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Posts posted by marginline

  1. If he returned the suit case the authorities would have found the diamonds, and he still would have been charged for stealing them.

    As the diamonds would not be in that suit case by the time it was returned to the owner.

    My experience has shown that In Thailand if you have a disability,no one will take pity on you however they will find your disability amusing and they will take advantage of you.

    Steven Moody, will be getting bashed and raped ten times per day, and the authorities won't lift a finger to help him.

    That's Thailand.

    Pratet Maleang Saab,

    I doubt it. Every report I read of farang in Thai jail is they pretty much left alone

    Thanks for this advice mcfish. Yes; what you write is exactly what happened to a Finnish acquaintance of mine last year.

    While detained in Chonburi jail, my acquaintance was taken care very well by some of the detainees who apparently had some form of seniority among the other detainees. While it was a stressful experience for my acquaintance, he was clearly moved by the kindness he received from many Thai detainees.

  2. Why not? It's about as believable as the wealth of some cops and army officers.

    "That 968 million baht? Oh, I made that legitimately via my job as a cop," Pol Lt Gen Chakthip Chajinda tell the public

    I guess it could be possible. Let's do the math shall we?

    On March 23rd, 2016 - The Nation published an article entitled "Pay hike for police and military officers" If I may paraphrase The Nation reported "...police lieutenant generals will see their monthly salaries rise from "฿74,320 to between ฿75,560 to ฿76,800." So assuming the above mentioned Police Lieutenant General's annual salary was/is ฿921,600...that would mean; based on The Nation's figures - it would take 1,050 years, 4 months and 5 days for a Police Lieutenant General to earn ฿968,000,000. Remember though please, this figure doesn't take into consideration the pay rates for preceding years and the fact; the Royal Thai Police was only founded in 2476 (1933).

    Aren't facts wonderful? Thank you.

  3. Its quite possible they were beaten while in prison----but I wouldn't put it (solely) down to the guards, Britain had many years of Erawan shrine bombings,(IRA) A girl I went to school with lost a leg while having a quite drink in the local London pub. Those who were caught-----weren't treated to well by their fellow inmates in Prison also.........................................coffee1.gif

    You're 'spot-on' oxo1947. While I was an administrative detainee at San Pedro Service Processing Center, awaiting deportation from the United States in 2004; if you are familiar with the murders of British Army corporals David Howes and Derek Wood on March 19th, 1988 - well I became acquainted with the man who was first to get to their car and started kicking this vehicle.

    Although my acquaintance did not actually murder the two British Army corporals, he shared with me how he was unmercifully beaten by Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) police officers in detention. In fact he was beaten so hard, he had to have ALL his teeth replaced. For what it's worth though oxo1947, my acquaintance was never assaulted by fellow inmates while detained in prison. It was just the RUC and prison guards who would constantly beat him.

  4. Does Surat Thani airport even have immigration, i dont think it does, why would they be fined there anyway, they were departing Thailand BKK, either badly reported or some BS being written

    And 7 × 500 doesnt equal THB10500 BTW if it was genuine fine they overstayed 21 days

    1 If 7 days = THB 3500

    2 overstayed 21 days

    3 scammed by someone

    4 someone is writing BS

    A few factual things wrong with this story

    7 days x 3 people = 10,500 baht..

    3500 + 3500 = 7000

    7000 + 3500 = 10500

    Hope that clears it up for you.

    Great post NewinPatts. As for Soutpeel...I think I now have an appreciation of what a one-legged man at an arse kicking contest feels like.

    Post in haste - cringe at leasure.

  5. This news should be directed to accommodation owners rather than to expats although having said that, it probably already has.

    A useless piece of news.


    Good post hathairat2711 and you are absolutely correct.

    Accommodation owners are required to have the guest's passport number, their TM6 Thai departure card number, the guest's length of stay and finally the guest's domicile address in their respective country of residence.

  6. he confessed!

    If this is correct as an American citizen, go after him under Thai law. Lock him up and do what is needed.

    I totally agree with you stkyricesf and if I may send a brief nota bene to the American Embassy who will no doubt try to have this murderer repatriated. In the Thai justice system your Steven Timothy Rowe will not be denied due process but be treated with respect - as is his entitlement under basic human rights.

    While detained in Thailand waiting for his day in court, he will not be subjected to any kind of physical, psychological and/or sexual abuses performed by Thai prison staff either. Unlike back in the United States.

    You (the U.S. Department of Justice) therefore need to take a leaf out of the Thai justice system's book and not interfere with this matter any further than you already have.

    • Like 1
  7. Another meaningless exercise with numbers!!coffee1.gif

    As I key this, TAT is preparing their prognosis for 2014, concluding the numbers will go up with 87.9845%

    And they will all spend 5.869.09 baht average/day.

    The Japanese will be replaced with Montenegrians!!


    ..absolutely and very well put Soi41.

    C'mon thaivisa.com, I would expect schadenfreude.com to be disseminating this kind of meaningless drivel - oh and for what it's worth Montenegrins will be replaced by Djiboutians <yawn> tongue.png

  8. One side says "Do Not Disturb", the other "Please Clean My Room" (in 5-languages) however, I am unable to use the door hangars I have created because I cannot find a device or place here in Pattaya that can punch a 65mm diameter hole into said door hangars.

    Does anyone have any idea whether or not a die cutting service exists in Pattaya to achieve a professional finish please?

