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Posts posted by Dazinoz

  1. 3 hours ago, ebean001 said:

    Seems like certain people from certain countries look down on Thais and feel very superior to them. this gets them in trouble.

    Always remember...this is not not not your country. Be very careful. Do not wrong. They may have a huge punishment for you. It is not your country!!!!

    Yes I agree. And the longer they stay here the more they start to look down other expats and feel superior to them too.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Autonuaq said:

    You need to have a letter that you are allowed to leave the country with your child.this letter need to be signed by both parents

    The reason is to prevent facing a case of (international) child obduction.


    The ampur letter can be used but seems not always be enough.


    You actually need a signed letter by the mother and this on it a copy of your passport and her passport.

    And of course the passport of the child.


    This signed by her and you.


    Then you need birth certificate, and a signed copy of the house book.

    Not forget the court order of being the legal parent and the registration of the court order at the ampur.


    Thai Passport of the child and your passport. And rhe passport othe child of ypur country


    This makes all clear and impossible to enter the unforseen problems like child obduction.


    Leave with the thai passport and enter home country with his other passport.


    This was provided by the immigration office when I went there for my son three weeks ago.

    Thai Passport was quick had it in 3 days. You need a court order or the mother present when apply.


    And if youu have vusa take care of thai,national - child all is even better when leaving.

    Obviously I was lucky to get away with what I had.

  3. 1 minute ago, Bangkok Barry said:


    They do. Read the article again.


    While Spain topped the list overall with 1,012 arrests, that was from 13 million British visitors, giving it a per 100,000 figure of just 7.8, which is average for most destinations.

    It doesn't compare people from other countries. Its only Brits in various countries. In reference to Spain it is the number of brits arrested in Spain.

  4. 13 hours ago, robblok said:

    These numbers are useless if they don't compare it to people from other countries in relation to visitor numbers. 


    Yes I would like to see a numbers chart of nationalities who are arrested in Thailand and again compare to, say per 100,000 as this chart has done.


    But I am fairly certain the results would vary according to various parts of Thailand. I live Chiang Mai and have visited Phuket a lot and from what I have seen of "trouble makers" it would be different in those two areas. Only my opinion.

  5. 37 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    Very sad story. My friend who is still with the child's mother and the child has a British passport ....were travelling back to England for a holiday. He told me they made a huge fuss at Suvanabhum and would only let him and the child leave the country after lengthy phone calls with the Thai mum who was staying behind

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    I guess like anything in Thailand it varies all the time. I had no issues at all. And, as I mentioned, I was surprised myself.

  6. 1 hour ago, Kenny202 said:

    Thanks for your detailed reply. Are you saying you didn't need his Thai mother to sign permission to leave the country

    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Yes. I didn't really understand it myself. I just needed his passport and original birth certificate and he was allowed to leave with me. Maybe because he had an Australian passport. Maybe if he had a Thai passport he might not have been able to leave without mothers consent. She was from Myanmar, me from Oz and him born Thailand his birth certificate listed him as "No Nationality" and also "Someone who is in Thailand illegally or temporarily." And that is why I started to get his citizenship and passport as he literally had nothing. At that stage his mother still wanted him. He had died at the age of 6 weeks and was revived in hospital but only after 10 to 15 minutes without oxygen and hence suffered brain damage. It became too much for his mum. I miss him very much but he is in the best of care.


    If I can help with anything else let me know.


    This is him on the flight to Australia.RayPoint.jpg.45d60a4c4eed35f13b3df086c5fe0a48.jpg

    • Like 1
  7. I have done this recently. Similar situation. I made my son Australian by descent. I then got his Australian passport through the Embassy in Bangkok. As you are Australian only you can apply for his passport. You can do the application online and print out. I can't remember if she has to sign or not. If you bring him back then obviously he would need to go through immigration procedures. 


    In February I took him to Australia to put him up for adoption as I am too old, don't have enough money, his mother doesn't want him and he needs continued medical attention as he has been diagnosed with 2 types of cerebral palsy. All I needed to take him out of the country, other than his passport was his original Thai birth certificate. The original is required as he has no entry stamp in his passport as he was born here. A special stamp was placed in his passport and I went to the Thai Consulate in Brisbane when there to see what it meant and all it is is what I described. I have no intention of bringing him back as he is getting excellent treatment at the Lady Cilento Hospital in Brisbane paid for by the government and Adoption Queensland.


    As far as the comment by Rc2702 goes, I am not sure what he is on about.

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  8. 8 hours ago, Ks45672 said:

    By definition, it only qualifies as an investment if it beats the current inflation rates and even then it would have to beat stocks, bonds, funds, property etc to be a "good" investment 


    People who bought gold in 2011 sell haven't broken even and won't for several hundred dollars more


    Even when they reach the same dollar amount as they paid in 2011,their dollars will not have as much purchasing power, so they will have lost out on all those years of profit even when they reach the same amount


    Doesn't sound like a good investment to me tbh

    I was recommended a great investment by a financial advisor many years back in Australia. A negatively geared rental property. To cut a long story short I lost $50,000 out of pocket over those 10 years. Great investment. But you don't know the future so hard to know if good investment or not. Maybe you know something I don't.


