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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. When things return to a near normal, the soldiers will still insist on people having their own medical insurance., for probably about $50.000. That is my opinion. Don't forget, these soldiers don't have to impress voters like in normal countries.
  2. They are just a bunch of soldiers with a typical soldiers mentality. Always remember, these people are not politicians.
  3. So you are saying it is illegal to use an agent?? What nonsense! The agent that DrJack54 mentioned is perfectly legal and reliable.
  4. Yes, I think that is the only agent in Bangkok, though I could be wrong, most of the agents are in Pattaya.
  5. I think this survey has come at the right time, and the right questions have been asked, I am just surprised there were not a lot more posters taking part in it.
  6. Yes the ordinary people, not the governments themselves. IMO most cases anyway.
  7. Are we not all "temporary" retirees? We are only registered here in Thailand for one year at a time.
  8. I would agree with your post, but why spoil it by inferring that we are "guests" here? I certainly don't feel like a "guest" here, especially when I have to do an impersonation of a prisoner on parole every 90 Days.
  9. Since 2014 to be exact, when the soldiers stole the country, and the baht started rising at an alarming rate.
  10. 11th best place to retire???? Does that include immigration issues?? I bet not.
  11. "I refused to throw money at the corrupt insurance systems in Thailand." Nice to see someone with his head screwed on the right way.
  12. I agree, IMO countries the world over are milking this pandemic for the financials it gives them. Mark my words here, the days of coming to Thailand from any country by just buying a ticket, turning up at the airport, disembarking in Thailand, going through customs, then boarding your taxi or the airport rail link are well and truly over. There will be some extra money grabbing scam or scams, ie compulsary insurance, to attend to, and this does not only apply to Thailand.
  13. "Enforcing the law must be done everyday.. People need to follow the rules to make live comfortable for everyone." What a load of rot, these soldiers don't have the brains to make rules for anything outside of the military. This is a pandemic, and qualified people need to be in charge. not a bunch of uniformed, medal wearing Somchai's with a typical Somchai's mindset.
  14. If it comes to that then just tell them you only keep enough money in Thailand for living expenses, and if they try to force you in, tell them you cannot guarantee they will be paid.
  15. Villa are a place to avoid, some of their prices are well over the top. ie tins of corned beef, I can get them delivered by Lazada at about half villas price. Foodland are a much better bet.
  16. Even after all this time I still get confused with the "likes" and "sad" emoticans. They can mean you agree with someone about something when you don't and vice versa. That is why I used just the one word to express my feelings on this. I may do this more often.
  17. I have said this before and I will keep on saying it, this soldiers government has no more intelligence than the ordinary Somchai and Lek in the street. they would be better letting the country get run by real politicians, and going back to their barracks and parade grounds.
  18. This may sound stupid, but is it only Thais who can sue under the dafamation law? ie can a non that sue another non Thai under this law?
  19. Are all major politicians not corrupt crooks? I mean all, not just Thailands.
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