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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. Yes. I have even seen people turn violent, though that is a rare sight. Some also get very vociferous too.

    Thailand, Thai logic (??) and the Thai way can be very frustrating at times and can drive you up the wall and be very stressful if you allow it to be. The idea is to know and understand it and back away when you are hitting that brick wall. Life is too short to get stressed out. Yet many are unable to see their own bad reactions are a waste of time.

    Count to ten, turn away, take a deep breath and try a different tack later.

    After all, we are here to enjoy life, are we not?

    Yes, the best method is just to avoid as many Thais as you can. Only interact with the ones that you must.

    Considering what I have just recently posted as a thank you to the Thai people who helped me, that makes your comment seem very pathetic indeed, to me.

    If I had avoided as much contact as you suggest in your post, I would not be in the good position I am in now. And I am grateful to those Thai people helping.

    Hells Bells, why even be in Thailand if you are going to avoid as many Thai people as possible?

    Yes, it can be very frustrating at times, more so when you first begin to settle in, but you have to learn the Thai people have different ways of doing things and adjust accordingly. Otherwise go and find somewhere else to live and I am not an advocate of the 'if you don't like it, get out of Thailand' brigade.

  2. Bell bus with hotel pickup, google is your friend.

    Not the cheapest at 200B but the easiest after ordering a taxi

    Bell's Bus will also supply you with a mini bus to collect you from your hotel / apartment in Pattaya. Sometimes a very small extra charge. Their web site is very good. Maybe they will take you to a hotel in BKK too, but I've never asked that as I use them to come into Pattaya.

  3. Talking to one of my usual m/c taxi drivers this afternoon, he says the hospital on Soi Buakhao is also very good and cheap. That would have been better and closer for me. But the info was too late for me.


    Do they mean that one near Soi 15 ??

    Is that really a Hospital ? I thought it was just a Health Center

    Not sure. I'd have to ask him the actual address. But to me if he can recommend it to me it cannot be all bad.

    I think you might be talking about Pattaya Memorial Hospital? Basically on the corner of Klang and 2nd road:


    Update on my earlier reply.

    I now have a receipt and got them to write in English the name of the place.

    It is Public Health Center, Pattaya.

    As before 100 metres on the left past 18 coins restaurant going from Klang to Pattaya Thai. Creamy coloured building with red brick around the main doors and a big picture of the King over the main doors.

    Wound cleaned and re-dressed 170 Baht. All very efficient. English OK if a little limited.

    Certainly no complaints from me :)

  4. I find it truly amazing that I can't name and shame a restaurant on here but to go after BPH, (deserved or not is fine)???????????

    I don't feel I was 'going after' BPH. More a case of comparison? Maybe that is why the thread is running and also getting helpful information for others from this thread.

    I was in no way having a go at your postings and agree they are very helpful, however if you tried this kind of thing with other businesses the thread would be closed.

    I appreciate you were not having a go at my postings and hope my reply did not come across that way :)

    I also understand your post and your point. :)

    • Like 1
  5. Talking to one of my usual m/c taxi drivers this afternoon, he says the hospital on Soi Buakhao is also very good and cheap. That would have been better and closer for me. But the info was too late for me.


    Do they mean that one near Soi 15 ??

    Is that really a Hospital ? I thought it was just a Health Center

    Not sure. I'd have to ask him the actual address. But to me if he can recommend it to me it cannot be all bad.

    I think you might be talking about Pattaya Memorial Hospital? Basically on the corner of Klang and 2nd road:


    I got the m/c taxi driver to take me to this clinic he spoke of. It is on Soi Buakhao. Heading from Pattaya Klang in the direction of Pattaya Thai, go past 18 coins restaurant on the right and then 150 meters or so past there, on the left is a large brick building with a large poster of the King above the main entrance. Apparently this clinic is linked to Banglamung Government hospital. It is not on google maps as a hospital or a clinic. There is no hospital sign outside it either.

    I have to wait until later to be treated as they do close from 12 - 1 and I arrived at 12-05 laugh.png

  6. Are you kidding me?

    I have heard 4 times in the last 3 days how Edwin's wife was great

    and what about "my thai wife is lovely", "my thai wife is hot" "my thai wife looks great" " my thai wife looks like Angelina Jolie" ?????

    Have you ever thought that Edwin's wife might be great, sexy, helpful, hot and many other adjectives combined? Some Thai women and men are brilliant. When you find these gems you sometimes want to sing their praises and there is nothing wrong with that. I've been doing the same recently over some very helpful ex g/f's. Praise where praise is due !!!

    • Like 2
  7. The other day I had quite a serious accident that meant me suffering bodily injury and the loss of some possessions including my mobile phone. The local rescue people took me to a hospital somewhere in the 'outback' to be cared for by the doctors and nurses.

    In this small hospital hardly anyone spoke English at all and what English they could speak was limited. When they were getting stumped as to how to get an understanding of what was needed, I asked them to phone an ex g/f who I have known for 3 years and seen once in the last year, as hers is the only number I can remember off by heart.

