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Posts posted by NoshowJones

  1. Tesco had a bunch of stuff on reduced price yesterday...around the store (actually they are always clearing shelves of close to sell by dates) The one I always look forward to, is the 2 for 1 Seriously Cheddar Cheese... which can be frozen to extend life!wink.png

    Yesterday they had amongst other things, jars of Tesco brand Mince meat reduced, to 25 baht... Expiry date April 2013! A friend and I scooped everything on the shelf! smile.png (maybe Lamai store still has! wink.png )

    Really, milk seems to be the only thing to watch, which always seems to go off the day after date shown....sick.gifbah.gif

    I'm a bit like TB, it depends on product, I've got Marmite from 2008 still sitting in the fridge! smile.png

    I just looked at a jar of honey, which has a sell buy date ... well that goes to show, it's unnecessary, as honey will keep thousands of years! blink.png

    I have found that milk and bread last a bit longer here than in the UK, I buy a big carton of milk and it takes me about a fortnight to finish it. in fact I have never had milk go off in the seven years I have lived in Thailand.
  2. There is far too much put on best by dates. I consider them just a con to make you buy more food from the shops and manufacturers. You even have best by on water. preserved foods etc. I had the urge for some pasta the other month. After raking round the back of the cupboard I found some. It had a best before date of 2009. It was duly boiled and eaten without any unpleasant after effects. Have drunken many a bottle of beer here that is out of date just the same.

    The big stores tend to be better at reducing stock like this to shift it but you are not back home now so if this is of importance to you I suggest checking everything you buy.

    I personally can't be bothered biggrin.png

    How right you are.
  3. The budget is a bit short to get something acceptable. Further to that, most of the posters here will confirm that you would do better with a SUV / pickup rather than a sedan (given the state of the roads).

    Obviously with that budget, all you will get is some rotten motor with huge mileage and probably some other (hidden) issues. Toyota, Isuzu, Honda are the way to go for easy to fix and easy to find parts. But then again, with that budget you are looking at 10-20 yr old cars, with uncertain history. Automatic transmission, in cars of that generation probably need change at around 100 K kms. So, you could be getting a lemon where the auto gear has not been touched for ages, let alone replaced.

    For starters, try looking here:


    I bought a Toyota Corolla with LPG about two years ago for 160000Baht, it would be about twenty years old and has proved very reliable, I would certainly recommend one.
  4. The best School for your purpose is probably "Language Express" located in Mahatun Building next to Ploenchit BTS

    1) They teach "usable" Thai from the beginning on.

    2) You will learn to read and write

    3) You will practice and be able to identify correct tones

    4) They have classes in the range of hours/week you desire

    5) They will help you get your Educational Visa

    6) Class size tend to be "ideally small" - Students are motivated (not there for the Ed Visa only)

    I suggest you visit and ask for a sample lesson.

    Also read comments on website "womenlearningthai".

    Please note - I am not associated with any School (just experience) and neither ask for - nor receive any commission.

    With Language Express, you will find it very hard to understand the timetable, don't believe me? Then drop in and ask for one.
  5. Hi guys,

    Thanks to both of you for your replies.

    First off, when I say I am not looking to look like a body builder, what I mean is I dont "need" that much. What I mean is I am looking for an atheletic look.... if that makes any difference smile.png

    Multi-gyms; I haven't actually "looked" yet. I want to find out what to look for before I go looking smile.png If I google "multi gym" it comes up with stuff like this : http://www.google.co...9,r:2,s:0,i:101

    Truthfully I haven't got a clue about exercising in any form......

    Ok i got a multi gym like that and compared to a power rack with some barbells its worthless.

    These things are cheap and there is no way you can do all the exercises you need.

    That you don't need much.. you will be suprised how much you need before your looks change. People seem to think its easy to get muscular its is not. Even an athletic look takes a lot of time and also diet (to loose fat)

    Just google gymware to get a better idea about power racks and such. The thing you are talking about will NEVER help you reach your goal. Just wait for Tropo and anyone else that ever touched some weights to confirm.

    I am not trying to discourage you just giving you some good information here about home gyms. The thing you showed there could be a good supplement to a power rack. Depending on what kind you have.

    Also please remember you will have to work out at least 3 times a week and probably change your eating habits a bit.

    There's parks all over Thailand in towns and villages that have exercise equipment, and they are free. I use these most mornings. I don't have big muscles as I think they are ugly, I enjoy my food, I weigh 80 kilos am reasonably slim at 6ft tall, better that than the cost of home gym equipment.
  6. Depending on the timing you may be able to fly up tp P'Lok.

