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Everything posted by Sheryl

  1. That is to be expected due to the stress of being at the hospital. Omron is a good brand. Your BP is perfectly normal.
  2. Advancing age increases the likelihood of hypoglycemia. So does kidney disease. Your habits may not change but your body does. I would also get hypoglycemic on your breakfast intake. Especially if taken with coffee or strong tea. See how you do on a better breakfast. If that does not work then see an endocrinologist.
  3. Not an isolated value. 2 readings several months apart at a hospital lab. With a normal reading in between after going on statin then going back up to prior level when statin discontinued. His cholesterol ratio is 5.02. And there are indications of chronic kidney disease. Judging from both BUN and heat wave at the time, March value likely affected by dehydration but not the Dec reading. Most clinicians would recommend statin in this case especially since he tolerated it well and showed good result at low dose.
  4. Because this is not a reputable site and it quotes not a scientific journal but another unreliable site (Daily Mail)'s out of context version of same. Regarding last visit recommendation to take 40 mg atorvastatin: if I understand correcty you previously took 20 mg and it was effective. No reason therefore to take 40. Should always take the lowest dose necessary. It is sounding like the doctors you see are not really looking at your history when making recommendations. You may need to be more proactive in drawing their atrention to it (prior lab results prior med dosages etc). Get another creatnine and BUN test and I would slso suggest electrolytes (sodiun potassium). -- only these tests not others so no need to fast before hand which should remove any effect due to dehydration. For a few days prior make sure to drink enough that you urinate with normal frequency and amount and your urine is light in color (light yellow not completely water-like) but don't overdo it beyond that point. there are some stand alone labs in Korat such as https://www.rtlclab.com/?fbclid=IwAR096QM1ywmb97tvgqCfuq8SDmregTgojHgJulniPkvJRW-VYJb4yXgBLfw I don't have any specfic info on their quality, maybe other Korat residents can advise. If your creatnine is still elevated consult a nephrologist. I'd suggest Dr. Watanyu Parapiboon at Maharat (majn govetnment hospital in Korat, much bigger than Suranaree) going through their "after hours" clinic. Yes elevated LDL is often genetic and since you are not diabetic and your triglycerides are normal likely true in your case ...though it would help to know your weight/height, activity level and diet. Don't forget the fish oil. You want to get your HDL (which is protective) up preferrably to about 70.
  5. Not always the youngest daughter. Many factors go into who in the family does what. Perhaps the other siblings have other commitments that preclude being fulltime caregiver. Or perhaps your wife simply has the bigger heart. You don't want to get too much in the middle between your wife and her family but perhaps you could gently suggest that the other siblings chip in to pay for live-in household help. Split 3 ways would not be that much. Not reasonable to expect your wife to keep house, cook, shop and care for her Mom single handedly. She'll need at least one other pair of hands. The situation will evolve one way or the other. Her Mom's condition may continue to improve. Or her Mom may not live that long (likely a thought in your wife's mind in deciding to go so far away). You and your wife can reappraise options further down the road depending on what happens. For now just be supportive
  6. There is no reason at all to think she has dementia. Vascular dementia occurs very slowly not suddenly. It is quite common after a stroke to have trouble (or inability) speaking and you may be mistaking this for dementia. The aphasia (inability to speak) may or may not improve with time. Improvement after a stroke can continue for up to 6 months and is gradual. Not speaking after a stroke does not mean the person does not understand or recognize people or that they are demented. Keep in mind too that being on a ventilator itself interferes with speech. It is significant that the medical personnel caring for her -- who will have seen hundreds or more of such cases -- do not suspect dementia. She is more likely to improve in familiar surroundings than in an institution, and it is not customary in Thailand to put parents in a nursing home. Millions of Thai homes have elderly people with incontinence and other issues in them, cared for by family. (And with hired helpers if the family can afford). Yes it is a strain but so is caring for an infant. And feeling that one failed in one's duty to a loved one is an even greater burden. So let your wife do what she feels she must and try to be supp8rtive. Maybe offer to pay for some in-home help (but let your wife decide how best to utilize that person). Ventilator care is of course more difficult in the home but they will probably not discharge her unless/ until she is able to breathe on her own. It is not possible to make a diagnosis via Google, even for a trained health professional. The search engine is not designed or constructed for it.
  7. It made no sense at all to stop the atorvastatin when it was clearly having the desired effect. Naturally your numbers went right back up. That's what happens. These are long term medications, not ones taken just until the labs improve and then stopped -- that is completely crazy and it is incredible that a doctor would advise it. I would definitely stop going to that doctor. The only reason to stop would be if you had intolerable side effects (and even then, a different medication might be advised in its place). Countless people take statins long term and 20mg is a low dose of atorvastatin (but appeared adequate for you). I am surprised nothing was said about your HDL which is too low. You should eat more oily fish (mackeral, tuna etc) and/or take fish oil capsules to get that number up. Beyond that I cannot advise re your diet without knowing what you currently eat. Cholesterol aside, your abnormally high creatnine is worrying and suggestive of kidney disease. You need to see a nephrologist. Sooner rather than later. Where in Thailand are you? And where have you been going for health care? (You need to change it, for sure.)