    She took the call and sorted everything out over the phone so all could understand what was going on and what needed to be done. She then had a word with her boss and dropped everything at work in Bangkok and got someone to drive her down to find me. When we finally met up after some mix ups due to me not having a phone until I got a lift home to use my spare phone, she stayed 2 days to ensure everything was OK. Then she went back to BKK. She phones 3 times a day to make sure I am doing okay. She is willing to be there at the other end of the phone to help in an instant.

    There are good Thai people out there, even ex g/f's.

    As an aside, if I'd had my phone, there are several other Thai people I could have phoned and they would have helped too, but I doubt they would have / could have dropped what they were doing at work instantly to come to me, stay with me at the hospital and then take me home, clean up, tend to all sorts of little things and make sure I was as best I could be before having to return to work.

    Don't believe all bad things about all Thai people. There are good and bad people the world over as there are good and bad Thai people and I for one am grateful i have some numbers of really good Thai people.

    Hope you are recovering PD, and you are so right, there are extremely good people out there.

    Thanks :) Yep, I am getting better, slowly. Less pain now.

    I am out there tonight in the pub to see if there is yet more sympathy for me from the beautiful Thai women as I hobble about. Maybe I'll have to accentuate the hobble in front of some of the more beautiful ones and see what sympathy they are willing to dish out w00t.giftongue.png

    • Like 1
  8. So any farang can go in and you don't have to be Thai?

    Is the wait long?

    Yes anybody can go in, its a public hospital and I think by law they have to treat you (emergency).

    A couple years ago a young Brit (I think) died because BPH refused to treat him. As I recall he had a bike accident and had no id on him and he desperately needed a blood transfusion but no and the poor guy died. One prominent expat newspaper/TV station owner was very angry about it and had a nose to nose talk with the management, but as a private hospital they can refuse anybody they like, for them its only business and not much else, sad but true.

    I had no ID on me except my bank cards. They did not ask if I could pay at these government hospitals either. And the first was 900 Baht. The other a little over 4,000 and that included x-rays, the treatment and a complication they had to deal with regarding my health.

    I would use them again with no hesitation even though it meant sleeping in a room with 8 other Thai patients. The other Thai patients too were friendly enough and all greeted me with smiles.

  9. So any farang can go in and you don't have to be Thai?

    Is the wait long?

    I was tended to by two government hospitals that day and I waited no more than a few minutes each time. This was in their casualty departments. There was no problem at all with me being a foreigner excepting sometimes a difficulty with language from some staff, but that is only natural as government hospitals maybe do not see too many foreigners in some places.

    The doctor spoke perfect English and the main nursing staff did too at Banglamung hospital in Pattaya.

    There were two other foreign patients being tended too while I was there and they too had nothing but praise for the staff.

    The hospital out in the small town in the countryside had much greater difficulty conversing with me and that was why I'd got the to phone one of my ex's. Then everything went smoothly after that. This small government hospital in this small town might not see a foreigner for months so i can say nothing bad about them and can only praise them too.

  10. Talking to one of my usual m/c taxi drivers this afternoon, he says the hospital on Soi Buakhao is also very good and cheap. That would have been better and closer for me. But the info was too late for me.


    Do they mean that one near Soi 15 ??

    Is that really a Hospital ? I thought it was just a Health Center

    Not sure. I'd have to ask him the actual address. But to me if he can recommend it to me it cannot be all bad.

  11. The other day I had quite a serious accident that meant me suffering bodily injury and the loss of some possessions including my mobile phone. The local rescue people took me to a hospital somewhere in the 'outback' to be cared for by the doctors and nurses.

    In this small hospital hardly anyone spoke English at all and what English they could speak was limited. When they were getting stumped as to how to get an understanding of what was needed, I asked them to phone an ex g/f who I have known for 3 years and seen once in the last year, as hers is the only number I can remember off by heart.

    She took the call and sorted everything out over the phone so all could understand what was going on and what needed to be done. She then had a word with her boss and dropped everything at work in Bangkok and got someone to drive her down to find me. When we finally met up after some mix ups due to me not having a phone until I got a lift home to use my spare phone, she stayed 2 days to ensure everything was OK. Then she went back to BKK. She phones 3 times a day to make sure I am doing okay. She is willing to be there at the other end of the phone to help in an instant.

    There are good Thai people out there, even ex g/f's.

    As an aside, if I'd had my phone, there are several other Thai people I could have phoned and they would have helped too, but I doubt they would have / could have dropped what they were doing at work instantly to come to me, stay with me at the hospital and then take me home, clean up, tend to all sorts of little things and make sure I was as best I could be before having to return to work.

    Don't believe all bad things about all Thai people. There are good and bad people the world over as there are good and bad Thai people and I for one am grateful i have some numbers of really good Thai people.

    • Like 1
  12. Yes. I have even seen people turn violent, though that is a rare sight. Some also get very vociferous too.

    Thailand, Thai logic (??) and the Thai way can be very frustrating at times and can drive you up the wall and be very stressful if you allow it to be. The idea is to know and understand it and back away when you are hitting that brick wall. Life is too short to get stressed out. Yet many are unable to see their own bad reactions are a waste of time.

    Count to ten, turn away, take a deep breath and try a different tack later.

    After all, we are here to enjoy life, are we not?

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