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Everything posted by Dazinoz

  1. Yep, I had that problem lately. Cant even get a coffee while waiting.
  2. Yep, don't worry about all the crime committed by locals, got to get them nasty, dirty crime committing farang.
  3. I think you will find most, if not all, retirement visas mean yearly so how does it have nothing to do with visa length?
  4. If anyone knows about the loading of aircraft it is important that luggage and cargo is weighed so that these items can be loaded to keep the aircraft centre of gravity in the correct position. Large aircraft have crashed before from incorrect loading (mostly cargo aircraft). Can't remember standard passenger weight "assumption" used in calculations but people are generally getting bigger and carry more stuff onto plane. I can't see a problem with weighing people and carry on stuff for more accurate loading and thus safety.. Charging for extra weight is another story. But I guess most airlines allow a certain weight for checked luggage and passenger pays for extra. I know discrimination card will be raised but, as I said it is another story.
  5. Reminds me of a joke. A vegan and a vegetarian jump of a tall building to see who hits the ground first. Who wins? SOCIETY.
  6. When my wife first saw Mr Pecker, she laughed and said who do you think you are going to please with that. I just said "ME"
  7. Any one on here want to test her out for me?
  8. Yes but I am not sure what she is doing and only on phone. She says she not in TF app only FB but why does it show on TF she online xx minutes ago? Like I mentioned in my original post i don't do this I have a separate login for each site so I don't know if what she is telling me is true.
  9. Possibly, but not sure.
  10. I think so. She claims hasn't been on TF a long time it's because she logs in via FB. many times I look and been online xx minutes ago. Last night she had a green dot next to her name so I assumed online. When questioned (via Line app) about being on TF, "no I am sitting, knitting and watching TV"
  11. Yep, suspecting the same.
  12. I don't log into other sites via Facebook (FB) and always use a separate login. Now a friend of mine joined ThaiFriendly (TF) via Facebook. I made a comment to her about how much she is on TF. She claimed she wasn't just on TF but just on FB. So my question is if you sign up to TF via FB do you show online on TF if online in FB? Confused? My thoughts are you should show online.
  13. Trying to make a joke of it and you call me anal retentive. Another one joins my block list.
  14. Amazing what a well placed comma does to the meaning of a sentence. I thought she must have been a real dog with her "back legs" on the counter.
  15. Been like that awhile. Remember walking down Bangla Road (before living here) and a Russian lady came up to me and pointed up to a second floor window and said see lovely Russian lady. I said I come to Thailand to see Thai ladies not Russians,
  16. I buy lady drinks for the company. Sometimes a little more is involved. I have had the buy manager a drink lately. I say no. They are making a profit from all drinks so why should I give more money to them?
  17. Need the extra fuel to fuel the heavy mining equipment to mine the materials required to make the cars, especially the batteries and fuel to the power stations to provide electricity to charge the EV cars. And before you comment on solar an wind, do your research how much of what I have already mentioned goes into their production.
  18. The JP I used has lived in Thailand 20 years and has been providing witnessing services in that time. I am sure if his witnessing kept being knocked back in Australia he would not be doing it considering his effort for nothing.
  19. Yep, know JPs can not charge. And I don't mind paying a fee for a business. Take my quote example, they quoted 1000 baht per signature, so if only 1 then 1000 which obviously covers their costs or would charge more. But to charge 1000 for every other signature at the same time, to me is a bit much. You say a JPs signature is of zero value outside of Australia. I realise of no value in any other country, or do you mean of no value if obtained outside Australia?
  20. I was quoted 1000 baht (~$44) by visa agent and I thought a bit much, but $80 for your own citizens.........
  21. I just found JP (Qld registered) in Chiang Mai and he told me the embassy charges $80 per page/signature. At 10 pages ($800) might be cheaper to make a trip to CM, I can give you the JPs number here. Good luck finding one.
  22. Possibly but don't think so. It is listed on a few booking sites like Trip.com. Don't think they list the short time hotels but I could be wrong.
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