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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. That is sad too.

    I do know a few Thai ladies who go to Pattaya for a night out, go to discos and for a change of scene, to walk the beach, go out to the islands and swim.

    Often I am told they are treated as freelancers when they go to a bar for a drink and are asked for money to sit there to ply their 'trade' when there is no trade to ply. It can be embarrassing for you and others like you.

    But they know the score before they go don't they. The whole place was built by the girls on their backs, wouldn't even be what it is - for the Thais or the tourists - without 'em so let's give credit where credit is due.

    Maybe one day they won't even be allowed to ply their trade (why the quotes?), and that will be a truly sad day for all.

    I'm sure everyone reading this will be long gone by then though. . .

    I think SJN post 154 sums it up nicely.

  2. For me it is different places, different attitudes.

    The hours these people can work for not a lot of money when they see others spending far more than they can earn in a week must be hard to bear.

    In recent months I've seen fewer tips being left and many of those that have been left are quite small. Whether this is down to bad service or not I'd not like to say. Yet if I get a smile and good ( not perfect ) service I leave a tip. I tend to use those places more often and have no real complaints.

  3. Get her rented and show her who's got full load of washing for her.

    You don't go fishing in a sewerage treatment planet expecting to fish out a king snapper, so why would you think this wouldn't apply to the locals of Pattaya?

    Considering she was not 'of the sewer' as you put it when I met her.

    Also how can you rate all the good, hardworking people in Pattaya alongside the B/G's. What about, for example, all those nurses working in the hospitals? Are they all from this sewer of yours? There are many more good and decent people here in Pattaya who would never dream of becoming B/G's.

    Ah, but you cannot see anything but this sewer of yours? So who is the blinkered one?

    Personally i would give someone the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise else you can trust no-one.

  4. Pattaya is a sin city..even for US (Thais.) Walking there by yourself or even with friends, you can even be looked just like those 'working girls'.

    That is sad too.

    I do know a few Thai ladies who go to Pattaya for a night out, go to discos and for a change of scene, to walk the beach, go out to the islands and swim.

    Often I am told they are treated as freelancers when they go to a bar for a drink and are asked for money to sit there to ply their 'trade' when there is no trade to ply. It can be embarrassing for you and others like you.

  5. Aside from the bargirl aspect of the story, I have known occidental women, over 30, who still live by what their friends say. Shows a lack of a lot of things, IMO.

    A small town girl working 12 hours a day for 300b/day being dazzled by the big money of dumb foreigners that requires little labor is understandable -- anyone who says they don't understand that knows nothing of poverty.

    OP: you thought you had a friend. And maybe you did, for a while. Her putting that trip on you for regular payments shows that to her you're just another farang. Good of you to reject it right off. And thanks for posting the tale.

    I agree with what you say and no problem posting this tale. helps, sometimes, for us to see different aspects of life here.

  6. To me it was a sad day to see her working in a place like that but she needed to work to keep her son, her brother's son and to help her parents. The laundry J worked at before had closed. Her friend had told her of this bar and asked her down to work in it. Glorifying her lifestyle and the money she was making.

    Oh guy you make me cry so hard. Now i m feel so depressed for this little poor flower.

    Its so hard to write this post as i m still bursting in tears.

    You know i will talk you like an old friend: empty your bank account, sell your house/car even your own mother 's house

    and send her all your money.

    AND I MEAN ALL! dont be a stingy farang kee nok.

    LOL I like being kee nok laugh.png

  7. pattaydingo - have you ever considered the fact that you need lessons in how to choose a decent girlfriend. If you are so scared of an ex that you have to change your phone number, then there is something seriously wrong with your choice of women or you are seriously paranoid and need treatment. If all your exs hassle you, then it sounds like the problem could be you and not them. Try taking a close look at yourself.

    <deleted> ? Where did you get that from? Can you read? Did you read what I actually wrote? I think it is you that needs a close look at yourself with that reply.

    Quote ' I find that an odd thing to do unless she really is a Bunny Boiler. I have the numbers of four ex's on my phone and we keep in contact with each other. Often they are helpful and we can chat about so many things. We even sometimes arrange to meet up.'

    ^^^ Where did I say all my ex's hassle me?

    Any woman can turn out to be a nasty scheming witch, a bunny boiler when they are dumped or a relationship ends, as others will testify. the fact I had one like that has got sweet F.A. to do with how I choose my women, more down to the women and their reaction at the termination of a relationship.

