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Everything posted by Sheryl

  1. Assuming this is a skin reaction, best to start with a dermatologist. Suggest Prof. Siri Chiewchanvit at Sriphat. https://sriphat.med.cmu.ac.th/find_doctor?lang=en&doctor_name=&spec_name=21&special_name=66
  2. Yes I am here. There are established immunothrapies for only a few cancers. Insurance will only cover established therapies, not experimental ones (which in any event are limited to people who do have not responded to conventional treatments). . In addition a hospitalization only policy might not cover outpatient immunotherapy. Cancer is not a single disease but a large group of very different diseases. Specifically what type of cancer are you worried about and why? Unless you have a specific indication of having a type of cancer treated by immunological agents, the likelihood of this exact situation arising is low. And if you do have such indication then it woukd be pre-existing and not covered by a new insurance policy, period. By the way immunological therapy can be as difficult as regular chemotheraoy in terms of side effects.
  3. As above. All drugs have potential side effects and you should resist the urge to second guess and self prescribe. The safety profile of nitrofurantoin is good. What type of doctor did you see and where? Blood in urine can have many causes including bladder/ureter/kidney stones, infection and, most seriously, bladder cancer for which it is often the only early sign. Important to be followed by a urologist.
  4. Yes, it is. Why are you concerned about a biopsy? Has a doctor recommended one? Nowadays prostate biopsies are advised only if a special type of MRI indicates probability of a clinically signifcant cancer... and such MRIs are done only if other tests and exams indicate a need. if you are on Tamsdulosin then unless you self-prescribed it, you have likely been diagnosed with BPH, very common in older men. How old at yoh and who prescribed thd tamsulosin?
  5. Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying here. If you mean that your local RD has told you no need to file if no taxes owed, then as explained this is not correct (filing is required if you have over 60k in assessabld income) but, as also explained, assuming indeed no tax owed then the most you risk by not filing is a small fine and that is seldom applied. If you mean your local RD told you no tax is ever payable unless working in Thailand, that is both untrue and dangerously misleading. There are many situations wherein people not employed in Thailand would owe Thai tax. Passive income earned in Thailand or remitted from abroad to Thailand, and earnings ftom employment abroad remitted to Thailand being examples of this. Be aware that verbal misinformation from RD staff will not be any defense if you are later found to have evaded tax payment. And the knowledgabilty of RD stsff, especially in matters foreigner specific, is quite variable and often low. It behooves everyone who us tax redident here to personally research whether or not they owe Thai taxes. Really not very difficult to do.
  6. A number (but not all) of provincial Revenue Depts are telling people no need to file if no tax owed. This is not technically correct -- by law must file if you have more than 60k in assessable income -- but the most you risk (assuming indeed no tax due) is a small fine, and that seems rarely enforced. Still, I personally would file in that circumstance. A few RDs are telling people only need to file if you work in Thailand. That is, and always has been, completly untrue and if as a result you fail to pay tax due, could come back to bite you in future.
  7. If you have no assessable income (or assessable income less than 60k baht) you are not required to file. Further, there is nowhere on the tax gotm ehere you can declare non-assessable income.
  8. Post with unreliable source/social media clip removed. In the main Health forum only scientific references should be used. Note too that this thread is 4 years okd. If you want to have a general discussion, post social media clips etc please start thread in the Wellness subforum.
  9. Please explssn what you mean by the "white inhaler". What drug, what dose?
  10. It is uttetly impractical to try to include all foreign credit card use in Thailand and nobody does. Further, you'd need to know how those charges were paid for, e.g. savings or income or what. Expenditure of savings is not assessable income. Don't over think this.
  11. Room rates are usually just a tiny portion of total costs. Room rate is literally just the room and includes none of the treatment. ICU room rates are much higher than regular rooms. In the case of this man he is in an ICU and on a ventilator. Even at a government hospital that is quite costly. The various other experiences discussed above do not in any way compare to his situation.
  12. Correct, all assessable pension income goes in line 1 (though in the case of a foreign pension, only what was remitted to Thailand). A 50% deduction up to maximum 100k can then be taken on the line called "expenses". And don't forget the 190k deduction for being over age 65 (if applIcable) in section B as well as the 60k personal exemption (more if married filing jointly or if have dependents). With all this and given that the first 150k of net income is tax free, most people will owe little if no tax if living solely on a pension. Note that some pension incomes from some countries is non-assessable in Thsiland so check the wording of the relevant tax treaty. Non-assessable invome does not get reported on tax form. (The UK OAP is assessable but UK government pensions are not). Revenue offices are often not up to date as regards foreigner specific issues. If all income is assessable and no credit needed for taxes paid in home country, doesn't much matter but otherwise would IMO do better to file by yourself online. (Or not file at all if there is no assessable income).
