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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. So actually they have 3 witnesses,the Tuk Tuk driver ,his wife, and Paul,

    surely they can come to a conclusion ,I see they have not,included suicide,

    one of the main causes of death according to the police,who like to close

    cases quickly.

    So did she jump,was pushed or fell,we may never know.

    regards worgeordie

    She was'nt pushed as she was alone in the back. She was probably playing "silly buggers" as she was pissed .

    Does ANYONE have proof she was "pissed" or do people on here simply assume the worse. I often stay out late, and I'm a non-drinker, I can imagine what you people would say if I ever have an accident. What a mob of morbid fools.

  2. robblok

    There is no fairness in a drought, there is only losers! Thus, quoting statistics at this time is a pointless exercise.

    Also, I don't think you get your water for the shower or toilet from a vending machine (THAT'S a stupid remark)!

    There was never any question that farmers use a lot of water. But, then again, so does industry (and we are not hearing too much criticism of it).

    I stand by my original post that water in Bangkok is too cheap (by world standards), and users should be made to pay more for it. As a customer of the Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, I know my monthly bill does not reflect the true price of this precious resource. Adding to this is the high demand that tourists place on water (you should do some research on this).

    Rather than being critical of those farmers in the drought-affected areas (and their need for water), you should show some compassion for them.

    No those statistics show that the farmers use 40 times more water as the average person living in BKK. So its the farmers who are hogging water. Water is a resource that should be shared and we all got equal rights, not that a farmer or industry gets loads more. But you keep making it out that the Bangkok people are the ones who use most water and that is just not right its the farmers who use loads of it and the people in BKK should not suffer because of that.

    How much water costs is not interesting even if it was two times the price the farmers who use 40x more is where the problem lies not with the average person in BKK that is not where saving can be made. You make savings there where it is used most. Rice farming is just not feasible when there is a water shortage.

    Yes I am critical of the farmers as they have been told countless times not to plant the rice but they don't listen. I have also said countless times that the government should pay the farmers compensation (normally id say their own risk but as they are already in debt i feel its better to pay them some compensation).

    I would not use more or less water if they doubled or even tripled the bill its the same for most other users. Its not the home users that use too much water, its the farmers and industry.

    Granted, farmers use more water than city folk, the problem is, and you seem to have missed it, farmers grow rice, as well as other produce,if they didn't then city folk would not have any food to eat, unless, horror of horrors, Thailand imports rice (huge loss of face), and other produce. Civil unrest is on its way.

    Actually no drinking water in cities is far more damaging as the loss of face of having to import rice. But there is still an surplus of rice even with the drought so it does not really matter for the city dwellers that the farmers don't produce rice right now.

    People can go quite some time without food, but only a few days without water. Get the point ! water should not be wasted on farming now that drinking water could be a problem. Food can be imported (not needed as there is still sufficient rice) but water.. that is a big problem.

    Stockpiles exist because as they are used they are topped up, by the next crop, no next crop, no stockpile/surplus. Also, for some rice, contracts are signed, if the government reneges then the buyer can sue them, do you think old cha cha wants that. Oh, and what a foolish comment, "People can go quite some time without food", do u really think they can go a whole season, until the next crop comes in, assuming the drought ends. A hungry nation does not bowed well for any government, even for a legitimately elected one, never mind one, in by force.

  3. robblok

    There is no fairness in a drought, there is only losers! Thus, quoting statistics at this time is a pointless exercise.

    Also, I don't think you get your water for the shower or toilet from a vending machine (THAT'S a stupid remark)!

    There was never any question that farmers use a lot of water. But, then again, so does industry (and we are not hearing too much criticism of it).

    I stand by my original post that water in Bangkok is too cheap (by world standards), and users should be made to pay more for it. As a customer of the Metropolitan Waterworks Authority, I know my monthly bill does not reflect the true price of this precious resource. Adding to this is the high demand that tourists place on water (you should do some research on this).

    Rather than being critical of those farmers in the drought-affected areas (and their need for water), you should show some compassion for them.

    No those statistics show that the farmers use 40 times more water as the average person living in BKK. So its the farmers who are hogging water. Water is a resource that should be shared and we all got equal rights, not that a farmer or industry gets loads more. But you keep making it out that the Bangkok people are the ones who use most water and that is just not right its the farmers who use loads of it and the people in BKK should not suffer because of that.

    How much water costs is not interesting even if it was two times the price the farmers who use 40x more is where the problem lies not with the average person in BKK that is not where saving can be made. You make savings there where it is used most. Rice farming is just not feasible when there is a water shortage.

    Yes I am critical of the farmers as they have been told countless times not to plant the rice but they don't listen. I have also said countless times that the government should pay the farmers compensation (normally id say their own risk but as they are already in debt i feel its better to pay them some compensation).

    I would not use more or less water if they doubled or even tripled the bill its the same for most other users. Its not the home users that use too much water, its the farmers and industry.

    Granted, farmers use more water than city folk, the problem is, and you seem to have missed it, farmers grow rice, as well as other produce,if they didn't then city folk would not have any food to eat, unless, horror of horrors, Thailand imports rice (huge loss of face), and other produce. Civil unrest is on its way.