    DD.png Direct flights DMK - PHS on Nok Air

    Flight # Departure DMK Arrival PHS Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Valid between 8400 06:20 07:30 • • • • • • • 29 Sep - 4 Oct 8404 09:40 10:50 • • • • • • • 29 Sep - 4 Oct 8408 14:00 15:10 • • • • • • • 28 Oct - 2 Nov 8414 15:00 16:10 • • • • • • • 1 Oct - 6 Oct 8420 18:20 19:30 • • • • • • •

    1 Oct - 6 Oct

    Flights from Bangkok, Thailand (DMK) to Phitsanulok, Thailand (PHS)

    plane-30.gif Non-stop flights: 4 per day, 1h 10m duration Airlines: Nok Air

    Schedule of non-stop flights

    Valid through 27 Oct 06:20 → 07:30 DMK-PHS M T W T F S S Nok Air 8400 09:40 → 10:50 DMK-PHS M T W T F S S Nok Air 8404 15:00 → 16:10 DMK-PHS M T W T F S S Nok Air 8414 18:20 → 19:30 DMK-PHS M T W T F S S Nok Air 8420 All flights from Bangkok - All flights to Phitsanulok

    I hope that is of some help to you.

    I arrived at Swampy from the UK last year, and went to buy a single flight to Phitsanulok, I then asked about my luggage, and was told I was only allowed up to 15 Kilos, I had a suitcase weighing 20 Kilos and a small case 5 kilos. But remember TIT, a different employee might have said my luggage weight was OK.
  7. On your first trip to Thailand (Bangkok/Pattaya) please do us all a favor and DO NOT ride a bike! Your not familiar with the driving style here nor do you know the roads. None of us here want to hear of you getting hurt....

    Take a bus or a taxi and have a comfortable and much safer trip. And please don't come back with the response that you've rode a bike for years and know what you're doing. You can not prepare your self for the riding and road conditions here over night my friend.

    Take care and have a great trip.

    This is great advice, the OP should should take it.
  8. I had TWO helmets stolen at Tesco. They were locked on the bike and they just cut the strap. Chickenshit bastards... Of course, Tesco can't do anything...

    Leave the helmet on the motorbike, stand nearby where you can't be seen and watch, when someone takes it, give him a very sore face(assuming it's a him)if you can't use your fists, get a pepper spray. But make sure it is only one person, and there are no witnesses.
  9. i have found travelling to hua hin > BKK, they will stop 50% of the time, and the average time stopped will be 10 - 15 mins...... we have never stopped as long as an hour, but i guess that depends on the availabilty of LPG on each particular route..... maybe over the last 2 years since you travelled, LPG has become more readily available

    Thanks UKJASE. There is plenty of LPG stations between Bangkok and Nakhon Sawan, and there was always big queues of traffic waiting. I would go back to using the minivans as they pick up and drop you off at your house. I would really like to know if these vans still always stop to refuel for so long.
  10. maybe not a case of giving up, possibly they have always been slobs and the reasons their first western wives left them and they had to come to Thailand to get a sh*g...just a thought

    That's a very good answer Soutpeel, A very high percentage of ex pats are just beer slobbing, ugly, overweight, tattooed, facial haired, singlet wearing slobs who are so stupid they think their Thai darlings love them, when it's only their money they love. I know my Thai wife loves me, she's twenty years younger, lived with me for six years after I had bought the house, car, furniture etc then married me about eighteen months ago. All I have is a little savings, and a small income. she has her money and I have mine. I never walk about in a singlet, don't have tattooes, don't have facial hair, am six ft tall and 80 Kilos, don't drink alcohol or smoke, yes, some of my farang friends are overweight slobs. I'm certainly not your average ex pat, and I'm very happy.

    The Gods walk among us. How grateful we are to have you posting on Thai Visa. coffee1.gif

    Don't mention it.
  11. Except some rare nutter, i didn't see many who fit in the description..Where are you living OP ?

    Wow just came back and saw all the replies ,must have hit the right note ,actually i live just outside Pattaya and must admit around the house tend to just wear shorts ,but when we go out always try to dress nicely ,not flash as i have got to the age where i no longer feel the need to wear the latest fashions ,but as i have stated on other threads her indoors is 23 years younger than me slim quit attractive and dresses nicely so i feel it would be a bit strange if i was out in my singlet long shorts with black socks and sandals,

    I can never get a good jacket to fit me........straight jacket excepted

    I liked the picture of quasimodo ,do you know its a fact that even his ugly brother is able to get a date in Pattaya

    If anyone can't get a date in Pattaya, then they should commit suicide.
  12. Depends if you feel "looking" good is important or not..... even in Thailand.

    Main point is to keep cool for me which often means baggy clothes.

    The world has become a bit obsessed by"look"

    I bet you like to look at sexy girls... or do you want the old ones with all the wrinkles. Looks are important and some nice clothes help a lot.

    Actually the last head turner/conversation stopper I saw, and I mean every male head in the area without exception, was a japanese mother who strode along in her bikini to join her year old child and husband in the pool

    I don't think black socks would have made one iota of difference, and clothes would have not enhanced the effect one bit.

