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Posts posted by DerekMarshall

  1. 2 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    The buggers didn't ask me to follow them when they pulled my passport at Sheremetyevo in Moscow.


    Most everyone filing a 1-year immigration extension of stay in Thailand has to leave their passport at their local immi office overnight.


    Do you adhere to the credit card issuers nonsensical terms and conditions where you are not supposed to let the credit card out of your sight, even when making a payment?

    Yes! Are you crazy enough to let your credit card out of sight where it can be cloned? It is perfectly fine (and legal) for immigration office or embassy to keep your passport overnight. I got my extension for one year, I was not asked to leave it overnight. 


    Just saying!. 

  2. 18 hours ago, clash said:

    not even police or immo? what fairy land do you live in to think that way. that attitude will get you stuck behind bars

    Police have no legal right to ask for a passport. Immigration officials do. Even at that, they are not allowed to separate you from your passport. Ever wondered why immigration offices are open planned? Or that when they take your passport away for any reason, even a minor one they ask you to follow them? 

  3. 4 hours ago, pmh2009 said:

    I think it's time that SE Asian countries reassess their immigration policy on people from developed countries. The US, all of Europe and some from South America due to the drug connection. The US and Europe for their sexual, criminal and financial crimes. We have had enough of these white people; during the 14th, 15th century we endured and suffered their colonization, of which we were ripped of our culture, natural resources and were killed for our nationalism. Then starting  in the 80s till today we are trapped in their materialistic  consumerism due to our ignorance. But we ---- some of the SE Asian countries were lucky after independence we still had our culture, language though the natural resources were gone.  Look at South America, their national and governmental languages are Spanish, Portuguese !!!!! So it is time to look at all these people from these so called "developed countries" before we let them come into our countries as they assess us also when we go to their countries.

    Not forgetting western capitalism and the industrial age was build off the back of Eastern drugs, and the gains of the Opium wars. Socialism, is not about sharing poverty!. as Mao said...

  4. 1 hour ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

    Q: Who  in their right mind holds a press conference at 1.30am?

    A: Most likely someone who does not want any media, press to attend to face awkward questioning. Would be interesting to know how much notice was given re the event.

    Might be mistaken here but did the general not prohibit media events by the police? 

  5. On 2/8/2018 at 6:35 PM, baansgr said:

    Really, they cant ask for identification, which bar did you hear that in. 

    Not what I said, Identification they can ask for, not your passport. Can't even speak to you in your native language or any other language other than their native language in an official capacity without a 3rd party independent translator. Who knows..it may even have been my job to know!. You'd do well to check out UN resolution on civil and political rights, of which Thailand signed up to on October 26 1996. 

  6. Looks like the Thai police are pretty good at making a laughing stock of themselves...I mean taking down and confiscating an item that does nt actually (currently) require a licence, nor does a licence exist for such item, but confiscating it anyway because city hall is thinking about or in the process of making it a legal requirement (without passing an actual law). 


    A dartboard licence may not actually exist, but, a motorbike driving licence does - enforce and impound vehicles of all driving without a licence - for public safety! 

    • Like 1
  7. This is just how thick RTP are and just how thick and gullable the think we all are. 


    Just checked Interpol https://www.interpol.int/notice/search/wanted


    She is not on any wanted list of any colour! In fact doing a broader search and having a look at who is on the list of all people wanted by Thailand only one name comes up, 35 year old Yoovidha Vorayuth. 


    60 seconds is all it takes to call their BS on this one. 


    Hello RTP, have you even heard of this little thing called the internet? Ya know the thing that exists outside of facebook and youtube? 


  8. Rape? say's who an alleged victim? 


    Evidence? All hearsay I say not a shred of evidence of even having had sex, consensual or not with the girl. 

    Who takes a shower when changing out of a casting outfit to put on more outfits or their own clothes that they arrived in..sounds a bit fishy to me. 




    Sounds to me like the girls could have refused to go to the place Soi 33, refused such employment when they realised what was going on. No evidence they were actually forced to do anything. Sounds to me like they willfully went and willfully participated. If something was going on they could have called BIB on their phones!  

  9. 1 hour ago, Zikomat said:

    Those girls deserve a beating. The  quality  of their services is falling down day by day and that is a really bad tendency. Just look at what happens to Thai economy of which the bar life is a huge and  important part. More discipline in the bars needed. Well done! 

    Nobody deserves a beating, not even you for such a stupid, silly and unintelligent remark! 

  10. 3 hours ago, Jimbo in Thailand said:

    Thai parliament?  WHAT Thai parliament?  :sick:    There hasn't been a Thai parliament since May 2014.  :shock1:


    Oh... I get it now.  The title must be referring to the duly elected appointed goons masquerading as democratically elected officials. :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

    More to the point 74 out of 150 parliamentary positions are selected, while 76 are elected...

    The out of the 76 that are elected how many are/will be from the majority winning political party? 

    Fair chance is it will be less than the 74 selected officials....

    Welcome to the Thai flavour of democracy where a democratically elected political party can hold fewer positions than the army or police, possibly both who hold the majority of the 74 selected positions! 

    It is not a shadow government, but a parallel one, always ready to take over in a coup should things not go their way. And that is the way it always will be, untill the number of selected officials is significantly diluted from 74.  



  11. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    Even though Worayuth has been on Interpol’s “Red Notice” for arrest in 190 countries around the world, authorities have been unable to detain him so far


    False! Very poor journalism!. He has never been on the red notice list or even come close to it as of yet. He has only recently been placed on the blue notice though, which is mere gathering information in regards to his location. 

  12. 16 minutes ago, NeutralVoice said:

     Their job and responsibility as a third party that was allowed to participate in the gathering and analysis of evidence, they are legally bound to provide the defense with all of the evidence that was gathered during the course of their investigation. If this was to happen in the UK or the US or any developed country, withholding evidence opens the door for the defense team to request a new trial. Moreover, those believe to have withheld evidence could find themselves in various degrees of trouble, although it seldom happens.

    If you were to find yourself in a similar situation, I very much doubt that the judge is where your troubles will be. If it gets that far, you are already done anyway.



    Barely even third party. They had no jurisdiction in the case. They were not bound at all by any legal obligation to provide information of evidence to either defense or prosecution. They were there to monitor and observe. The UK government had to be petitioned and pressured to send the NCA.  

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