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Everything posted by Sheryl

  1. They have it at Siriraj in Bangkok Consult this doctor https://www.siphhospital.com/en/medical-services/doctor-biography?id=94
  2. This is really your best option as choice of antihypertensive depends on many factors and overall medical history. ACE inhibitors (the class Lisinopril belongs to) do cause taste disturbances in some people. So may Angiotensin Receptor blockers, a related group of antihypertensives. Cakcium channel blocker might be an option but should discuss with physician familiar with your overall medical history.
  3. Hiatal hernia is entirely different and surgical correction of it far more complicated than with inguinal or umbilical hernias. But rarely required.
  4. Inguinal hernia and hiatal hernia are entirely different things. That said , no reason to assume you have a hiatal hernia. I suspect that when you say you have "bloating stomach", you actually have a distended abdomen. Which would not be relaed to a hiatal hernia but could be many other things. Together with recent blood in your urine, these could be serious signs. You need to stop googling and see an actual doctor.
  5. See a good GI specialist. Where in Thailand are you located?
  6. Lidocaine patches are not available here. Lidicaine cream can be bought at larger pharmacies. Brand names: Emla, Racser. Wear gloves when applying. Saciylate patches can be bought at all pharmacies. Suggest you get a donut cushion if you don't already have one.
  7. https://aseannow.com/topic/936921-urologist-recommendations/
  8. Unhelpful posts have been removed
  9. Thai doctors, like people everywhere, are individusls and not all the same. Neither in personality nor in competence. Suggest you indicate where in Thailand you are and what type of problem you seek treatment for, so that specific recommendations can be given. One important thing to note regarding dermatologists, is that they fall into 2 very distinct gtoups here, one that focuses on cosmetic treatment (these are the majoritiy, especially in clinics) and those which treat skin diseases.
  10. 100k or so per leg is the norm for laser ablation removal of varicose veins in private hospitals in Bangkok. But some will do 2 legs for not much more than one. Nowhere in the world can this be done for 1-2k. I suspect you are thinking of different treatment.
  11. He is in Bangkok. No "High Street" there and virtually no specialist clinics outside of hospitals. Given the abundance of private hospitals willing to provide office space on the one hand, and high Bangkok rents on the other, makes no practical sense for a specialist to set up their own clinic in Bangkok.
  12. You can get labs and tests done here. Not sure how much you can get in the way of consultation. https://rsuhealth.com/
  13. I do not understand what these requirements are, as you quote them as having told you they will not cover outpatient treatment.
  14. Do not say "Lexaoti generic". In fact do not say anything. Please see my prior post telling you what to show them written down. You can also get this online fom Medtide. Small delivery fee.
  15. I suggest you attend an outpatient clinic at a hospital and then follow through with complaint as needed. Outpatient costs at not high here, just do not get meds from hospital pharmacy. I assume you have the overseas comprehensive cover and not just the energency travel cover? (،MSH administers both).
  16. Dr. Donna is a doctor (GP) but her clinic, like others in Bangkok, does not provide what you are looking for.
  17. Where have you read that they will outpatient cover care in stand-alone clinic but not in hospital outpatient clinic? A clinic is a clinic. AFAIK there are no stand alone clinics in Bangkok offering what you seek. There are some that do check ups and testing but not the sort of specialist consultation you seek. What exactly do your plan documents say?
  18. If they will refuse to reimburse outpatient treatment why would a stand alone "clinic" (virtually nonexistant in Bangkok) be any different? It sounds more like they simply will not cover outpatient care overseas.
  19. Outpatient clinics in Bangkok are located in hospitals. Your insurer will not pay for hospital admission. They will surely pay for outpatient treatment in a hospital outpatient clinic -- IF your policy includes optional outpatient cover. The issue is not the place of service, but whether the service is in or outpatient. And whether your policy covers outpatient care. Usually with outpatient care you pay first then get reimbursed, though may vary with insurer.
  20. Not an unusual price for that method in a Bangkok private hospital. Might be less at Yanhee https://www.yanhee.net/pricing-packages/plastic-surgery-prices/ Supplements won't do anything.
  21. Consult one of the urologists on the list. They can do blood test (PSA and, if PSA elevated, free PSA) which will give a baseline for future comparison. If PSA us elevated, fhe ratio between PSA and free PSA will help distinguish elevation due to benign hypertrophy (very likely at your age) from elevation due to cancer.
  22. Thete is no rule requiring people without assessable income to file. And no way to show non-assessable income on a tax form. The rule is: file if 60k or more of assessable income.
  23. I think you mean genetic, not "metastatic". If your Hba1c is consistently below 6 you are not borderline diabetic. The A1c is the best test for this. Fasting blood sugar (which I sssume is what you referred to as sugar tests) can be slightly elevated for many reasons including just the stress of having blood tested.
  24. Rarely is this the case unless the cancer has already metastasized, except for a few specific cancers where chemo is curative.
  25. A CAC of 50 means you have a mild amount of coronary plaque and likely a mild degree of coronary artery stenosis. Moved to the regular Health forum accordingly. To pevent it from worsening, manage risk factors: Keep blood pressure well controlled (weight loss, diet, exercise medication if necessary) Control LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. If possible aim for LDL under 70. (Weight loss, diet, exercise, medication if necessary). If diabetic or pre-diabetic, address this as well. (Ditto). A cardiologist can do a more detailed assessment of your cardiac risk profile taking into account lipid profile and family history as well as CAC score.
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