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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Gain muscles?? Yes, but only up to a point, talking about men, I don't know what is the most repulsive, big muscles with veins showing all over your body, or big tits and a massive belly.
  2. Not with me they don't, if they are in the wrong or trying to make things hard for you, then you let them know. I have done it twice, and came out on top both times. Only one thing, before you answer them back make sure you are 100% right.
  3. "Has been as long as I can remember for most." Not when I came here to stay in 2005, I run to the border every 90 days was all that was required.
  4. The whole country is corrupt especially since 2014 when the soldier posing as a PM took it at the point of a gun. If you can make corruption work for you then why not?
  5. "but their real goal is just to stay in Thailand," and just what is wrong with that? As long as they are behaving themselves and contributing to the Thai economy, I don't see what the problem is.
  6. and just what is wrong with being a long-term stayer in Thailand? Why should it be so hard for a person under 50 to stay long-term in Thailand anyway? The Junta has done enough damage to the Thai economy by chasing away many decent retiree's because of immigration issues already.
  7. But how many proper politicians are part of the Thai government?
  8. Just keep in mind that the Thai banks reduced the amount of their responsibility if anything goes wrong from 5 million Bt to 1 Million. There had to be a reason for that. If they don't trust themselves, why should we trust them?
  9. I never said that, I want to hear what other posters think.
  10. Are any of your sons, daughters, or step family in the armed forces? How would you feel if any of them told you that they have to back their PM or whatever, and perhaps be responsible for the deaths of anyone who gets in their way? This could happen if they go and invade another country, or even take part in a coup and perhaps be responsible for the deaths of anyone who gets in their way? So far, I don't have an opinion on this, but may have after reading some of your replies.
  11. Are people not a reflection of the customs and culture of the nation they live? Maybe. I am not sure, maybe that's for another topic.
  12. "Of course, there are a lot of Russian families currently on holiday in Thailand and I am sure they are starting to feel uncomfortable." Some of these families may have other family members and relations in the armed forces, how would you feel if your son who is in the armed forces tells you he will have to help invade a certain country and kill innocent women and children just to suit one madman despot? On a much smaller scale, the same would apply to the families of soldiers who will be behind some powermad general leading a coup against a democratically elected government. It takes a bit of thinking, doesn't it?
  13. The unelected soldier posing as a PM will not want certain restrictions. even though he has not had the best of education (Military Academy) he will know that at the first opportunity, the students will start their protesting in much higher numbers than before.
  14. Scrap all restrictions?? All?? Does that include the insurance scam?? Off course it does, everyone entering Thailand will be paying 300Baht for it. What about the PLF?? Will that apply too??
  15. They need to get a TJ Hooker type of a Police Academy to get them fit. for those who don't know who TJ Hooker was, it was in an American TV series about a Police Academy, and TJ Hooker was played by William Shatner.
  16. There is the very odd AN/TV poster who would not. But all the many sensible posters would.
  17. "Thailand doesn't want common foreigners any longer." Change that to "The soldiers government doesn't want common foreigners any longer." Would a democratically elected government want all kinds of tourism back in order to reinstate thousands of peoples livelihoods? Think back to the bustling tourist areas in Bangkok and Pattaya before the country was stolen in 2014, then maybe you will have the answer.
  18. Why do you say that? Any countries markets in tourist areas will have their undesirables and cheats.
  19. The main competition is between the Chuckle Brothers, one is wanting to remain impersonating a PM while the other one is trying to become a PM.
  20. and with a face like that why does he not do what most ugly guys do and grow facial hair?
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