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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. ATF, on 22 Aug 2014 - 10:04, said:ATF, on 22 Aug 2014 - 10:04, said:
    atsiii, on 22 Aug 2014 - 09:50, said:atsiii, on 22 Aug 2014 - 09:50, said:

    My wife is a Thai national; I am a USA national. We live in each country roughly six months per year. But the difference in the way we are treated by each other's native country is night and day. My wife travels in and out of the USA on her Thai passport never needing a Visa. She can work, own property, own businesses, go to school, whatever. She is protected against overt discrimination and welcomed as a tax-paying, contributing part of society. But no matter how long we are married, nor how long we are in Thailand, I can never do any of those things. We are both college educated experienced professionals; but she is welcomed and wanted in my country, and I never will be in hers. Xenophobic or not, it's just plain dumb.

    Well go somewhere else where you feel Americans are appreciated more.

    BTW every guy's wife or GF on this forum is college educated with multiple doctorates.

    My wife's not.... but I'll proudly walk, side by side, anywhere with her.

  2. KittenKong, on 22 Aug 2014 - 09:51, said:
    carstenp, on 22 Aug 2014 - 08:24, said:

    I feel sorry for the foreigner using Thai Nominee Shareholding .....

    I dont. It's illegal. It's always been illegal. There has never been any suggestion that it is anything other than completely illegal.

    Anyone who does this chooses to do so in full knowledge of the fact that it is totally illegal, and so they only have themselves to blame if it goes pear-shaped.

    That said, from the report it appears that they are targeting active businesses rather than just house-owning nominee company structures. Though I would not be at all surprised if the latter were not targeted also at some point in the near future.

    Please, show me, in law, where it is "illegal" as far as I can see it is, at the most, the use of a legal loophole, that the Thai government has had ample time and opportunity to close, but have chosen not to.

  3. smedly, on 22 Aug 2014 - 09:11, said:
    LennyW, on 22 Aug 2014 - 08:58, said:

    Be a few ringpieces twitching now!!

    well the current administration has been coming down hard on the locals for land encroachment etc so it follows that if foreigners have been bending the rules then it's not a huge surprise that they will also be dealt with

    I have mixed feelings about how Thailand protects their property and land ownership and business practices - but considering the meltdown of western banks through less than stellar management and dare I say it corruption and the aftermath of required bailouts in the trillions perhaps it's just as well

    Oh, but let's not forget the Asian financial crisis 1997, which was started by ....wait for it....THAILAND. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1997_Asian_financial_crisis, so let's keep this local and not go off track. You seem to have missed this story is about Thailand.

  4. carstenp, on 22 Aug 2014 - 08:24, said:

    I feel sorry for the foreigner using Thai Nominee Shareholding to keep control of the land, and house for millions of bt to protect there investment, but they know it was illegal in the beginning

    In the end, is all about money and keep them safe in Thailand

    Please, show me where, in Thai law, that it was/is illegal. As far as I can determine ALL conditions were met. If they wanted to make it "illegal" Thailand had ample opportunities to close any legal loop holes. As far as I'm concerned it appears Thailand now believes it has everything it needs, from foreign investment, and now wants it all to itself.

  5. AYJAYDEE, on 21 Aug 2014 - 08:31, said:
    Rorri, on 21 Aug 2014 - 07:53, said:

    only to some, as is any term used for any race, get over it. You post to see your name. In fact, some have only called it "insulting" in recent times. I notice you don't deny calling other nations by they abbreviated name, grow up, it's people like you that create a "politically" correct world simply for their own reasons, before that every one was happy, another case of the noisy minority getting their way. In fact if the japs didn't go to war the turn would not have gained the "insulting" image of today, prior to WW2 if was accepted. The term itself goes back to the 19th century. So, what you call "insulting" today could quite easy be acceptable again tomorrow. I might point out that the word "jap" is not consider derogatory in Singapore.

    I think you should leave out the personal stuff

    Then maybe you need to refrain from criticising others. No one is perfect AYJAYDEE, not even you.

    • Like 1
  6. lostinisaan, on 20 Aug 2014 - 16:13, said:

    The following tips help prevent the spread of pinkeye:

    Wash your hands often. Especially when you're planning to eat sticky rice with your friends, when coming from the toilet, emptying your digestive system..

    Do not share towels, linen, pillows, or handkerchiefs. Use clean linen, towels, and washcloths daily. Or use used toilet paper? Aeh recycled.

    When in the wind, heat, or cold, wear eye protection to prevent eye irritation. But please don't put a plastic bag over your head! Oxygen.....

    Wear safety glasses when working with chemicals. Have never seen anybody here wearing them. Where can people buy them? From America?

    Do not use the same towel when wiping tears or discharge from the eyes, to avoid reinfecting yourself from the bacteria or virus on the towel. Buy more towels, but don't forget which one you've used for your toilet seat.