    You could also note that I have said I meet with some of my ex's and that some are very helpful, so that one incident does not tar me or them with the same brush.

  8. is this guy preparing to do something illegal ? if you lose your passport, just go to the police station... but here he is asking question if they will suspect if he really lost... is he wanting to sell it to one of his "african" friends who looks the same and testing here on TV if it is easy to get a new one

    very suspicious

    Was that aimed at me/ If so, completely wrong. Nothing wrong with enquiring about procedures and what happens and where to go. And about what happens to the visa you had in your lost passport.

    We do not lose passports every day and it is good to get information to know what (if any) documentation you might need, proof of where and when lost etc.

  9. I'd put in the report in case this is going to be an ongoing problem. Maybe it will be a one-off but often when it starts it seems to easy for it to happen again. Also if there is a report filed and maybe the boy is spoken to by someone he respects or by someone in authority, it might help stop a similar incident.

  10. Simple decorum.

    Well I would have thought wearing a knee length dress would solve that problem.

    Not if you want to look different when out and about. Also some skirts do not sit well below the knee and they maybe do not want to look like a secretary.

    A simple cushion to hide that heaven they all carry.

    Same reason they wear shorts under their skirts instead of bikini briefs.

  11. Is this a topic about the bearded lady? She does not shave.

    If this is what I think the OP is too shy to ask directly, those who work tend to shave because they know we prefer it that way. Most I've met who do not work do not shave.


  12. A curiosity I have discovered about expats in Thailand is that many of them are capable of having multiple conversations with you without ever asking anything about yourself, apart from the apparently rhetorical , "where you from" and "what do you do here". And these two questions can be answered in any which way you desire because there will not be any follow up questions to trip you up.

    All that is required to maintain polite conversation is brief and infrequent eye contact, and an occasional grunt.

    Some people might not have noticed this; possibly because they are the ones that never stop talking.

    How true that is!

    That and looking at peoples holiday photosblink.png

    OMG. Holiday photos!!

    On the other hand if they were photos of their half naked, goddess of a Thai g/f, that might be a different matter altogether whistling.gif

  13. Transfer to a Thai bank account. Exchange rate is better, fees are cheaper.

    Not necessarily true.

    There is a safe method to transfer money via ATM cards: use debit cards and fill up (via internet banking) what is intended to be withdrawn on a monthly basis. Sorry I can not name one for the UK, as I use a total of five German "Postbank Sparcard". Quite sure you have a similar one in the UK/USA.

    If the money is withdrawn at an AEON ATM it is absolutely free of any charges, neither by the issuer nor by AEON.

    I can withdraw the equivalent of 2000 Euros per month / per card.

    Yes but using the cards from England have a huge disadvantage as they charge 4/5% per withdrawal!

    Unless you use a Halifax Clarity card and there are no fees except ATM, but you use an FX booth and no fees at all with good FX rates too.

  14. I live in Chiang Mai! The Eastern Seaboard would be a relocation during the dry season, which is pretty terrible in the North.

    But anyway, if I understand everyone then the only way to stay sane is indeed to live significantly out of town? Be it Bang Saray or way across Sukhumvit?

    I live in central Pattaya off Pattaya Klang. Easy access to the beach, walking street, the bars with good music around soi 8 Beach road and those on 2nd road. Bali Hai pier is not too far away for a trip out to one of the islands.

    No need for me to move to the dark side or out of Pattaya unless i want to go live in a new town somewhere. It all depends on what floats your boat.

  15. Injury to other people (number depending on the policy and vehicle)

    injury to driver

    limits to about 100000 a person

    limit without going to court 10500

    I received the 10500 when I broke my fingers on the motorbike, Needed police report and form hospital gave. It paid 10500baht maximum which coincidently was my hospital cost.

    So more for personal injury than vehicle damage in an accident.

    Interesting to know.

    Thanks for the reply, I don't suppose everyone knows or maybe even thinks about that basic insurance.

  16. I think the best idea is not to make any eye contact at all with the Tailors and simply carry on walking.

    Never ever use a taxi. Baht bus or m/c every time for me. Most m/c taxis will tell you how much if you ask and most are honest about the prices.

    Have a great time here. :)

    Try the Beer Garden at the start of walking street, you can have a great meal there too while looking out to sea. Very relaxing having the sea on 3 sides.

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