any country.
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