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Posts posted by marginline

  1. 17 hours ago, marginline said:

    Oh I'm sorry Khun Han, I didn't know that I wasn't entitled to an opinion on this forum krub. I guess you're right then. Well done, now go get your prize!

    Khun Han, Grouse...I am the one who is confused krub because if you remember Khun Han, one minute you're writing this...


    I'm pretty sure that the busload of opinion polls taken after the referendum showed that immigration was far from the most important issue.


    and then minutes later...


    The biggest poll taken after the referendum (AshcroftPolls) showed 49% of leave voters having sovereignty as their main reason for voting. Immigration came in at 33%.


    :blink: :biggrin:

  2. 13 hours ago, Grouse said:

    To force change, a majority of the ELECTORATE is required. It does not matter what the turn out is. If the electorate is 40,000,000 you would need 20,000,001 to force change even if only 30,000,000 voted

    We've already had an answer of sorts krub, seeing you keep going round in circles. The rest of the electorate who couldn't be bothered to vote - simply abstained. Thanks. :sleep:

  3. 1 minute ago, Khun Han said:

    I'm pretty sure that the busload of opinion polls taken after the referendum showed that immigration was far from the most important issue.


    Oh I'm sorry Khun Han, I didn't know that I wasn't entitled to an opinion on this forum krub. I guess you're right then. Well done, now go get your prize!

  4. 3 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

    My point was that all people that I know that voted for Brexit did so because of immigration issues.

    No. You would be incorrect whatsupdoc krub. I voted for Brexit because; while happy to remain in just a 'common market'; I did not want to see many of the 'unions' the EU wanted to force on the UK (i.e. combined military, combined currency, combined laws, etc.,) - implemented krub.

  5. 5 minutes ago, transam said:

    Heeey, any party does that stuff........UK folk voted from all political persuasions.....You may not like the outcome but a substantial majority made a statement...


    Curiously transam, after reading stephenterry rebuke a member of this forum about his arithmatic, I am beginning to wonder whether or not he would have been so vociferous, had the vote been to - remain?
    All I'm hearing repeatedly as his argument is 37%, 37%, 37%!
    So, I'm starting to conclude therefore that this may just simply be a case of - empty vessels make the most noise.

  6. 6 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    Yes, 37% of the people.

    Well with respect stephenterry, as you and The Grouse haven't yet proposed how you would have increased the vote - from 72% to at least 83.3% of the electorate to satisfy your arguments - maybe 13-million of the electorate DID simply decide to - abstain krub?

    We'll never know.

  7. 5 minutes ago, transam said:

    The UK is ploughing bundles of cash into the EU yet other countries can retire earlier. Tax systems are different for those who like a drop of vino.....Greece folk can dodge taxes with a smile from authorities cos they are all at it...Plus the UK don't get an afternoon siesta.....:sad:

    ...oh and in Cyprus - you'll get a lovely 'haircut' too! :sad:

  8. 8 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

    They left out the fifth option


    I abstain - I have no idea what is best for the UK, only their citizens know whats good for them.



    Many a true word is written in jest. As that basically is what the 13-million who didn't vote - did!

    Thank you TunnelRat69. :wai:

  9. 6 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    I've just told you!


    You don't need 100% turnout; you just need a majority of the electorate to force through major change.

    Right! I know Grouse krub. And I thank you krub. But by using stephenterry's figures, how could you, how would you have increased the vote from 72% to 83.3% (an additional 5,850,001) to satisfy what you have written please, krub? :wai:

  10. 2 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

    While I agree with your summation

    ...and I agree with your summation too Sir. But how, in all practicality, can we or could we have ever got/get 100% electorate participation?

    Unless you have a definitive answer, surely we have to work with the democratic 'tools at hand' don't we?

  11. 1 minute ago, stephenterry said:

    It is the will of those that voted to leave, but not the majority of the electorate. 

    Respectfully stephenterry EVERY person who made up the UK's electorate at that time had an 'equal opportunity' to express their respective opinions. If they chose not to vote, how do you suggest we could have made them vote please?

  12. IMHO and commenting from experience, you'll find that writing to The Ombudsman of Thailand is probably the only method to receive a proper redress of grievance.
    Going to "the media" won't get you anywhere unless there's something in it for them. As for social media; you'll get a lot of sympathy for sure and a lot of "hearts", "chalices" and "funny faces" to what you have written as people comment BUT; most unfortunately - no redress of complaint I am sorry to say krub. :sad:

  13. 3 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    I am not British, so my opinion doesn't really matter, but...


    3 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    Forgive me, but as an outside observer, I see a small majority of the people who voted to look backwards to a "better time", but that time does not and did not exist.

    I am British and I totally disagree with you Samui Bodoh, but all I can say is that your opinion DOES matter when it is disseminated with such class, such poise and which respects the feelings of others who; most respectfully disagree with you.

    Oh, and there's nothing to "forgive" either IMHO krub. Thank you. :wai:

  14. 6 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Basically, what the OP has fallen in love with is an image, a vapor that does not exist in real life.

    Respectfully geriatrickid, I have not fallen in love with anyone. I just asked a simple question and kind of expected a simple answer.

    IMHO everything written in your and Scott's pseudo-Freudian analysis speaks more about your respective psyches and not anything about the young man, but "thanks" guys. :whistling:

    Now; returning to the topic, can anyone answer my question, please?  Thank you. :wai:

  15. 4 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    As far as I know you can say anything you like about Thailand while on a flight from Abu Dhabi to London. Nobody would care.

    My apologies to you MaeJoMTB for making an analogous comparison in an attempt to express the hypocrisy of our supposed peers seeming reproach of its citizens by comparing it to an incident in which one of the so-called 'powers that be' displayed incredible insensibility.

    I will, therefore, refrain from using metaphors and similes as tools to draw analogies in future, so please; again accept my sincere apologies for any confusion caused krub. Thank you. :wai:

  16. This reminds me of an incident on an Etihad Airways flight in February 2005 when a Colonel Peter Roberts, the defence attache at the British embassy in Thailand was returning to Blighty.

    Long story short; he went bonkers and started saying all sorts of defamatory things about Thailand. If you Google his name, read for yourself the awful things he said about Thailand. Pompous git!

    By the way, he got let off by the beak when sent for trial because of some bullsh1t stress diagnosis and of course the judiciary and high ranking military are like sh1t that sticks to a blanket.

    Had that been you or I though, I can assure you - things would have ended very much differently.

    Reason for this post, I don't like being lectured by my supposed peers (i.e. The Foreign & Commonwealth Office), when I would NEVER, EVER consider disrespecting Thailand in such a way.

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