    I think for the male farang comfort is important, especially if there is no need to impress. I find that I wear more long sleeved shirts and trousers these days if I am heading into 'civilisation' more to deter mosquitoes and sun than for the smart look

    I also always wear long sleeved tops, and never wear shorts when I go out.
  13. maybe not a case of giving up, possibly they have always been slobs and the reasons their first western wives left them and they had to come to Thailand to get a sh*g...just a thought

    That's a very good answer Soutpeel, A very high percentage of ex pats are just beer slobbing, ugly, overweight, tattooed, facial haired, singlet wearing slobs who are so stupid they think their Thai darlings love them, when it's only their money they love. I know my Thai wife loves me, she's twenty years younger, lived with me for six years after I had bought the house, car, furniture etc then married me about eighteen months ago. All I have is a little savings, and a small income. she has her money and I have mine. I never walk about in a singlet, don't have tattooes, don't have facial hair, am six ft tall and 80 Kilos, don't drink alcohol or smoke, yes, some of my farang friends are overweight slobs. I'm certainly not your average ex pat, and I'm very happy.
  14. Without any comment about who was wrong and who was wronger, there is an overriding consideration for any expat to note. The concept of "fair" is a totally foreign notion, ESPECIALLY when it comes to fighting. I have tried unsuccessfully for more than ten years to learn the Thai word for "fair" and have finally given up. It is not in the language, it is not in the culture, and it is NEVER present in a fight. Do not ever expect a fair fight from a Thai, nor ever expect to motivate a Thai to do something because it is fair. I'm not saying this is good or bad. I'm just saying that this is the way it is.

    The Thai word for fair is "yut thi tum." You really should change your screen name from "inquisitive" to "ignorant." More accurate that way.

    I think you are the ignorant one here Berkshire. What "inquisitive" says is 100% true, but I stand by what I have said, if you don't get involved with Thais in any way,etc arguing about being overcharged in a bar, then you will be about 99% safe.
    • Like 2
  15. Sadly, yet more evidence of how little the Thais value human life. All farang visitors--especially males, since, you must realize, 99% of Thai working class males LIVE for an excuse to pummel you to death--take warning.

    I agree with you about Thais having little value of human life, everyone from the rice farmer/taxi driver, to the top government and police officials. 13 thousand fatalities on Thai roads every year proves that, but I do not agree that 99% of working Thai males want to kill Farangs, in fact nowhere near that. I have lived in Thailand, spent a lot of time in Bangkok and Pattaya, and never felt threatened. I believe that if you mind your own business and don't interfere in any way with other Thais, you will be about 99% safe here, not like any city you could name in the UK, particularly Glasgow.
  16. Chill, KRS1. No one is punching (but if we do, it will be 100% Marquis of Queensberry rules, OK?)....far too busy laughing at the image of Mr Bean on crystal meth clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    I'd like to think that the catalyst for your original question was the heightened quality of posts, but I somehow doubt this will be the case now.

    Dont worry, i know some of you are actually cool in person. Its when you guys run out of meth that you start to get troublesome. tongue.png

    Don't take chances on running out of meths. Keep a can of Brasso handy, in case you meet a girl you take a shine to.


    What does Brasso taste like Street Cowboy?
  17. Ok guys, let us all chill.

    I don't think any body means to bash anyone else in this thread, and I think people are taking things the wrong way. The past few weeks there's alot of "hot"...and yeah I know that I played a role in instigating part of it. But I think it is time to chill and put whatever digs and insults behind and move forward.

    Peace and love to Britain and the British people from me.

    Yes Jerk, from me too, but not to any British Government in my life time.
  18. Stayed in the Wattana Village Resort last weekend for 700 bht booked on Agoda. A little old but well maintained. Quiet chalets are best. Nice swimming pool. Wifi and a very good freshly cooked breakfast.

    Don't book with Agoda, they add extra tax on to your bill, it is set in small print obviously hoping that no one will notice.
  19. There is a recent scam started with the Thai owned Guest Houses in the Soi Buckaiw area in Pattaya. The average price per night is around 500 Baht, but there are now fans in the bedrooms which are supposed to have air condition. The AC is still there and can be switched on, but the units are permanently set so very little air comes out, and you have to use the fan. It is now nothing like an AC room, it is obvious that this is a way of saving money on the electricity. That being said, this does not apply to the Canterbury Tales Guesthouse which is Farang owned. So if you want good budget accomodation, then that is where to go.

  20. Well if you want something out of the ordinary I can really recommend First Hotel, most incredible wood carvings I have ever encountered, the whole hotel seems to be a wood carving. I like the place. Not expensive.

    Mae Sot not endowed with big hotels, Centara the biggest but really not worth the money. . Most places are small but decent, the people in this neck of the woods are very hospitable. Try to eat at the Passport restaurant at HCTC . That's the hotel training college, superb food, good cocktails and kids really wanting to learn the business.

    Yes, I fully agree, the First Hotel is excellent value.
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