    Grateful for any answers as "Plan B" isn't as pretty as what I have right now. :-)

  9. Isn't this this same schlemiel who "doesn't respect farangs?"

    And his criticism of the cruise line is ludicrous. The tuk-tuk drivers have about as much right to scam cruise ship passengers as I do. *Libelous statement edited out*

    When the passengers do get scammed, they blame the cruise line (and could easily sue them - and win) and then guess what? The cruise line avoids Phuket next time.

    His comments about foreigners scamming foreigners and Thais and foreigners scamming foreigners is pandering to the Thais listening who might bristle on the notion that they are anything but a nation of honest, hard-working, racist licentious hypocrites.

    At least the leadership is maintaining the standards of ineptitude.

    Very well spotted and remembered TimeBandit2 :whistling:

    I was wondering how long it would take before he'd have to kind of 'flip-flop' and demonstrate some kind of appeasement; albeit lip-service, for his crass remark on March 24th "'I don't respect 'farangs'. We do not have to surrender to them", which I personally felt was extremely disrespectful - if not somewhat racist.

  10. It's all getting a bit Oxbridge aint it ?

    The point is, Thais are being prevented by the authorities from free access to material

    and from the free expression of their views, end of.

    Having now watched the video, IMHO there's nothing there that warrants any further comment other than to say that personally, I was the one who felt ashamed to have trespassed onto something that was very private - and (again IMHO) should have remained private. I am also somewhat disappointed by Wikileaks who comment Re: The Crown Princess wrote that Her Royal Highness "appears to be expected to act in a sycophantic manner". Well FWIW, I certainly didn't get that impression at all. If anything, I was left with thought I've already written about above and additionally, that the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess look like any other couple who still respect and love one another. End of story.

    The real story and role for Wikileaks I feel involves disseminating the truth from all the bullsh*t and lies we were fed by the US and (not so) Great Britain - to regime change Iraq as they now try the same, tired old strategy on Iran.

    However; "Yes" I agree totally that the point raised here by crazydrummerpauly is the "be all & end all"; and should be the "bottom line".

  11. I have a friend who is looking to rent karaoke equipment for use at his birthday bash (on January 25th) and was wondering please, are there places or is there a place within the Pattaya/Chonburi area he can go pick-up the necessary hardware he wants to borrow?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)

  12. The Sunbelt translation does confirm that the new order replaces the old one...
    To cancel and replace Point number 3 of the National Police Order Number 608/2549 (2006) dated

    September 8th, 2549 (2006) with the following

    That was not clear, or stated, in the link to the Thai site,

    hence the 90 day rule has gone.

    Hmmm...very interestin'. I'm wondering how many of the month-to-month crowd will now revert back to now doing a visa run every 15-days? Until October, 2006 I must confess that I had been doing the 30-day trip but now I've had a taste of Laos, I must say that I actually enjoy the day I'm forced to take in Vientiane, even though the travelling can sometimes be a bit of a pain. :D

    It's great to have a decent curry and the bread; wow, not to mention Beer Lao of course - is absolutely; well, "c'est formidable!"

    Of course, if I were living in Southern Thailand, I think the idea of going to Malaysia every 15-days and stocking-up, then xxxx duty free, would be a good enough incentive not to get another visa - until (of course) the rules change again. Anywayz...

    Finally, thanks Lite Beer and ubonjoe for answering my inquiry. :o

  13. If she had made off with 50 billion dollars she would have been out on bail whilst investigation was carried out. Even if she had confessed freely under no duress, before going into incarceration where reported confession is always suspect.

    And if she had been a convicted criminal of the magnitude of Ken Lay of Enron, she would have been out on bail even after conviction.

    There's on rule of law for the poor (whether guilty or not), and an entirely different one for the rich (whether guilty or not).

    You raise some good points Martin and it's worth remembering too that these laws are not exclusive to just theft (like Bernard Madoff, Ken Lay, etc.,), you've even got wealthy alleged murderers (like Phil Spector) and whole countries (mainly the US and UK) able to flout the law and basically get away with murder.

    Meanwhile, you've got this poor old lady and a very believable problem because, I dunno - someone overreacted? :o

  14. Seems strange to me, I've been catching Bkk taxis for about mmm 20 years....never been chopped up and put into landfill yet. Perhaps you chumps need to learn to communicate with these people a bit.

    Naturally if there was a farang being chopped up everyday, thats 365 per year going missing, don't you think that it would of drawn a bit more attention by now?

    You blokes are :o

    JUNKOFDAVID, perhaps you & syd could get together and knock up a survivors guide for stupid travellers....after all the pair of you would have a phd in that? As for your wife....she actually has to be looking for you to find you :D

    Kind of in agreement with you here neverdie. I've only been here going-on 5-years and had my share of scenic rides around town. I think what keeps me from seeing red is simply remebering that 50 baht represents a mere pound and a pound won't even get me on public transport in cold, grey blighty.

    FWIW, I think being a staunch believer in karma too that if the taxi driver rigs a 200 baht journey by say 10, 20 per cent (and I know when he has) then he automatically loses the tip I would have given and puts himself in the direct path of "karma's komeuppance [sic]"; which I think we all know - can be a real bitch! :D

  15. This is the Sunbelt Translation of the rule. Comparing the old rule with the new one.

    Having just read Sunbelt's translation of the new ruling dated November 25th (thank you for posting btw), can somebody please tell me when land borders actually began enacting this change down to 15-days?

    You see, when I crossed the Ban Laem land border on November 30th I got 30-days, so I'm curious to know exactly when this ruling started being enforced. :o

  16. ...that's just over 240ft² (imperial). Would be most appreciative if perhaps someone could advise a 'cheap 'n cheerful' place here in Bangkok who will install/fit a small quantity such as this and an idea of price too please? :D

    Many thanks! :o

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