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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Maybe they went Dutch and shared the cost.
  2. They don't care about their customers anyway. I can't even get to make any orders even thought I have been a customer for many years at the same address, they want me to go through some security check which does not work I am just fed up trying.
  3. That's true, but why??
  4. A sensible post condemning the guy in your avatar, looks like you have over done the drinking again Steven. Oh! wait! it is well after 5pm now.
  5. Buying houses and land in their name.
  6. In the UK anyone can buy houses and land in their name. Try that in Thailand.
  7. Says the guy with the unelected PM avatar. Too much to drink today Steven?
  8. The under 50's who do not want to marry but stay in Thailand in the longer term get a very raw deal. Something should be done there.
  9. This is a sensible post, maybe I am thinking of the small print which is there because companies hope it will not be noticed until it is too late, if at all, maybe someone will point out the difference between small print and fine print.
  10. Was that the actual UK state pension and nothing else, ie pension credits? It says on the DWP website that they cannot take repayments from you if you only have a state pension, unless you do not cancel a pension credit, if you have one, when you leave the UK.
  11. I see the truth hurts. Sevco Scotland Ltd. The Rangers Football Club Limited. That is the name they trade under today. Died 2012.
  12. "Or is the bigger problem that many people don't read the fine print and somehow assume the insurance will pay?" This fine print alone shows the mentality of insurance companies. Why can't all the wording be the same?? Don't answer that. Is there an insurance ombudsman in Thailand?? Even if there was, brown envelopes will talk TiT. These companies seem to have a licence to scam and con people, yes of course there are people who will say I'm wrong and their insurance company have paid out, but look at it from a wider point of view, do I need to say more?
  13. When I am riding my bike around my village every day for my exercise, hardly a day goes by without idiots putting my well being in danger by riding on the wrong side of the road, coming out in front of me at road junctions etc, etc. But there is also something else I should mention. I have never ever seen a workman at the back of the refuge truck working with the bins crossing the road without looking. They must have been receiving some sort of training.
  14. Is this not the way the pandemic should have been at the beginning? I have always said the cure was worse than the disease. IMO that was and is the case.
  15. He was drunk. End of story. Lynch him. The more drunk drivers are lynched, the less road deaths there will be.
  16. He is an unelected soldier trying to be a PM who with the rest of his soldiers order crackdowns all the time, many only lasting 24 hrs, probably just to let people know he is still there. He must be about the biggest joke in world politics.
  17. Another reason again why I only keep enough money in Thailand for living expenses.
  18. "Even a military coup won't be tough on drivers." Why do you think that is? I would say that finance raises it's ugly head again.
  19. The majority of motorbike riders just do not know when they are riding on the wrong side of the road. Many times I have shouted at them that they are on the wrong side of the road while pointing at the right side. 9 times out of 10 they have shouted back at me in anger. They just do not know or do not have the brains to know that they are in the wrong. Many times I have pulled Thais up for jumping queues in front of me, but not once has anyone shouted back at me or complained. The big difference is that they know they are in the wrong while most people riding on the wrong side of the road on their motorbikes do not.
  20. Another reason I keep my life savings in my UK bank and just keep enough for my living expenses here in Thailand. What you haven't got they cannot get.
  21. Unusual excellent post from you, though I cannot comment on your last sentence.
  22. Yes. it was over 50Bt to the £ around the time the present unelected PM and his soldiers stole the country in 2014.
  23. and labour don't???? Think Blair and Brown?? Invasion of Iraq. and also think of the scandal involving Brown and pensions.
  24. They were liquidated 2012 "Rangers Dead", headlines all over the front pages of the Newspapers. Came back as a new club called The Rangers starting from the lowest tier in the Scottish league to make their way back to the Scottish Premiership. Took 2 seasons in the second tier to get back up. 2012 Glasgow Rangers liquidated. Everyone knows it except their own supporters. Bought players with money they never had, used EBTs "won" 9 in a row by cheating which eventually led to their liquidation. Now officially known as The Rangers. ???? ????
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