  8. You are not on a strict no sugar diet (or any sort of no or liw sugar diet) if you are eating fruit for breakfast. With fasting sugars well under 100 in the morning and a recent episode of hypoglycemia midday, I suggest a more substantial breakfast. In particular more protein and some healthy fats. This will help stabiluze your daytime blood sugar.
  9. So you are on absolutely no antiglycemic meds? No metformin, nothing?
  10. You are most definitely not allowed to work in Thailand on a retirement visa/extension. Work outside of Thsiland yes but in Thailand no. Irrelevant to this story as the man in question is on a business visa.
  11. Business visa not retirement per here https://www.thephuketnews.com/kicking-swiss-man-in-phuket-loses-visa-91515.php Which makes far more sense . Not only is he too young for retirement he is operating a business in Thailand. (Or was....)
  12. too much MSG would not alter his blood sugar reading. Nor quickly respond to sugar intake. @Confuscious are you: known to be diabetic? taking insulin or oral hypoglycemic drug?Type? Dose? was this blood sugar reading fasting? After it did you have a ful breakfast? without this info nothing cam be said about this.
  13. They do, but as previously explained, it is not safe to do with contrast outside of a hospital. A minority of people have serious reactions to the dye.
  14. W-8 BEN us for non US citizens. I don't see how that would come into it. At branch level, what is AFAIK required for a US citizens or resudents to open an account is just standard form listing your SSN or TIN. Which in my experience Thai bank staff are often terrified of. I spent over an hour arguing with one who was convinced I had failed to fill it out correctly because I filled out the SSN section keaving TIN part blank. AFAIK this is the only additional thing they are asked to collect at branch level. Other requirements for reporting come in at higher levels (and likely automated).
  15. Again, no Thai Bank as such (meaning entire Bank corporation) has a policy of refusing Americans. This is being done on an ad hoc basis by some branches or even just some bank staff because they are unwilling or afraid to deal with a new (simple, short, and filled out by the customer) form. Try a different bank or call the bank HQ number and have them explain it to the staff.
  16. There is no high level nationwide bank policy of this sort. Rather bank branches got instructions from their head offices on additional form to fill out in the case of a US account holder. Not in fact that complex a form. But of course, in English and unfamiliar to them. Typically, some are afraid or unwilling to follow this and opt to just refuse to open account. Try a different bank.
  17. Check with the entity that is asking for them as they may only accept from specific sources e.g. a government institution. The US Embassy will provide fingerprint cards for free, and recommends people get the inking done at The Police Clearance Service Center Royal Thai Police, Building 6 Rama I, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Phone: 02-205-1823 Website: https://pcscenter.sbpolice.go.th/en Email: pcs.center AT sbpolice.go.th https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/local-resources-of-u-s-citizens/fingerprint-cards/
  18. @Felt 35 Forgot to ask, what hospital are being treated at and by what type of specialist? Wondering since you express such doubt about the doctor. This is certainly not something to try to deal with at a small upcountry hospital.
  19. Already asked and it seems not.
  20. The list is current. Invasive procedures like TURP, Rezum, laser (usually preferrable IMO to the former two, but less widely available in Thailand) are to be considered only after medical therapy alone has failed. From what you say, you have not yet even tried medications other than supplements. Medical treatment of BPH is something any urologist can manage but as it sounds like you want one with particularly good interpersonal manner/willingness to talk at length about potential side effects etc, I suggest https://www.bumrungrad.com/en/doctors/Charuspong-Dissaranan Usual medical management of BPH consists of a combination of these 2 classes of drug: Alpha blockers like doxazosin, tamsulosin, alfuzosin and silodosin. These work by relaxing the neck of the bladder to make it easier to urinate and effect is very fast, what it has not done for you in a week or two, it likely won't. These drugs tend to lower blood pressure, so if on a BP med may need dose adjustment. Retrograde ejaculation may occur especially if prostate is very large. Thus is harmless and does nto affect sexual sensations or performance, but some men dislike it for psychological reasons. Alpha-reductase inhibitors like finasteride and dutasteride. These work very slowly by actually reducing prostate size over time. Takes 6-12 months to see full result. As this class of drug works by partially blocking the action of testosterone, reductions in libido and sometimes (about 10%) erectile dysfunction may occur. On the plus side, they promote hair growth.
  21. You need to specify the symptoms. Thai internists (generalists) are by no stretch of the imagination expert diagnosticians. There is a good GP (American) I can recommend in Bangkok but none I know of in Pattaya.
  22. Brands of Felidopine in Thailand are: Besides other brands of Felopidine there are several closely related drugs in same class with same action eg Mandipine Amlodopine Amlodopine is the cheapest but also hss the highest rate of side effects. Though many people tolerate it fine. You need to be careful uf converting from one drug in this class to another as some are extended release and some are not
  23. No it does not. That requirement is for visa exempt entry not for entry on a TV.
  24. He is making money on TikTok. His real problem will be visa. Won't set in immediately but once he has had multiple border bounces it will.
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