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Posts posted by pattayadingo

  1. Thanks for that dingo, it is a shame really. I think the whole shagwell bar complex is really well laid out. I remember the old Outback bar too before Wombat, things changing all the time. What next I wonder, good little hide out for something.

    It is a shame too. Maybe not the most salubrious place in town but many a good night I've had in there.

    Now to find somewhere similar. Plenty of places about but not so many with beer at 65 Baht a large bottle and live music.

  2. Thailand attracts a huge market in the dentistry field.. why, because it is so much cheaper.

    Both my wife and I both have our 6 months checks and related work , cleaning and hygienist performed in Thailand.

    Excellent work, clean, fast and efficient.

    Dentists are cheaper in UK than here last time I used one.

    Last times I went

    In the UK teeth cleaning 20UKP (1,000bht 5 years ago)

    In Thailand teeth cleaning 600bht (2 weeks ago)

    Root canal

    In the UK 250UKP (12,500bht 5 years ago)

    In Thailand 5,000bht (2 years ago)

    I rest my case!

    Too heavy to carry?

    Your case, that is :P

    • Like 1
  3. It is hard to get them to accept these situations even though we can prove where we were with visas and other proof especially when they know so little of the world.

    Your mistake is in even trying. "You think I was with another woman, what if I was? what you going to do?, If you want to leave, doors over there"

    That is the correct way to handle mistrust.

    Do what?

    I notice you quote a small part of the post and left out totally the part where due to my actions, she believed I was actually in Thailand and that led to the misunderstanding in the first place. Also the relevant point about Loong's post where he showed his visa !!!

    There is the door, get out??

    You cannot handle a trust issue like that in a relationship. That is dictatorial and pathetic.

    We have been given the ability to talk to enable us to overcome these misunderstandings and trust issues. As edwinclapham says, it takes time to build trust. And I'd agree with that and add that it takes time to build trust on both sides of a relationship.

    Sometimes a firm hand is needed, other times a gentle way is needed.

    But if some people who are inclined to order others about and put them under the thumb, up to them. I'd rather talk and understand first and then if all else fails, leave the relationship.

    • Like 1
  4. Hookers arent part of most people's life.

    In Thailand, hookers are a part of most mens lives.

    If they were as cheap and available in the rest of the world, they would be too.

    I think most men wouldn't have sex with a prostitute even if it was free.

    Maybe most men would not admit to having sex with a prostitute, but if she was attractive and not expensive there are very few men who would turn her down.

    But a BG is not a prostitute so we are having sex with some of these beautiful women and making two donations, not paying for it. One financial donation and the other a liquid donation. All good charity from us foreigners :P

  5. Ok i finally read all 23 pages. lots of great info for a newbie who is considering LOS as a retirement haven. thanks for all your comments.

    I read the whole thread too and I have to say that most of it is just people arguing about inconsequential details. Is the preference of ones beer relevant to this thread of overall cost of living? Is the cost of a haircut such a large part of ones monthly budget that it deserves ten posts?

    I joined this forum for information about Thailand, but it seems now that most of the information I scan through is completely irrelevant to the original post.

    All good fun. Information mixed with some good banter along the way. And if you are in the pub 7 nights a week the beer thing can be important as it takes a chunk of the budget whistling.gif

    5 small beers a night @ 75 Baht = 2625 Baht a week !! More than some spend on food ;) Then if you drink that girly Heineken the cost has gone up bah.gif

  6. Overall I am about 25% better off financially here in Thailand than back in the UK.

    I've halved my monthly costs by living in Thailand, and having a much better lifestyle, more dinners out, more nights out, more 'coffee mornings', more kids, younger wife.

    Duh!! I forgot about the younger females bit. I need more vitamin B12 after my nights out and they are cheap here too. Only 1 Baht each.

    B12, isn't that a bomber ? ooooooooooops, sorry no, B17. tongue.png

    I think a 50 cents balsa wood glider might be more appropriate in Thailand than a B17 and that would cost a few hundred thousand Baht here with all the kick-backs and bribes ;)

  7. Receiving just over a thousand flowers and offerings for 'Wai Kru' (Teacher's Day) from my students. (I teach 1200 students each week)

    The students obviously took part in the official ceremony but majority of the students took time out of their day to come and see me and say thank you. smile.png It was very overwhelming. smile.png

    Nice one Ajarn!

    My lad was off sick yesterday so missed the instruction that 'Thursday casual' wear was canceled for Wai Kru day. Watching him, all of 4 years and 3 months old giving Mrs NL stick for not having him dressed like the other kids was funny. Having to do a 30 minute race to the house and back in morning traffic so he could change his shirt and save face (they start young don't they?) wasn't so funny but seeing him happily join his classmates one hour late but sartorially correct made us both smile again.

    Great smile.png You really have to love children for what they bring to our lives.

  8. Something Loong said in an earlier post about mistrust and it sowing those seeds of doubt so he had to show his passport stamp.

    On my last trip to the UK I'd turned on the phone with my Thai sim card in. Not sure why I did it. Anyway, she obviously got a message to say my phone was now turned on and she was of the belief I was in Thailand when in reality I was at home in the UK recuperating after an appendectomy. She'd even tried phoning my number to talk to me but the call failed. That made her believe I was also refusing to talk to her even though I too was calling her VOIP every day from the UK.

    The end result was she did not believe me even when I showed her the scar from the operation. She thinks deep down that I was being tended to and nursed by another Thai woman. That was when difficulties began and on my return the increased demands for me to give her so much money every month ( 20K) backed up by that dreaded peer pressure sh*t.

