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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. 20 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    Moved to here from the Phuket forum.


    Immigration will only accept a statutory declaration done by the Australian embassy here.

    You will have to make a trip to the embassy in Bangkok if you cannot do it at the outreach in CM. Be aware you will need an appointment to do it at the embassy.


    Thanks for that ubonjoe. And sorry for putting in Phuket forum.

  2. This might sound a silly question but knowing Thai Immigration I just want to confirm.


    Last year I obtained a Statutory Declaration of income to support my retirement extension. This was obtained through the consulate section of the Australian Embassy when they visited Chiang Mai.


    My extension is due 18th October and I will be in Australia and return CM on the 5th which is the date the consulate will be in CM and it maybe difficult for me to get to see them. I know they are the same but can I get a Stat Dec from Australia just before I return and use it for my extension? I mainly ask as it will be stamped and signed by an Australian JP and not the Australian Embassy.

  3. Cant see it working in Chiang Mai with the roads and drivers. Even if elevated I am sure a Chiang Mai driver would find a way to get up there. 


    Was once driving in CM with a Thai passenger and a Thai driver made a manoeuvre  and I asked the passenger why they do that. She said only in CM they do that, no where else in Thailand they do.

  4. My GF used to live in Kampangding Road in Chiang Mai. Once I parked in front of massage shop and started to walk from my car with my gf to her room. Lady started yelling at me. I asked my gf what was she saying . My gf said she say you can't park there. I asked here where the sign was saying no park. She pointed to a hand written sign in Thai on the front of the shop. I started saying no official sign and the girl threw here cigarette at me. Now it was only a cigarette but I started yelling you throw at me and I call police (jokingly of course). Owner came out and wyed and sorry sorry sorry. So I just said to her 5 minutes and then I go. She was ok.


    In the same road is a French restaurant. I parked there one day when the restaurant was closed. When I got back an A3 size sign was taped to my windscreen saying not to park there. I ripped the sign off and threw it into the shop, after all it was his paper and tape. The owner, a Frenchman, came out and the argument started. Same thing as the Op said. He said had paid for the footpath and the road and he said he will call the police. So I said go ahead. He made gestures of going to hit me so I said to my gf to start videoing with her phone. I waited some time but no police. My gf was talking to the next shop owner, a Thai, and said that the Frenchman had a lot of trouble with people over parking. She said one night he even dragged a motorbike out to the middle of the road and left it there. The amazing thing is when you went past when his restaurant when open he had signs everywhere on the road and no room to park.


    I try not to anger the locals even if they are another Farang. There are others ways to get even if the desire is there.

  5. My dog had bad breath and brown teeth. After a recent stay at a boarding kennel the owner told me I should take her (the dog, not the owner) to the vet as her teeth were very bad and some loose. After a visit to the CMU small animal hospital she has 6 teeth extracted, some very black and the bacteria analysised and turns out to be a very serious bacteria so she is on a 2 week course of strong antibiotics.


    Like your dog she doesn't like bones so I will have to find out another way from the vets on her next checkup. I was told of a "stuff" that you put in their drinking water and helps keep tartar down but that was in Australia so trying to find out what it is and if I can't buy here I will get some and bring back on my visit there in September.

    • Like 2
  6. 50 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

    nothing "BAD" intended - check my other posts... but selling a used breast pump... have you checked the 2nd hand market for such items.. mostly, I find that people tend to greatly over value 2nd hand stuff... I highly doubt that even 1% of people looking for a breast pump are looking 2nd hand - - - did you?

    yes, I have seen quite a few adds for second hand them. Probably because I am trying to sell one I notice whereas you rpiobably would not "see" the add because you are not selling or after one. And no I didn't look because when "mum" decides she wants something, she wanted it yesterday.


    And I don't believe I am overpricing. If people don't want so be it.

  7. I live in Chiang Mai for 5 years and have noticed a drop in number of people at the bars. Also a number of bars in Loi Kroh Road have dropped and a lot more food shops and tattoo parlours have opened. I have a couple of regular bars I goto and owners are saying more and more "to quiet, too quiet, no customer".


    When I first started visiting Thailand I was getting around 33 baht for my aussie dollar. Lately I have gotten lest than 24.


    As far as Chinese tourists go they don't seem to like spending the money. One bar I used to goto for the lovely food was owned by an American. I was talking to him and he said one night 4 Chinese men came in, sat down at a table and asked for 4 glasses and ice. They then pulled out their 711 bought beers and proceeded to drink them. He thought ok they may buy food. When asked to order they said they didn't want so he kicked them out.


    As far as the sex trade goes I would often see a bar girl go off with a man. Very rarely see that now. Not sure if price or what. They don't seem as attractive as they used to be,maybe I have been here too long.

    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

    An electric breast pump? USED? It is difficult to imagine anyone wanting it at any price... I am not familiar with the device, but it sounds a little 'used underwear' to me... but if there is a demand, go for it... I would take any offer..

    VERY different to underwear. Can easily be cleaned and sanitised. But I forget that someone has to find a "bad" in every post.


  9. 24 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

    I am having the same issue on the other side. I am house shopping and though there is tons of inventory on the market, I don't see much willingness to sell and prices can seem high. For a buyers market, I struggle to see a buyers advantage other than loads to sort through. 

    When I am trying to sell something, and to figure a starting price, I look at how much I paid, how much is it today, how long have I had it, what condition it is and try to set a fair price for both me and buyer based on those conditions. I have been just trying to sell some baby stuff. One was an electronic breast pump. Babies mum used it less than a month. I advertised for just above 50% of new price and people still want it for 50% of that price.

  10. 37 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

    Yes Daz -- different culture... you might note that there are no 2nd hand type stores or flea markets... Thai do not place much value on 2nd hand... if it has value, they will either give it away to family or sell it to family... if it is junk, they might try and sell it... 

    I can understand that, but the strange thing is that most of the buyers or potential buyers  I have had who offer extremely low prices are farang.

    • Haha 1
  11. I have been trying to find out some information on this and have found a bit on the net. Apparently there is a new Certificate of Identity or CI being issued. However, as some have mentioned in previous posts, she is too late for this round. According to the Myanmar Consulate in Chiang Mai  applications were not being opened again until October and told her not to get into any trouble where the police could be involved.


    I have just found an article on the net written in March about how the applications were being closed on the following Saturday (in March) and those who don't get the application in will not be allowed to stay and must return home. They state "Under the Alien Working Act, undocumented migrant employees will face repatriation with a fine of up to 50,000 baht (US$1599/K2.13 million) while employers will face a fine of between up  to 100,000 baht for each migrant."


    I don't know how it applies in her situation and technically she is not working and I am not her employer but she is living with me and I am supporting her.


    I know she is here illegally now and yesterday she is talking about returning to her home and staying with her father. I don't know the legalities of her getting home now and if she should cross the border, at an army post such as near Doi Angkhan where she crossed before. Very confusing and very worrying for her and myself.

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