    I will stick to my gold thanks, at least I won't lose as much if I do lose.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:



    Some people are getting their bills via the landlord who put their increase on it, sometimes double the electric company rates.They then pass it on to the tenant/condo renter. For example, the condo owner checks the unit rate of 4 baht per unit and you use 100 units, so your bill is 400 baht. Some condo owners are charging 8 baht per unit, so your bill is 800 baht. New government legislation has come in to stop this. So now, unscrupulous landlords are giving out rent increases for the money they will lose in their ' electric scams ' to compensate.


    Other people are getting billed for their condos direct from the electric companies with the electric companies meter and thus paying the normal rate..... It all depends on where you live and the decency of the condo block owners.


    Simple answer is, decide with your feet. There are plenty for rent. Go and find one where you pay the Electricity board rate directly with no adjustment to your rent and get a full written contract.

    Thanks for a more accurate reply.


    Personally i rent a house so doesn't worry me. I was just curious as to how it happened as I mentioned in a previous post what happened to a friend. But as always seems to happen on TVF people read what they want to read and start downing people.

  10. 6 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    In apartments they do, in condos where people pay directly to the government they don't. Obviously you don't understand the difference between apartment and condo.

    This whole thread here is about apartments.

    The OP mentions apartments, rented rooms and condos. Quote"“The Government required the apartment block owner to increase the rent and service charges on each condo"


    But obviously I am an idiot. I should have read the word "condo" to mean "apartment" from the OP.

    • Haha 1
  11. 3 minutes ago, tigermoth said:

    There are thousands renting apartments who cannot afford to buy a condo. ost of these people are on low incomes and are the ones that will be badly hit by the owners raising rents to compensate. Any increase in rates for apartments should be outlawed for a minimum period of time.

    Yes, easy for people to say just buy your own condo problem solved.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  12. 19 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    Before you paid let's say 10k rent and 3k electricity. He charged you double the government fee so got effectively 11.5k THB for his room

    Now he can charge you only 1.8k (1.5k government + 20%) for electricity, so his effective income for this room is 10.3k THB

    Did you think he will just give you a lower rent and accept less income? Of course he increases your rent, and that's what all apartments will do (unless the rent before was too high and they hope to attract more tenants with the new lower rent)

    But you said they don't make make extra money from electricity. Contradicting yourself.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Acemaker said:

    I get my Gold for Free, minimum 1 Gram Bars, 24 Karat, 999.9 Gold Bullion, Hologram for added security, stored for Free in Germany or delivered to my Door fully insured via Fedex, how do i get it for Free ?

    How easy to sell in Thailand in a hurry if needed?


    I had 4 x 100 ounce silver bars I had bought from Singapore. Tried to sell one here in Chiang Mai. Nearly impossible. Well was impossible to all the places I visited.  So was going to send back to seller in Singapore but only courier who would insure it wanted so much money it was cheaper for me to fly to Singapore, stay overnight and return it in person.


    So for that reason I like the Thai gold for easy, very quick sales.

  14. 7 minutes ago, tigerbeer said:

    nice collection there. always nice to have gold especially for those who are not able to keep money!!!!. as soon as i have surplus there i go out buying something. lol. there is more to gold than just investment. 

    Everything I have read leads me to believe a collapse of the world monetary system and a significant rise in gold and silver prices so I have the 55 baht gold here and 3215 ounces silver in Australia. People say gold is not an investment but a hedge. If you make money from it it is an investment.


    What I can't figure out is the relationship of Thai gold prices to world gold prices. I know Thai gold is 96.5% pure and also related to the baht/$us but world gold has been steadily increasing but Thai gold is relatively steady.

    • Like 1
  15. I have been buying 5/10 baht ingots from a gold shop in Wararot Market in Chiang Mai. Been using the same one of late as they all brand their ingots so easier to sell back to them. I now have 55 baht worth.


    As some people have said you would probably pay an extra fee through the banks. If have found if you buy a 5 baht ingot or bigger you only pay the published gold price at the time and no commission. I think you pay commission on selling. Even though I said I buy from same store for easier sell back you can still shop around for cheaper commission. I sold one 5 baht ingot in Phuket and the commissions varied from 1500 baht to as low as 300 baht, and obviously where I sold it. It did help having a Thai with me to help negotiate commission.

    • Like 1
  16. 32 minutes ago, Shifty said:

    Up to 2 weeks ago I was able to play tattslotto online. Customer service informed me that playing lotto on the their website outside of Australia is no longer an option. My racing tatts/QBET website has also ceased.

    I can again using VPN

  17. 16 minutes ago, sirocco said:

    We must not have the same definition of the word "aggressiveness".
    Aggressive does not mean "mean"
    So, say, an uncontrolled anger.
    It has been very intolerable for you to think that you think that she thinks of her first.

    In my country, even if we do not want to help, we do it for us, willingly or by force.
    We punctuate each month on our payslips and various taxes.
    We do not even know which ones.
    All foreigners, assassins, broken arms can thank us.
    We contribute for them.
    So reach out to the forums !!!
    Have a good day.:welcomeani:

    I don't know what language you are talking but makes no sense to me.

    • Thanks 1
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