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Everything posted by Sheryl

  1. Not familiar with it. Is it sweetened? (check the label, though should also be obvious by taste).
  2. Nobody has ever claimed that fruit causes diabetes. But people with diabetes have altered glucose metabolism which makes it necessary for them to regulate the intake of sugars and processed carbs. The OP is diabetic and is consuming the equivalent of 3-4 servings of fruit at one go, with little else, first thing in the morning.
  3. The TRD does not grant extensions. Immigration does and there is no indication TRD will ask Immigration to do this for retirement extensions and no reason why they would want to. Foreign retirees are not a tax priority since high percentage of them owe no little of no tax in Thailand. Credit advices show the original source of foreign remittances. In my case they clearly show that every remittance csme from US Social Security. Of course if people are remitting funds that first passed through their foreign bank accounts then proving source would be more complex.
  4. Can't assume that what they mean. It is probably not. The term "state pension" has a different meaning in UK and Australia, referring to the governmrnt issued old age pensions there. So a Brit or Aussie might mistakenly use it for what Is actualky US Social Security.
  5. I deposit money into my Revolut card via US debit card and no fee is charged. Seems to arrive immediately. Like you I attempted to link my US bank account, was a mess, never worked well and after a short time it was listed on the Revolut app as "de-activated", never could get an explanation why and none if the Rvolut advice on how to reactivate worked; I gave up as any way debit card was working OK.
  6. There are more than 60 different DTAs so cannot expect provincial RD staff to know what is in them (some don't even know what a DTA is). Source of income very much matters IF it is of a type not assessable in Thailand per the relevant DTA.
  7. Regardless of whether you ended up owing tax on your SS income in the UD, it is non-assessable in Thailand.
  8. All US government pensions (regardless of whether ftom federal or state employment) and US social security are non-assessable in Thailand. US private pensions are assessable in Thailand. Not sure what people are talking about when they say sn American has a "state pension", as not a terminology used in US. Note this is sll specific to US DTA only. Not generalizable elsewhere.
  9. Then LifeCare or NHealth Lab.
  10. Suggest you try RSU health. Easy to deal with and will email results. https://rsuhealth.com/ Sukhumvit around Soi 33.
  11. There is no way to include or declare non-assessable income on a Thai tax form. Only if one has assessable remitted income in excess of 60k is it required to file. Uploading documents not requested is only likely to cause confusion.
  12. EDTA and other info in parentheses just describes the type of tube the specimen is collected in. EDTA is a preservative. Not a test type. Most places would add the TSH without requiring Dr consultation.
  13. None assessable means does not get declared on tax form or used to calculate tax owed. Pensions in general ARE assessable per the tax code but in the case of non Thai citizens with foreign sourced pensions the terms if the relevant DTA also apply. Sometimes this means that a pension is not assessable in Thailand but it varies with glthe DTA and pension source.
  14. The tax code specifies this (and lists pensions in general as assessable) but in the case of foreign nationals with a foreign sourced pension the relevant DTA also applies. Some (not all) DTAs state that some types of pension income are assessable only in the home country.
  15. Rather high in carbs for a diabetic meal, on the low side for protein (though possibly you make up for that in subsequent meals?) and very low in fats which contrary to what some people assume, is not a good thing. Fatty acids are an essential nutrient, and fats slow digestion which helps stabilize blood sugar. Up to you, but I would still recommend reducing the fruit portion size (reducing, not eliminating) and adding the fruit to something with fat and protein, like unsweetened greek yogurt.
  16. Oxygen concentrators can be used in hospitals and sometimes are. The piped in oxygen found in large hospitals sometimes comes from large oxygen concentrators, other times ftom liquid oxygen storage tanks or high pressure oxygen cylinders. The kind of tanks needing regular refill, that you are thinking of are used only in much smaller hospitals. Oxygen concentrators need a regular supply of electricity which is likely lacking in a field hospital of this type. Sudden overnight cessation of US humanitarian foreign aid, with no prior notice , is both unprecedented and sure to cause deaths. Probably not a USAID issue in this instance as refugee aid usually comes through a special State Dept offiice but this too was abruptly cut off with no time to seek alernative financing.
  17. There are some good private hospitals in VN and for that matter quality of care in tertiary govt hospitals is also good. At much lower costs than Thailand. But not so easy for English speakers to access. Where health care should be a big concern is for those thinking of Cambodia.
  18. Correct. And only to health and life insurance ftom Thai companies
  19. You are consuming a lot of carbs from the fruit. Some fruit is OK, eating mostly fruit is definitely not OK for an insulin dependent diabetic. This gives a rapid spike in blood sugar followed by a big drop hence the hypoglycemia. Eat less fruit and more protein. Especially, eat something high in protein and healthy fats in the evening and just before bed, should help stabilize your blood sugar.
  20. The small intestined breaks fructose down into glucose. Howevrr if an excessively large load of fructose is ingested some of it "spills over" to the liver...with negative metabolic consequences. Sucrose has a glycemic index of 65. Fructose is about 25 (high fructose corn syrup OTOH is over 80). While fruits contain fructose they also contain sucrose and glucose in varying amounts, hence the wide variation in glycemic index between different types of fruit.
  21. Moved to appropriate forum. As others have said, you can extend 30 days prior to the expiration of your current petmission of stay. (45 days in some pmaces). Alternatively can get a shorter extension on medical grounds. The orivate "international" hospitals will fo this for you. If in govt or smaller pvt hospital, a family member armed with a letter fom the hospital can do it on your behalf. But extrnding before hospital admission would be simplest. You will not be extending a visa, you will be extenfing your permission of stay.
  22. It can be bought over the counter. Would need a large pharmacy to stock it though.
  23. Is that the price at outside pharmacy? (Hospital pharmacies matk up costs).
  24. Moved to the Wellness subforum.
  25. There is no immigration check when leaving the US. Only thing that would prevent it would be if passport had been seized. This is sometimes done at arraignmrnt if the perdon is considered a flight risk but being "wanted" does not mean an arraignment took place. Likely he skipped the country before that occurred.
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