    It is hard to get them to accept these situations even though we can prove where we were with visas and other proof especially when they know so little of the world.

    Another factor in some of these situations is the cost of a UK trip. House to house return and incidentals like food and a few nights out costs a good 50000 + Baht and some believe it is money wasted, an extravagance that could have gone to them, even though we would not have a visa to stay in Thailand.

    Too often they do not think like us.

    Difficulties? Plenty of them cheesy.gif

    • Like 1
  9. Overall I am about 25% better off financially here in Thailand than back in the UK.

    I've halved my monthly costs by living in Thailand, and having a much better lifestyle, more dinners out, more nights out, more 'coffee mornings', more kids, younger wife.

    Duh!! I forgot about the younger females bit. I need more vitamin B12 after my nights out and they are cheap here too. Only 1 Baht each.

  10. I don't have a problem with keeping phone numbers but I'm a nightmare for losing phones, which has the same net effect.

    Then you get a text from an unknown number, and when you ask who it is, they go daft because they think you've deleted them.

    So that's me beat twice. Oh well.

    I have had one or two females do that to me over the years whistling.gif . 'oh sorry, i got a new phone'.

    I feel very special.

    Sensible man with a sensible excuse. Good on ya :)

  11. I don't have a problem with keeping phone numbers but I'm a nightmare for losing phones, which has the same net effect.

    Then you get a text from an unknown number, and when you ask who it is, they go daft because they think you've deleted them.

    So that's me beat twice. Oh well.

    Better than being beaten with a sticky haggis laugh.png

    Tsk Tsk Blether, why do you not connect the phone to your computer and store all those numbers on your computer? that way you would know if it is some beautiful woman contacting you to play with your Sporran blink.png

  12. Nice healthy post PDbiggrin.png . In fact so healthy, whats the matter with you?wai.gif

    I did have a Thai girlfriend before marrying my wife and we remain great friends to this day. Partially because her luck changed and she met and married someone with more money than Iwhistling.gif .

    She did not marry me then. I am a poor soul financially laugh.png

    Great to have friendly ex's and if they turn out like these, i want more, more, more whistling.gif Think of the fun that could be had with a bit of juggling the appointments tongue.png

    • Like 1
  13. I've never changed my main number - used for business - in 13 years.

    I've never used the same SIM for any two SOs, particularly the concurrent ones, even when they know about each other.

    One way or another I've managed to stay in touch with those ex's where it suits both of us.

    The only potential bunny-boiler was unfortunately the mother of my children, but she's settled down quite a bit now, goes on meditation retreats to the temple a few weeks a few times a year that seems to help enormously, she's really trying to learn to control herself - and of course maturing as she just naturally ages and gains wider experience, has learned I'm not so bad as she thought compared to what's out there, lately trying to worm her way back into the household, but long past that, no challenge resisting that particular temptation, can't even think it would be that great for the kids. . .

    I can't say I blame you. It puts a different perspective on things where children are concerned. And a Boiler to boot too.

    I had a woman back in the UK that I had a relationship with for a year. She still went Boiler on me after too much acrimony from her to me. i went through a lot even to the point where I was locked up in a police cell on my birthday. I had a room booked, band paid for, all the guests I wanted and a bouncer on the door in case she tried to get in. No invite for her cheesy.gif

    She and her son made statements to the police, timed to have me arrested on the afternoon of my birthday. Luckily I got out quite quickly, thanks in part to a clean record and what must have looked like total shock on my face.

    Turned out the Boiler even used false address on the statement. No charges made and a great party had by all.

    Bunny Boilers can be dangerous. Thankfully not all ex's are like that and I'm glad to have those four good ones on my phone.

    With any luck I might get one or two more good ones w00t.gif

  14. I suppose it depends whether you are in a new relationship or not.

    Girls in the uk get suspicious when x GF's call same same in Thailand but more difficult to explain just freinds darling unless speaking Thai that's really understood.

    Then the going out with them thing just as freinds, how will new GF react if finding out about it,infact how would boyfreind react if boot was on other foot.

    Me personally would have a new number because I wouldnt want the hassle but each of us have our own way of dealing with things.

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

    It is about getting each to trust the other and to trust me when i say it is a friend. But I do tell any new female that I do have Thai friends and that we chat sometimes.

  15. Thanks to a PM sent to me, a friend will be happy tonight to learn that his life in Thailand will be a bit cheaper by a minimum of 10K and I think by 20K as another excessive request has been uncovered.

    The financial requests and scams aside, Thailand can be so much cheaper if you work things out.

    Here in Thailand I find it can be as cheap to eat out as it is for me to buy the food, cook it and wash up afterwards. Markets and shops can be cheaper too once we know where to shop and take account of the prices some charge against others. Many a time I have been to the local markets and been well overcharged until you find the right stalls and stall owners who are simply happy to have your custom. Then there is the small shopkeeper who smiles genuinely to have a foreigner shopping there and also does not overcharge.

    Accommodation is often cheaper once you learn the rules on prices and what meters you have installed for electric and water.

    It is the same with bars. Find the right bar that you like and the right price for beer and the beer can be cheaper than back home.

    Overall I am about 25% better off financially here in Thailand than back in the UK.

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  16. The best night out in khon kaen for falang is number1 bar, has a live band on at 9pm, dave is always trying new things to get falang in, theme parties killer pool ect, i go most friday nights always a good crowd mix of falang and thai, and around midnight i head to Tawan dang a thai music place which i recommend very highly.

    As for the poster who mentioned about menu's in thai i agree but many places i know have in falang if you live here and know where to go.

    Can you say what soi the Number 1 bar is on please?

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