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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Of course not, how can you pay for something that you have already paid for? Oh! Wait! This is Thailand, a country ruled by a bunch of unelected clowns, of whom most are Military Academy educated soldiers.
  2. "He also insisted that the collection process would be transparent and accountable to the public and not go into anyone’s “pocket”." Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Full story: https://thepattayanews.com/2022/02/22/thai-tourism-minister-insists-on-collecting-300-baht-land-entry-fee-on-all-foreign-visitors-says-will-be-to-help-tourists-and-transparent/
  3. Motorcyclists should only use the left-most lane if it is completely free from parked vehicles or going to do a right hand or U turn ahead. That is the Possum interpretation of this "rule". ????
  4. What is wrong with dating a grandmother? There are some very beautiful late thirties and forties Thai women around.
  5. Common sense and Thais are not compatible, that is why Thailand has one of the worst or even the worst amount of road fatalities in the world. You cannot drive a vehicle, or ride a motorcycle or bike every day and not see examples of it.
  6. Come on you protesters, warn this lot of money grabbing Junta leeches you are coming for them, all that black dye is heating up on their hair and running down their faces right now thinking about it. Only downside is they are going to keep the restrictions going as long as they can. ????????
  7. Where the bank is concerned, anyone who loses money like that today will only have himself to blame. Thai banks are dodgy, they did not lower their responsibility from 5 million to one million for no reason. Anyone who keeps more money in Thailand than they need for normal living expenses is off their head, anyone with even a bit of common sense will leave their the bulk of their money in their home countries bank.
  8. Well most of them are soldiers, that's just the way they were brought up.
  9. That's true, but this Junta could accept it and stop using it for their own ends, I think you know what I mean. They should look at other countries and stop using these unnecessary restrictions.
  10. You should be careful about what you are saying here, my wife was not vaccinated, but only on her doctors advice as it would be harmful to her, there will be others in the same position.
  11. Exactly. Is that not what the Junta wants? For reasons already specified by me and many others.
  12. In my opinion, he is posing, he was not elected democratically, by the Thai electorate. he stole the country at the point of a gun and forced the previous PM and his cabinet out. If I want to be a lawyer and force one out of his office then take his place, that does not make me a lawyer. Get it?
  13. Yeah! You sure do get them. I wonder if he is also going to change his avatar. I think you know what I mean. ????
  14. Your the one who needs help pal, Yingluck was not the last proper elected politician to lead the country before this so called PM. There was another PM after Yingluck before the coup that was not going to happen, according to the clown who is in charge now.
  15. This clown has been working with the unelected soldier posing as a PM and his generals for far too long, so his academic level has come down to their Military Academy education level.
  16. Well in that case, he can get together with the other Chuckle Brother and open up the country. OHHHH! Wait!! Just a minute, brown envelopes and protesting students again spring to mind.
  17. I wouldn't bother. It's just The Chuckle Brothers show back on the road again. A pair of demented circus clowns performing in the circus known as Thailand. ????
  18. Probably a good idea, but I am convinced that the unelected soldier posing as a PM and his Junta will want to prevent Thailand getting anywhere near normal for as long as possible.
  19. Peltin Eltons singing would be ideal for the morning after. ????
  20. Nope. I would be glad to see all overloud, and I mean really loud, motorbike riders wiped out never to be fit to ride again.
  21. Yes, but the OP is asking, apart from maybe the camera, what does an android smartphone costing around 20.000Bt have what one costing around 10.000Bt hasn't?
  22. I used melatonin the last time I came back to Thailand from the UK. It was brilliant, cured jet lag completely when it used to take me a few days, but I do take regular exercise and don't drink or smoke. so that could also have something to do with it.
  23. Poor Cha Cha, now they will go after him when he gets chucked out of office, Oh! Wait! He's a soldier not a politician.
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