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Posts posted by marginline

  1. On 9/20/2017 at 2:37 PM, CelticBhoy said:

    ". . . possessing illicit drugs with intent to sell, which could spell the end of her acting career."

    Understatement of the year, unless they do a remake of Oliver and need a female Fagan.


    'Great Expectations' immediately came to mind CelticBhoy as IMHO she looks like a shoe-in for Miss Havisham by the time she gets released. Very Sad.

  2. 41 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

    Thailand kidding itself again. Before you can get super-yachts coming, you need to have somewhere for them to moor, and Pattaya has absolutely zero places for them to do so.

    I don't see people who can afford really nice boats taking them places where the water is quite frankly, shit.

    Hear, hear. Pattaya has about enough hope of becoming a "marine leisure hub of Asia", as they do of hosting the XXV Winter Olympics in 2026!

  3. On 9/18/2017 at 2:41 PM, balo said:

    Its going to look like a disaster zone after 2 years.

    ...and writing as someone who works in the hospitality industry here; well done Pattaya City Council for scoring yet another own goal.

    Patrons have already told me they will not be coming back and so all you have actually achieved by widening the 'footpath' into an ugly 'scar' and constantly harassing the hard working Thai beach vendors to move 'a meter this way and a meter that way' is hasten the demise of tourism here. Your Council's actions are reminiscent of those who rearranged the deck chairs on the Titanic krub.

  4. 34 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

    I'm totally for keeping television locked down. There is education right there in not showing those ridiculous soaps.

    You make a good point daveAustin. I would only politely request that there might be English sub-titles please on the supposed English channels.
    After all Sophon Cable's so-called "Movie Channels" are currently plagued by ancient or direct to dvd movie runs and of course, ubiquitous airings of 'farang keenok tv' where "even their news is new" [sic] and English Premier League football fixtures - are a whole week late. Thank you Pattaya News and Inspire.

  5. 40 minutes ago, samsensam said:


    the government had plenty of time to prepare for the sad passing of the King and have a clear operational plan and communication strategy in place to ensure clarity throughout the population and internationally, clearly they didn't think things through.


    spare a thought for those involved in the entertainment industry, how would you feel if the government decreed your means of sustaining you and your family was to be taken away for a year. a huge amount of people will potentially be impoverished, how does this benefit the memory of the King? madness.

    Great comment samsensam! 

  6. "Both apologized for what they had done."

    So, everything is OK in the "Land of Scum".

    A word for the baby:

    "Your life has only started and is already so sad.

    It's not your fault.

    You did not chose to be born in such a sad country.

    I hope your next life will be a better one and far away from of Thailand."

    Of course everything is NOT "OK" if these allegations of heinous child abuse are substantiated by a jury of their peers BUT I object to you referring to Thailand as the "Land of Scum". If you have such a low opinion of Thais, may I politely and most respectfully suggest - you know what you can do. <wai>
    Substantiated by a jury of their peers? He admitted it all, why would they need a jury?
    Yes; you're right Alwyn. Thank you for correcting me. I guess all that's required is the judge's gavel strike.

    The crime is heinous without a doubt Sir. I guess I was offended by the "Land of Scum" name calling, which I kind of thought was unnecessary embellishment. Thank you.

  7. Quite scary that they can just go into your home and check without a warrant or anything. That they want to check for people overstaying.. ok but a house to house search for substances is crazy.

    Under Thai Law, police have no right to come into your home unless they have a warrant or you let them in.Things might be different under current martial law though.

    Passports can be checked at the door.

    Thank you manarak for straightening this one out. Absolutely the police have no right to enter your home unless they have a warrant. If they do not; under no circumstances invite the police inside your home. I'm not even sure that they have the right to ask to examine your passport, as they should have this information at Immigration. In any event I would do exactly what manarak advises. One doesn't want to make the police lose face. Just close the door first and any external windows before you go retrieve your passport.

    Just because you live in the LOS, doesn't mean the police here can violate your human rights - which would be 'due process' in this case. Thank you. <wai>

  8. I look forward to reciprocal / retaliatory arrangements by foreign countries, especially those who choose to leave the EU and can start afresh with their rules without centralised EU meddling.


    Yeah it's the EU fault that Thais can own property in the UK but you can't in Thailand. Is it also the EU fault the earth is round?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Hmmm... I got news for you; the Earth is not 'round' krub. Respectfully it's in fact an 'Oblate Spheroid'.

  9. This heading is extremely disrespectful to the diseased. The source would not dare to say such a thing.

    I totally agree with with you Johnniey krub. If anything it displays the total disconnect or lack of regard the person who wrote this article has for his/her fellow human beings.

    May karma 'bless' this obvious alumni/alumna of the 'Nudge, Nudge. Wink, wink School of Journalism' with a similar fate, when his or her time 'comes' (Get it? <titter> <titter>) around. <wai>

  10. Pattaya city enforcement officers and soldiers from the 14th Military Circle inspected the small beachfront June 14, finding about 20 vendors offering mostly empty chairs.

    Most respectfully District Chief Chakorn Kanchawattana, the reason why the score or so vendors were offering "mostly empty chairs" is because every year, the month of June here in LOS is 'crash, bang, wallop' right in the middle of an annual hospitality related cycle called 'low season'. You do understand that right?

    Please be advised District Chief Chakorn Kanchawattana that should you not reverse this decision of yours by November 1st, 2016 - many of the tourists who fill this beach during the start of another annual hospitality related cycle called 'high season', you may annoy so many of these tourists, that they may never return to Pattaya again.

    Writing as someone who has had first hand experience of you guys interfering in matters you have no understanding off, let me please share with you a fact and an adage, that has always served me well:

    'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'

    Thank you Sir for your consideration. wai.gif

  11. The health minister want to decriminalize Yabba, what will be his stance on crimes committed because

    of the use of Yabba and all it's consequents I wonder?......

    The decriminalizing of any recreational drug, has an immediate effect. It removes these drugs from the clandestine

    marketing between criminals and orgnaised crime within the military and police.

    It has at least one other effect. It is no longer romanticized by the young as something desirable because it is forbidden.

    Forbidden fruit is always sweeter.

    How you progress from there is a long hard road of education. People will always take a risk for a rush and as we know, yaba is a very poor man's coke. As we also know, drugs have three main purposes. Stimulation, or inhbibition and medication. Escaping from the boredom and pain of poverty, brought about by lack of education and fair government is a fair avenue.

    Concentrate on education and fair governance and the need for drugs goes away. The desire for them may stay, but that's the human condition.

    Some of us have healthy ways of getting a buzz, from sport and the like, but the peoples of the world 'are' drug takers. Admitting it and dealing with it are better alternatives than sweeping it under the illegal carpet, where the most nefarious networks of drug dealers from street mules to high ranking police are making money and misery from it.

    IMHO...this is one of the best and succinctly written arguments for the decriminalization of recreational drugs I have ever read. Thank you Maggusoil for sharing your opinion today.

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