  4. You people should be thankful, your speeds are "lightening" fast, compared to my "home" connection back in Australia. I am connected to Australia's largest "service" provider, Telstra, what speed am I getting, 0.3Mps, yes, you read it right, Thailand, a developing country, out performers a so called "developed" country.

    You people!!!!!!!

    Good to see someone with so much to add..... please, get a life!!!!!!

    I have a great life thank you I have contributed to this thread just pointing out that ' you people" is not very polite but maybe it is in Australia! !!!!. Have a good day coba

    Politeness is in the context

    , you obviously read things into a post that only you want to see. Have a good day "cobber", oh, and really... GET A LIFE.

    Oh belive me unlike some I really do have a great life. I read as it's printed now sleep well don't forget to brush your teeth.

    I don't know why "kids", like you, are allowed to "play" with the adults, you mum and dad should take away your internet privileges.

    You may have "read as it's printed" but you certainly interpreted it your own way.... grow up, get a life, the life you have is juvenile to say the least.

  5. If it weren't for foreign news outlets, the truth in Thailand would never get out because the Thai media has no serious investigative journalists. I've worked at both the Nation and the Bangkok Post, and I'll tel you the reporters are spoon-fed stories and don't bother to make follow up calls or call people with opposing points of view.

    I've been to press conferences where Thai reporters don't dare ask questions.

    Thai reporters are lazy and they only cover what they are told to cover. And I had many discussions with the Thai editors of both newspapers about amazing transgressions by government officials and business leaders when I was working at the papers and I asked why they didn't report on them. The answer: It's too sensitive!!!!

    So yeah. Poor F***N Thailand's being exposed and the leadership doesn't like it because it makes Thailand look bad. And all these efforts now to "clean up" industry and root out slavery and worker abuses is not being done out of the kindness of the government's hearts. They don't give a rat's A** about these people. They are only doing it so they don't get downgraded on some list or so they don't lose preferred trading status.

    To be fair, none of the English newspapers, and that blog site, Phuketwan, make any serious investigative reports, or follow up any stories.

  6. Breath taking audacity.

    Not only is it refuting the claim .

    Much the same a drunk denies he is intoxicated while authorities then show him the breath test results.

    But the sheer hide to then call those results irresponsible and damaging to reputation.

    What planet are these people on?

    Last I looked they are on Tier 3 the lowest of human rights abuse level.

    Envoy's repeatedly point it out.

    EU ..UN ..US ...

    Banned from setting foot in Australia .

    And graveyards and military involvement uncovered.

    And here we have the delusional sincere looking General not only deny the reckless behaviour but insist the broken laws are not their doing or rewrite the involvement by now calling such claims irresponsible .?

    What's to deny.?

    It's their " dead slaves"" ...unearthed

    It's been documented.

    Involvement checked and confirmed.

    What next Farangs make it up.?

    Not only are these people human rights abuses they clearly deserve the next step for the utter arrogance.


    Perhaps it's time the UN took Thailand to the international courts, in the Hague, the guilty can then be charged, and if found guilty, hung sentenced.

  7. You people should be thankful, your speeds are "lightening" fast, compared to my "home" connection back in Australia. I am connected to Australia's largest "service" provider, Telstra, what speed am I getting, 0.3Mps, yes, you read it right, Thailand, a developing country, out performers a so called "developed" country.

    You people!!!!!!!

    Good to see someone with so much to add..... please, get a life!!!!!!

    I have a great life thank you I have contributed to this thread just pointing out that ' you people" is not very polite but maybe it is in Australia! !!!!. Have a good day coba

    Politeness is in the context

    , you obviously read things into a post that only you want to see. Have a good day "cobber", oh, and really... GET A LIFE.

  8. Is it even an offence here?

    Is it even an offence anywhere outside North America?

    It is in Singapore

    and Australia

    I don't understand some posters, here we have US, Singapore and Australia...guys, this is about THAILAND, is it so damn hard to stick to the op.

    It is indeed illegal to jaywalk, however, like most laws, it is ignored, unless some copper needs a few more baht.

  9. Perhaps the Japanese are upset with the Australians culling camels and kangaroos.

    Neither are endangered, camels are not indigenous, and kangaroo numbers are the highest they have ever been, due to easier access to food and water. I guess, if you eat meat, then you should re-assess your diet. The other thing to remember, the Japanese have out fished their own waters and now are trying to do the same to the worlds oceans. And here is something else for you to consider, would the Japanese allow other nations to fish in their seas.

  10. You people should be thankful, your speeds are "lightening" fast, compared to my "home" connection back in Australia. I am connected to Australia's largest "service" provider, Telstra, what speed am I getting, 0.3Mps, yes, you read it right, Thailand, a developing country, out performers a so called "developed" country.

    You people!!!!!!!

    Good to see someone with so much to add..... please, get a life!!!!!!

  11. You people should be thankful, your speeds are "lightening" fast, compared to my "home" connection back in Australia. I am connected to Australia's largest "service" provider, Telstra, what speed am I getting, 0.3Mps, yes, you read it right, Thailand, a developing country, out performers a so called "developed" country.