  13. @villageidiotY2KYou are mis-reading the policy. Surgery is covered under the inpatient benefits. This is apparently a hospitalization only policy but, as some do, it makes an exception for outpatient chemo and radiation. By the way, chemo and radiation can be fully curative for some cancers. What you seem to have in mind is when it is usedd to extend life i nthe case of cancers that have spread, a different matter altogether. In any event this policy would seem to cover all standard cancer therapies up to the maximum amount of 2 million baht. However that is way too low. You should get at least 5 million cover if you want option of using private hospitals. The room charge is also low for a private hospital and would often not cover it, especially in Bangkok. Go for a higher end package.
  14. As previously explained there are Thai generic brands that will be found at any really large Thai pharmacy. Some pharmacies that are especially noted for stocking generics include: Rung Rot Pharmacy, On Nut, right side coming form Sukhumit, about 50 meters down. Should they not have it, there are 2 other pharmcies nearby. https://maps.app.goo.gl/5WCrxiKQsvF6pmrE8 tel 023112720 Por Bor Pesat (P.B.) pharmacy on Sukhumvit 71 at the intersection with PetchaburiPattanahkhan Rd. https://maps.app.goo.gl/hQKTdzv6hD9GkAbw9 Tel 0823845025 In both cases, little to no English spoken and they may not recognize drug name when spoken by a foreigner, so hand them a piece of paper saying the following in block letters: "Escitalopam Thai brand (Esopam, Escipam)" If you can get a Thai speaker to call first, may help but can be hard getting through, these pharmacies are very, very busy Whatever you do, do not ask for "Lexapro" as that will result in being given brand name Lexapro. A month's supply will be about 800 baht so still not cheap but half the cost Lexapro
  15. No having full medical underwriting does not increase likelihood of a ckaim denial.
  16. There is more than one hospital doing this, but it happens only in areas which see a lot of foreign patients (Bangkok, Chiang Mai etc). Not worth the administrative hassle to set up double tiered pricing otherwise.
  17. Still no brand of this registered in Thailand.
  18. Both are available at pharmacies without prescription. But they are different drugs, and not interchangeable. @kingofallasians there are at least 2 Thai made generic equivalents to Lexaoro, brand names Esopam and Escipam. Any large Thai pharmacy should have. Where in Thailand are you located?
  19. Pre-existing conditions mean conditions that existed prior to the start of the policy. With normal health insurance annual premium payments are not a "renewal" . Just a premium . Same contract remains in effect. I note @VBFmentioned a "trip extension" so he may have a travel policy which is a different thing.
  20. Vinegar or lemon juice will do it but problem is it may run off, and at least few hours contact is necessary. In which case 2 approaches: 1. Soak paper towel in vinegar and cover the tile with wet towel. .Rewet periodically. Or 2. Mix vinegar with cream of tartar into a thin paste, apply that. In both cases keep the vinegar applied several hours, then scrub. Never use bleach for this as bleach is a base, and you need acids to dissolve limescale.
  21. Sounds lke a plan. Good on you for helping out.
  22. One single, very small (90 men total between intervention anf control group) and short term study of its use to reduce urinary obstruction due to BPH. Not a single study in humans of its effctiveness in treating any sort of UTI let alone prostatitis. Insufficient data on safety for human consumption. ...especially if used long term. The plant is known to be toxic to many animals. You were told by your UK doctors what, based on culture & sensitivity findings would treat your pristate infection. You aren't going to come up with a better solution via Google. As for BPH symptoms, a choice between thorouhky studied medications with clearly defined and quantified potential side effects on the one hand, and a scarcely researched toxic weed on the other, is to me, a no brainer. If you insist on an "alternative" remedy, stick to things like saw palmetto snd milk thistle whose safety is much better documented. At least some of yout prostate enlargement may be due to the long-standing chronic infection and resolving that might help.
  23. Problrm here is that he has no home in the UK and apparently no one able/willing to take him in, even temporarily -- though this last needs to be better ascertained. Last word was that elderly sister and niece have not even been contacted. (This, at least, Embassy should be able to assist with.) Since he does not remotely meet criteria for hospitalization, first step would have to be establishing a place of residence, registering with a GP (nowadays this alone can take months), and then contacting local social services. Without even a UK address and no destination in UK I don't see how that can be done. Whether in UK or Thailand, residential or home care, he needs to have a reliable person with power of attorney to managd his affairs.
  24. A Gleason of 9 (4+5) is a high risk, aggressive cancer. No responsible doctor would recommend active surveillance for this. It is (hopefully, was) life threatening.
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