    Children should refrain from playing in stagnant water and remain indoors. The government will close all schools that pupils can get bored playing games with their parents all day long.

    Sent via Chinese high speed train from Shanghai

    Unless you eat sticky rice with your eyes, then your comment is incorrect. It comes down to NOT touching/wiping your eyes with anything that could be contaminated, bearing in mind you cannot stop airport irritants that can cause conjunctivitis . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjunctivitis

  7. Naam, on 05 Jan 2014 - 18:26, said:
    Forkinhades, on 05 Jan 2014 - 17:49, said:

    Schneider do a very good range, and are available in all good outlets.


    The socket on the left will accept any plug I do believe. This is what I have had installed in the house.

    Can easily adapt above, just put a surface back box on, flex it up with a 3 core cable, and put your type of thai plug on. smile.png

    looks as if it even accepts a crooked Aussie plug.

    Ah, the good old aussies plug, no matter if 3 pin or 2, it can only go in one way and not to bulky. Time for the world to change.

  8. makecoldplayhistory, on 20 Aug 2014 - 20:38, said:
    bubblegum, on 20 Aug 2014 - 20:23, said:

    Welcome to the new Thailand :-(

    Hmmm. sad.png

    Wish there was a middle ground (no pun intended). Maybe it's time to buy a picnic hamper and cool box!

    What we are seeing is a typical Thai officialdom over reaction, give it until high season, at the most 12 months, things should return to "normal," in the mean time many will have lost millions of baht and jobs. All this could have been avoided if the authorities enforced limited licencing of food, deck chair/umbrella, massage kiosks. The governors are too slack to force their officials into action.

    • Like 2
  9. AYJAYDEE, on 20 Aug 2014 - 23:55, said:
    Rorri, on 20 Aug 2014 - 21:33, said:
    AYJAYDEE, on 20 Aug 2014 - 12:18, said:AYJAYDEE, on 20 Aug 2014 - 12:18, said:
    H1w4yR1da, on 20 Aug 2014 - 11:12, said:H1w4yR1da, on 20 Aug 2014 - 11:12, said:To prevent Thailand from becoming a Japanese colony? But nevermind, just roll over and give up without a fight. Apparently the Thai women were quite pleased having lots of Jap soldiers to service...

    Personally, with the exception of the Seri Thai,the behavior of Thailand during WW2 was disgraceful.

    the asians didnt understand how japan would treat them at that time. the thais and the indonesians believed the japanese propoganda about the East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. and they did know enough not to trust the west as they had the examples of vietnam, laos, cambodia, malaya, burma , philipines, and indonesia. why on earth would anyone trust that bunch!?

    and please stop referring them as japs

    I hope you have never referred to Australians as aussies, British as Brits Americans as yanks, New Zealanders as kiwis etc etc etc. But of course, you being you will deny saying any of these. You troll for the sake of trolling.

    japs is an insulting term

    only to some, as is any term used for any race, get over it. You post to see your name. In fact, some have only called it "insulting" in recent times. I notice you don't deny calling other nations by they abbreviated name, grow up, it's people like you that create a "politically" correct world simply for their own reasons, before that every one was happy, another case of the noisy minority getting their way. In fact if the japs didn't go to war the turn would not have gained the "insulting" image of today, prior to WW2 if was accepted. The term itself goes back to the 19th century. So, what you call "insulting" today could quite easy be acceptable again tomorrow. I might point out that the word "jap" is not consider derogatory in Singapore.

    • Like 1
  10. JDGRUEN, on 19 Aug 2014 - 14:17, said:

    LINE is superior to almost anything for sending photos. I favor Skype for video chats but Skype is a loser when it comes to sending photos... I used LINE routinely for quick transfers of photos between my phone and PC.

    What's so hard about dragging n' dropping photos onto Skype, geez... as for transferring from your phone to PC, surely it's easier to connect your phone via USB to your PC... your way seems more complicated and transfers would take longer.

  11. chotthee, on 20 Aug 2014 - 11:43, said:

    The the vendors are legal, who can make them pay?

    If they are not? Then what? Get rid of the vendors?

    Oh dear, you are so of topic...this is about corrupt officials, why is it so hard to stick to the story... unless you support the officials. Oh.. even legal vendors can be intimidated, it's called extortion... defined as:

    the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.
  12. 96tehtarp, on 19 Aug 2014 - 10:33, said:
    "I notice how things are sometimes completely reversed here, almost comically, from back in Farangland"
    Isn't that why so many expats choose to live here instead of farangland?

    Um, I would suggest many live here because it's easier, not because things are reversed. Some also live here because they fail to live in a more law abiding society and others because they married a Thai.

