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Posts posted by marginline

  1. 1 hour ago, Rimmer said:

    The cleanup comes after doctored photos of Pattaya Beach were uploaded to Facebook side-by-side with pristine images of the American tropical resort and a favorable comparison of the two.



    1 hour ago, Rimmer said:

    Heavy machinery will be brought in to remove large objects and overturn the sand




    ...and so what will be used to remove the "heavy machinery" after it has been parked on the beach for two weeks? :tongue:

  2. 11 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

    The quality of the Farang population especially in Pattaya continues go down. 

    Kee Nok Farangs.. 

    Yes but the 'other' side of this coin Boon Mee could also be that many of "the Farang population" have an unreasonable sense of 'entitlement'. I'll admit that writing as someone who is not a particularly wealthy individual - yet! I do respect my hosts (thank you) and always remember that I am a guest here. :jap:

  3. On 10/5/2017 at 6:37 AM, webfact said:

    City of Oxford strips Aung San Suu Kyi of human rights award

    I'm glad to see foolish, high-profile awards like this from an equally foolish city council being called for what they are.

    The City of Oxford needed to look no further than local teachers, policemen, and other public servants who serve Oxford's citizens every day with aplomb - without any chance of recognition.

    City of Oxford, all you have done by stripping Aung San Suu Kyi is demonstrate how worthless your awards actually are - because you clearly hand them out not to honour any proposed recipient but to further your own PR (or bullsh1t factory). Very sad. :sad:

  4. 19 hours ago, Golgota said:

    So you re ready to fight for Thailand ?

    I would fight for Thailand; as I was prepared to do for the UK, if Thailand gave me citizenship.

    My reward by the way from the British? When I reported sexual abuse by my commanding officer when I was serving in the Royal Air Force, the MoD violated my priest-penitent privilege then punished me by removing me from Squadron detachments and posting me at short notice, to the farthest RAF Station - RAF Stanley.  

    Thailand though has always investigated any complaints I've had about the authorities here most satisfactorily; unlike the UK and USA who have both demonstrated incredible ambivalence, malice, and obstruction of justice.

  5. 17 hours ago, webfact said:

    In an active shooter situation, response time can be as fast as three minutes, said Sid Heal, a retired Los Angeles Sheriff's Department commander and tactical expert. He questioned why it took police so long to reach the room if hotel security immediately called them.


    "Someone needs to account for those minutes," he said.

    With respect, as LASD Commander Heal (ret.) writes on Linkedin:



    Los Angeles Sheriff's Department
    1989 – Present (28 years)

    One of three "Commanders of the Department" in which the assignments were generally troubleshooting at a strategic level.


    What credibility does he think he has to criticise the first responders and heroes from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department if as...


    "One of three Commanders of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department"

    1. Sheriff Lee Baca (Now Convicted Felon)

    2. Undersheriff Paul Tanaka (Now in Prison - Convicted Felon)

    3. Commander Sid Heal (ret.)

    Commander Heal (ret.) was probably privy to the abuses which convicted Baca and Tanaka please?

  6. 14 minutes ago, habanero said:

    Why do you say that? Don't remember anyone asking for Britains help. Trump said the U.S. will destroy N. Korea. Didn't mention anyone else.

    anto probably wasn't trying to be offensive habanero. What he probably meant was, when the world's largest and most powerful naval power goes on maneuvers, there's definitely no harm to having the world's best naval power - tag along krub.

  7. 44 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    Lord Powell of Bayswater, Lady Thatcher's key foreign affairs adviser, said that Britain would have lost the war without such assistance." (The Guardian-6 September 2002)

    Most respectfully and IMHO Thaidream; I'd have to agree to disagree with you krub concerning his lordship's assessment.


    46 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

    The point being that the US and Great Britain have a long history of helping each other during times of conflict and war.

    Good, sound point though and I thank you for sharing your thoughts krub.

  8. 5 minutes ago, madusa said:

    Buddha disliked gay during buddha's time gay were know as "Pandaka". Buddha's strickly prohibited them from joining the monkhood community. Just check wikipedia for "Pandaka in buddha's time". 

    I believe you madusa. It would be kind of cool though if the Japanese would make Kim Jong-un dolls in retrospect, don't you think? With November 5th fast approaching, I could certainly imagine placing one of those - top of the stack.

  9. 9 minutes ago, madusa said:

    What's wrong with Jimmy? Japan will be making computerised dolls in the form of little kids so people like Jimmy would not be on the wrong side of the law. Would you be ordering one of these kid dolls? The British parliment decided that it is harmless and it helps to keep pedo off the streets, so no import tax. You lucky man you could import more than one then.


    Oh my Buddha! :passifier:

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