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Everything posted by Dazinoz

  1. Yeop, my last one late as I missed date. Cost me a couple hours at immigration and 2000baht. He was lucky. Actually I probably would not have posted about it.
  2. Don't know what's sad about this post.
  3. I know not Bangkok and not going to help Op but my favourite pharmacy in Chiang Mai delivers via Grab. I have them on Line and they help set up grab app for their shop. No extra fees, other than grab and any amount of items will be sent.
  4. After moving here i bought 4 x 100ounce silver bars from Singapore (online). After a couple years I decided to sell 1 bar to get some cash. I walked down Wallai Road in Chiang Mai which is the "silver street" with a Thai friend to try sell. No one wanted that size bar and those who may have been interested wanted to pay much less than spot. I contacted dealer I bought from and yes no problem to sell back. The problem came trying to ship it back. No carrier would do it except one and the insurance was I think $1000usd. The was for the 4 bars. So in the end I booked flight to Singapore, stayed in cheap room over night, took silver personally to dealer then flew back to Thailand. Much cheaper than the insurance. So forget silver and buy gold bars. I have found a very good gold shop in Chiang Mai where their fees are very good. Is if you are in Chiang Mai let me know and I will give you the name of the shop. Shops do vary considerably in their fees.
  5. I understood that and that is what the ft component of the bill is for. I have actually seen it negative.
  6. Drop? It the ft on bills which is the fuels cost rose in September last year and has remained at that figure since. It is dropping slightly this month for the next 3 to 4 months. https://www.mea.or.th/en/content/detail/2985/2987/487
  7. What's that got to do with terminology?
  8. Actually called anti-islanding.
  9. My bill literally double this month mostly because of use due to the extra use of air conditioners due to, funnily , the HOT weather. The ft component was exactly the same as previous account. The base rate was a little higher. See what the ft is below. This screen cap comes from:- https://www.mea.or.th/en/content/detail/2985/2987/484#:~:text=Ft is variable tariff or,Automatic Tariff Adjustment Mechanism formula.
  10. My march bill the flat rate charge was 3.68/baht a unit. This month was 3.91/baht a unit. Definitely not double. I did go from268 units to 440 units and the discount of 180 baht for units used in March is now gone off April Bill.
  11. How many Kw are you connecting? I had a 3kw system in Oz, helped a little but not much in the big scheme of things. Since July is ridiculous. Have you thought they maybe busy connecting other grid tie systems? Hey, what am I saying? TiT.
  12. Really find it hard to see how your bill doubled with no extra usage. My bill doubled almost to the baht but my usage went fro 268 to 440 units which is 1.64 times usage to last bill. Also the discount on the last bill was 180 baht which has been removed from this bill. I think a lot of people overlook that the discount was removed.
  13. Have you ever researched how much this "FREE" natural resources costs to actually make, replace and dispose of the items needed to capture this FREE resource? So many people just think sun, wind, wave energy is free, and it is, but the cost to mine, transport, manufacture, instal, dispose of when depleted of the items is much higher than most people think. It's like turning on your light switch at home, viola instant power. I worked in the control room of a power station for 10 years and, again, people don't know what's involved in producing this instant power.
  14. As they say from the day a man is born his brain keeps developing up until the day he gets of his flight in Thailand.
  15. What the hell does that comment mean?
  16. I guessed that much, just saying never heard that and asked where originated.
  17. What is a power-shortcut? Never heard this term before. American, England or where from?
  18. Let's do the same to motorbikes. Very few deaths if they were not on the roads.
  19. Always amazes me that. People come in and drop the remote temp to low. I ask why and they say cools room quicker. I try to explain compressor is working at max so room will cool at a certain rate. Having said that inverter models can run at higher than normal maximum rate so can help cool faster.
  20. Yes I used to instal and clean in Oz. My post was referring to professional people who have no idea.
  21. What a rip off. I am sure that would be illegal but nothing will happen in Thailand. Most appartments with individual room meters used to charge double or around 8 baht a little while back. I did read that "they", whoever "they" are changed rules to say that apartments condos, etc could only charge 20% more than MEA/PEA rate, but again this is Thailand.
  22. As per my previous post there are technicians and there are technicians. At my ex apartment their "professional" AC cleaning team said nothing in outdoor unit except fan. VERY professional. From personal experiences the condenser fins on the outdoor unit has been the main problem when AC performance dropped significantly.
  23. Ah, but what is the holy spirit? I used to prefer JW Black but now prefer Jack Danials.
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