  13. AYJAYDEE, on 19 Aug 2014 - 00:02, said:
    isawasnake, on 18 Aug 2014 - 23:57, said:
    AYJAYDEE, on 18 Aug 2014 - 23:54, said:
    isawasnake, on 18 Aug 2014 - 23:46, said:

    The irony for me is everyone is poor and everything is expensive here. You know, you can get a really good, fresh peach pie in the US for 5 bucks when they go on sale. A REALLY good one. I was just walking through emporium and a little, teeny low quality PIECE of cake is 120 baht. An entire high quality peach pie 150 baht, a little sliver crap piece of cake for 120 baht. This is not really a rant, just the truth.

    so you claim EVERYTHING is expensive in thailand based on the examples of western deserts that use imported products??

    Requote myself "anything packaged and or processed will be terribly more expensive here". I don't really get your point anyway. Maybe somebody can educate me, Nikon camera equipment is made here, yet it costs less after it gets shipped across the ocean to the US. Any takers on that one. Things just cost more here for no apparent reason (ie, because some Thai dude somewhere says so) is what I am going with at this point. If you think things have to be imported to be more expensive here, you are dreaming.

    as anywhere, things will cost what the market will bear

    What a cop out comment that is, to me you lost the debate... Some of what isawasnake said is true, there are many products, made/produced, in Thailand that most Thais can not afford, and I'm talking of food, many can not afford top shop at Big C or Tesco, but survive on locally sourced food, eg grubs, frogs, bamboo etc. Yes, I know, your comeback would be they consider these a luxury, but remember, they were brought up on it, because their families couldn't afford to shop for better food.

  14. manarak, on 18 Aug 2014 - 23:45, said:

    Well, one of the reasons why things hi-so lo-so are reversed, is because Farangistan's hi-so class is much smaller than here and hidden from view.

    Rich people riding the bicycle around town or bargaining second hand cards are very rare in Farangistan, and hookers are expensive too, so people rationalize and suddenly become virtuous, LOL.

    Did you notice also how malls, airports, bus and railway stations in Thailand try to make you comfortable and offer seating, while in Farangistan seats there are very rare?

    Notice how streets in Farangistan are quiet and enjoyable, while the malls are shit, and it's the opposite in Thailand?

    I think things like the above over here are closer to "normal" than in Farangistan.


    I like the name "Farangistan" 555

    Oh boy, you certainly don't live in my "Farangistan" where we have numerous seats at ALL the locations you mentioned and malls are well patronised, but will grant you one thing right, streets are quiet, and I'm primarily speaking of the suburbs, and thank god for that.

  15. tomyumchai, on 19 Aug 2014 - 16:28, said:
    Jeremy50, on 18 Aug 2014 - 19:55, said:

    Ban them. Everyone hates jet skis anyway, nasty noisy things. Beaches should be peaceful places with sailing craft.

    The world's gone to shit.

    why do people post total crap? "everyone hates jetskis" they have a world championship race meeting in jomtien every year, i hear its usually packed. and i rode them for 10 years and ended up as a champion for 1 season.

    next youre gonna follow up with "ban motorcycles, everyone hates them", arnt you?

    its a shame we cant ban nasty small minded idiots from posting on TV, it would make better reading.

    .....here come the other haters to have a bash at me now.......zzzzzzzzzzz

    Crap comes in many forms, but usually from those who do not consider the interests of the majority. Jet skis have their place but not near public swimming areas, they are noisy, water polluting machines, often ridden by non considerate poorly skilled riders who have little knowledge of the dynamics of the vehicle they "control."

    • Like 2
  16. Tatsujin, on 18 Aug 2014 - 17:46, said:
    Lingba, on 18 Aug 2014 - 17:43, said:

    Don't believe it...I'm in Phuket and there's been all this talk since the coup...everything from the jet ski boys changing their ways to eliminating all together...so far nothing has been done..they remain at large and the scams continue....Doesn't look like the army can crack this nut...

    Yes, lots of talk . . . and NOW they are doing something about it . . . give it more than a few hours before you expect to see results . . . smile.png

    "and NOW they are doing something about it" well not yet, but we hope they do, but hey, even if they come up with "regulations" do they have the authority to impose them, in most countries they would need to be passed by the government, not individual government offices at the wimp of some pumped up official. Even police, in most countries can not "make"/"change" laws they are there to enforce them.

  17. waoscar, on 19 Aug 2014 - 12:23, said:

    Had some problems with people finding me on Line.

    If you need an alternative, I use Viber which is excellent.

    Set up on smartphone, then download to desktop.

    Call friends/family back in Australia very often, and also

    good for calling girlfriend/friends staying in hotels in other

    countries. Even got my very un-tech mother onto viber now.

    I also like viber, but have 3 issues 1) no mobile to mobile video 2) no PC to mobile video and 3) you must have a mobile number to setup your account, this means no privacy whereas with Skype, you simply setup a Skype account, with a Skype name, all other details can be hidden, this means your private details are safe and can not be handed out to anyone.

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