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Posts posted by laobali

  1. How can you trust a government were the leader is a criminal on the run? How can you trust it when you can't say for sure who is responsible for it's decisions? Is it the figurehead PM or the actual PM? Who do MPs answer to, the electorate, Yingluck or Thaksin?

    There's no transparency, there's no accountability and there's a long sordid history of this crew using public office for their own financial gain and of grandiose, headline grabbing projects that collapse when met with reality (Elite Card, War on Drugs, Rice Scheme, etc, etc...)

    You can't build trust on that foundation, it's impossible. Either they have the support of the indoctrinated true believers, the enabling apathy of jaded majority led to not giving a hoot about it all or the crooks that benefit (or believe they'll benefit) from having a group of bandits running the show.

    Would you care to repeat that in plain english, because what you said makes no sense to me.

    It makes pretty good sense to me ...

    • Like 2
  2. Corruption is the 'Enemy within' and will eventually bring this country to its knees, after which will see and uprising of the people resulting in an all out bloody civil war. This scenario has been played out in many countries across the world and Thailand is heading into the History Books of yet another example of "How not to Govern a Country."

    It's true. There are numerous countries heading the same way. End of discussion, really – for me anyway.

  3. If fat blokes have to buy 2 seats on a plane, will they be served double helpings? Just asking. rolleyes.gif

    They should be entitled to a double allowance of everything a single ticket holder gets. Why mention fat blokes when there are just as many – if not more – chicks that qualify?

  4. Most airlines have had problems making a profit for quite a few years. It's tempting to joke about the fat, overweight and increasing numbers of obese from overeating adults and children (who are led to believe that's it's okay to be that way), but it's a serious issue. Aircraft will eventually need wider seats with fewer bums filling them; result: even less revenue.

    I think that there should be a maximum passenger+baggage weight above which premiums should be paid at check-in, in addition to double seat purchase for the real fatties.

  5. that is good news. love to see that bilateral cooperation and Asian economy grow.

    Obviously you never tried driving a car made in china,

    I tried to drive something called a chery from chongching to yunnan, I must say that the highways were quite good...not full of potholes, After we had 2 incidents of wheels flying off we just ditched it and left it for dead.

    Never thought I would be defending anything Chinese, but I have to disagree. Laos is full of Chinese-built cars, the latest being the British MG, beginning about 5 years ago. Quality may be lower than Korean, Japanese or other equivalents, but they are a lot cheaper and in my opinion, generally good value. In Vientiane we have a small Chery as a second car, bought new for exactly $8,000 (240,000 baht) 4 years ago. Very few and minor problems; the aircon gas hasn't even needed topping up. And Vientiane (and the rest of the country) still has a lot of potholes!

    • Like 2
  6. Thais always insult, mock and fight in groups. I get sh@t thrown at me all the time in Pattaya and Bangkok, just for refusing to smile all the time - I must admit I do look a bit miserable but it's just my demeanor and i refuse to smile when asked why not or ordered to. I never cause trouble because I have too muh at risk in Thailand. They never say anything to me when alone - only when their mates are around. It's the herd mentality so prevalent in Thailand. They would never treat their own the way they treat farangs. I know the immense value that a smile has in Thailand but I refuse to fake them.

    Maybe you should consider using the false smile as a weapon – just as Thais do.

    • Like 1
  7. "Mr. Wiboon added that Interior Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan has
    expressed concern over the safety of holidaymakers during the Songkran
    festival and instructed all related offices throughout the country to
    integrate preventive measures to minimize the number of road accidents
    this year.

    What measures?

    "Moreover, the Interior Ministry is now collaborating with all Buddhist
    temples nationwide to actively and seriously promote serene and
    traditional Songkran celebration and activities on their grounds
    , said
    the Permanent Secretary for Interior"

    How will that help the road carnage?

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