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Posts posted by DerekMarshall

  1. I think it's nice that prayut wants the people to go back to some of their old values. must people critisize everything.

    Why is it any of his business what people choose to eat?

    It is his buisness as he is into promoting happyness in the Thai people. It is hard to be happy when your health and the health of your loved ones is declining rapidly.

    The health care costs of looking after a sick population can be horrendous.

    The Wheat that is grown today is just a shadow of the wheat that was grown 50 years ago nutrisionally anyway. The yield per acre has gone way up

    at the cost of food value. Rice is grown in huge quantity in Thailand so money does not have to leave the country to buy it.

    I don't know how much wheat is grown locally here. Anyone have that info???

    Take a look at some of the other posts on this thread: Thai white rice is not nutritious at all, nor is the copious amounts of sugar they use even in their savoury dishes.

    and Pong Chu Rot!

    In our village, I am looked at as a wierdo or insisting no MSG in my som tam, a dish of lovely delicious fresh veg and few things more. Very healthy until it is laced with that carciogen and brain poison!

  2. I love my in-laws. They're a goofy, hard working, fun loving bunch. Any time they want to visit, I take it as an honor that they feel comfortable enough to come. Perhaps you might try a different tack. Try not to look at their visit as a barbarian invasion. Their lifestyle and customs may not be your cup of tea but after all, they are putting out the effort to visit and spend time with you. I've found that being generous, kind, and accommodating when my in-laws come to visit has earned their respect bordering on admiration. Whenever my wife and I reciprocate with a visit to their homes they treat me like a true member of the family and, even though they are poor, offer me first class hospitality. Your experience may be good or bad, but how you handle it will definitely influence the outcome.

    Bejesus..you into wife in law swapping by any chance? cheesy.gif

  3. cheesy.gif

    Count yourself lucky - at least you got a weeks notice.

    Normally i find out the day before but only if i spot the tell tale sign of my wife cleaning the bathroom herself.

    You need to train the wife better mate! cheesy.gif

    Tried that - suggested she didn't use a dirty rag to clean kitchen worktop so now she just uses her sweeping brush after doing the floor.


  4. Dig a trench, call in the armed forces by sending an SOS to the Thai Visa Liberation Army. Hold tight until we arrive with back up´s! cheesy.gif .

    Seriously word No is NO N-O many Thais do not understand that word be firm!

    Myself, said no all the time, especially when it comes to money! and relatives staying. Had an offer of a brother and friend. Aye right! we were staying in mere room while between houses!

    At the mo..yep I am 6 months staying at the in laws paying nothing more than bills and food for the parents in exchange for help with the baby. wink.png

    Give em an inch they will take a mile, give them the hand the will take the whole arm!

    Fake visa problems or what ever and..head off somewhere nice!

    A smart solution might be to fake interest in a other female of the family....Than automatically the wife will block all family meetings smile.png


    • Like 2
  5. Dig a trench, call in the armed forces by sending an SOS to the Thai Visa Liberation Army. Hold tight until we arrive with back up´s! cheesy.gif .

    Seriously word No is NO N-O many Thais do not understand that word be firm!

    Myself, said no all the time, especially when it comes to money! and relatives staying. Had an offer of a brother and friend. Aye right! we were staying in mere room while between houses!

    At the mo..yep I am 6 months staying at the in laws paying nothing more than bills and food for the parents in exchange for help with the baby. wink.png

    Give em an inch they will take a mile, give them the hand the will take the whole arm!

    Fake visa problems or what ever and..head off somewhere nice!

    • Like 2
  6. Also, if the mother has no contact with the father, at what point can the girl apply for a Thai passport? 18?

    Youngest birth! My kid was what less than 8 months old got hers. By herself no idea at what age.

    Here is a shot in the dark...emergency travel documents from nearest Thai Embassy? followed by getting passport/ Thai ID card if older than 7 when in the country.

  7. A Thai passport requires the approval of both parents.

    She can take the child on the US passport and sort out things here. On show of the Birth Certificate the child is eligable for extensions of stay without further requirements.

    Got my daughters passport about 3 months back. Certainly don´t remember signing anything. Done in Thailand though with Thai birth Certificate.

  8. I was in New York City's Central Park in the late 70's walking down the West Drive which was closed on a Sunday. There was a guy there sitting on a bench with his wife and young son. I said Hello! although I never stopped walking and he gave a big smile and Hello! back.

    The guy was John Lennon with Yoko and a young Sean.

    He isn't smiling anymore...

    Yeah he is decomposing cheesy.gif

  9. nanai road patong or soi paradise patong got rooms for 2000-8000 baht a month..

    any contact info or names of places?

    At this price range you must get there and talk direct to the owners. Get a m/bike and drive about looking for the 'for rent' signs.

    Nanai Rd is that one that is literally 2nd road of the beach has a sort of hill either side leads to beach right?
  10. Anyone know cheap low cost room to rent in Phuket (anywhere, beach preferred). I am looking for just a simple, safe small (15m squared in fine for me) room, fan or AC. Must have internet and at least close where food can be bought.

    Price range cheap, say 5or 6k /month as I dont intend on living there long time just for a 2/3 of months to cure a horrible skin disease. And I will have to travel back and forth to my main place of stay, which is far far far away!

    Thanks in advance.

  11. A very sad story. Post partum depression, however is a real thing. It is a pity that more people do not recognize the signs and seek help before disaster occurs.

    Good lord...... you read what I was about to post - postpartum depression.

    However, in Thailand, nobody is depressed or has psychological breakdowns of course. Such couldn't happen to a Thai. sad.png

    Probably why there is a huge lack of mental health care here! So sad, and something that needs addressed..Come on General make it part of national happiness program! Mental health care for all who need it!

    Who knows what cause the fight between her husband? a phone call from a nestle sales rep telling her mothers milk wont be good enough? and she must take the free supplies ..then pay up when her boobies stop lactating!

    • Like 1
  12. Not a legal but a moral question:

    Are you that hard up for cash that you have to chase after the woman for cash to support the child, or is this an attempt to punish someone? (serious question).

    Because if you are that hard-up for cash then I suspect you don't really qualify for a visa of any sort (retirement visa, work permit all require considerably more than an average Thais salary).

    If you are not hard up for cash then it tends to support the motive of revenge - and those that are petty in that way I would hope would be the first to be evicted from Thailand....

    (the third option is a troll post).

    Yep, Moral question and a legal one. . Thai family are not hard up. actually earn far more than your average farang, the Western father is not hard up either. . Thai women should help for the up keep of their child! it is how it is in the west.

    The west drys up third worlds money in many forms such as cheap labour and of course suking up cheap oil..

  13. Are Thai women, mothers of mixed race children obliged to send money for the up keep of their mixed race (Thai-Western) children?

    If so, how much per month and how would one go about it?

    (Assuming the western father has custody of child year round, surely the have to pay by legal obligation 50% of everything or few thousand Bahts!)

    Thanks in advance.

  14. First understand Som sot is not obliged, not even Thai culture! It was brought into Thailand from China. You as a non Thai have no "katanyu" towards her parents nor any "Bun Khun" if you are to pay sin sot, insist that it is payed back, either directly or via land.

    If you want to protect your assets, have them in a Limited company name, sole propietorship. - You dont own the assets, your business does and she has no claim.

    If you want to leave everything to her, fine, I am sure she will happily advise on how to best do that.

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