  12. These murders are becoming common events. It seems the police are losing their hold on the thugs. If not careful Thailand will find it`s self in the same situation as the UK, where young thugs run riot and claim areas as their own where they are let off with a slap on the wrist or the courts only issuing them with light sentences. Nip it in the bud now before it becomes completely out of hand and a huge social problem.

    Hopefully wont end up like Australia too..

    I think you really need to let go, long enough, with what you are playing with, and to do a bit of research, before making stupid comments.

    Fact 1.1 per 100,000 for 2015

    Geez, some of my fellow countrymen really do have something wrong.

  13. Can you say insane?

    I think 'insane' would be OK in Australia, but naming him as an islamist/muslim may get you in some trouble. That would be seen as politically incorrect and possibly racist.

    Maybe the police were just 'reaching out', in the interests of being an 'inclusive society'?

    It cannot be "racist" as Islam/Muslim is NOT a race, it is a religion, the same as Jews, Buddhists and Christians etc.

  14. Any actions that take steps to mitigate Global Warming / Climate Change caused by the burning of fossil fuels are welcomed. There is definitely a place for investments in clean energy and plenty of profits to be made from those investments.

    Although Gates and his billionaire buddies and hedge fund billionaires could also start doing their bit by actually paying taxes in their respective jurisdictions instead of structuring tax evasion loopholes.

    Sorry, but I can't tie "taxes" and "global warning" together, perhaps you can enlighten us, or have you simply got a bee in your bonnet and need to get it off your chest, by the way, do you realise Mr Gates no longer runs Microsoft.

  15. This has to be one of the weakest statements I have ever read from a Thai official ?

    "Gov Chamroen said, “We will do our best to act with caution and seek help from local residents and tourists to keep an eye and ear out for us too. In this type of situation, we need to work as a team. We will add more CCTV in areas that need it.

    “I don't want people to start panicking, but rather to stay alert and help with providing security in their community and help police officers when they can. International crime and terrorism is a problem in every country that these said members enter, especially within tourist destinations like Phuket."

    How about explaining to the Thai people, and others, what to look for ?

    How about giving all of us a phone number to call, that will be answered immediately if we suspect a problem ?

    Tell us where we should be looking ?

    I know of no CCTV system, in the world, that has STOPPED a terrorist attack, but here they "say", as they have on many occasions, they will add more. It seems this statement is just another "throw away" comment, meant to appease everyone. It certainly hasn't stopped any violence on Phuket or made any safer the so called "safety" zones.

  16. Everyone should stop buying Nestle products

    Try and buy local support the country where you live

    Um, I'm not sure how you think, did you realize that many on this site live in Thailand, therefore you are suggesting we buy "local" therefore supporting the "slave" trade. mmm, something very wrong with your idea, unless, of course, you support the slave trade.

    But choosing to live in such a country is even worse and shameful.

    Such hypocrisy!

    Some people have families. Living in a country does NOT mean you support slavery, your "thinking", or lack of it, is very much like that of a fool...

  17. Time for THailand to understand that the the two safety bodies are world bodies and its for Thailand to fit in with those bodies not the two bodies to fit in with Thailand. Failure to understand this will hit tourism and the local economy. Simple really is anyone listening?

    That could be hard for Thais to understand, considering that a some schools. kids are taught that if other nations want to do something, they must ask Thailand first.

  18. "What are they really thinking"?

    Should be good once our experts wake up and tell us what its all about!

    Personally I would have though we would get more sensible answers to the question; "How long is a piece of string"?

    I'd prefer to read some "entertaining" thoughts than some foolish comments like yours, I guess even those who can't think need to see their name on screen. Personally, anyone could write a story like the OP, but then you could also write the opposite view and both would be right.... sometimes. After 6 years I have no doubt about my Thai wife's smile.

  19. I asked my good lady what she thinks about this, she laughed, Thais will still drink, same as the, in her words, go fast driving, she also added that on "Buddha" days, when alcohol sales are banned, Thais buy the day before, in other words they are useless "bans," here's another thing, these "bans" are NOT written into law, so what "laws" are being broken, same goes for local cops, or any government authority, making their own "laws."

  20. Lex Talionis, on 15 Nov 2015 - 10:32, said:
    Somtamnication, on 15 Nov 2015 - 10:05, said:

    Time to leave, mate.coffee1.gif

    Sure. Freedom of the press be damned. Just stick your tail between your legs and head on back down under.

    When someone say freedom of the press, do they mean the press can wright what ever they

    like and with, which they do on many occasions,,, most articles in nowadays news papers

    are mostly rubbish, half truth or very askew truth to suite the publisher or a group of power

    full people, nowadays new papers are nothing but a empty rhetoric and one sided opinions,

    again, depend on the whims of the editor and the newspaper owner, so the ' freedom

    of the press' while sound good, in practice worth nothing.....

    This particular "editor" has, on numerous occasions, altered readers comments, to suit his own agenda, then has the cheek to critise the commenter, so as for "freedom of speech" perhaps he deserves what he gets. One suspects if he knew the consequences he never would have published the extract from Rueters. Having said that, it will be a pity to lose the website.

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