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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. Why the hell does it take until mid February to get "results of a more thorough examination", what kind of "examination was carried out, this, to me, seens like another white wash, to "protect" the "good", hahaaa, name of Thailand, or a close friend to the police.

    Thitiwatt said the Russian woman wants to know if she was drugged, so a blood sample was taken for testing with the results expected within two weeks.


    It doesn't take 2 weeks for a drug test, this is a delaying action, the girls are not likely to still be in Thailand to pursue the case.

  2. 'Law makers' ... law breakers more like it and Abbott is your typical pommy crim who came to OZ, lied, misused and abused everything and everyone

    Tony Abbott was born in 1957 in England to Australian parents who returned to Sydney a few years later.

    After graduating in economics and law from the University of Sydney, where he was also a leading student boxer, he attended Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, studying politics and philosophy. ........................

    AUSTRALIAN mother.... BRITISH father.

  3. Any game that involves playing cards is taking a risk, especially when played in groups. They knew the risks.

    First question a lawyer would ask you, how would they have known the risk. You foolish comment is almost as foolish as the police prosecuting these people. The only thing the police have is an act forbidding any SINGLE person having more than 120 cards... in this game, NO SINGLE PERSON holds that many cards. We didn't see the police raid the Bridge championships, that were held in Thailand. I think you need to THINK before you post, Thailand has enough fools without you adding to it.

  4. I returned, to Australia, with my wife and daughter, so they would have a far better, secure, life after I "kick the bucket", does that make me "defeated?" There something wrong with the way the author thinks, did he/she stop the think there would be many, still living in Thailand, who are "defeated" but, for many reasons, can not return "home." As for us "defeated" people criticizing Thailand, my wife, a Thai, also criticized her homeland, maybe it is the author who does not see the "real" Thailand, or can not see/admit he/she made a mistake.

  5. The op is a dick, no matter what he says, on here, there is no way, if the boot was on the other foot, he would allow his gf to go and stay with ex bf/s in the US, I actually think that this story is all made up, if not, it shows extreme lack of maturity, and understanding, his Thai gf, if in fact he has one, should let him go, while he's away, throw out all his belongings, and refuse to allow him back, why would she want to be put through this anguish, year after year.

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  6. Pedestrian Jay walker and first rider on wrong side of road caused accident, second rider done nothing wrong (was unavoidable) he/she was in correct lane going correct direction

    According to the established definition, not one from another blog sites own dictionary, let's call him EDward, the pedestrian was NOT jaywalking, in fact the traffic had STOPPED, he looked a few times while crossing, the bike that hit him was on the wrong side, of the road, travelling a t speed, just look at the time from when the pedestrian stopped, until he was hit, it is clear the bike traveled some distance, without due care or attention, it's not as though he stepped in front of the bike, not giving the rider time to slow, or stop.

  7. I find it difficult to comprehend that so many in this thread allocate blame only to the motorcyclist. I hope that those of you with children do not teach them to cross the road in the same way as the pedestrian in this video. The blame must surely be shared.

    Many people, in Thailand, also get hit, when using traffic lights and pedestrian crossings. If, for just a few seconds, you actually think about it, the pedestrian not only looked, more than once, but was also standing still, for some time, before being hit, by a bike that showed no sign of braking. This pedestrian did NOTHING wrong. It is clearly the illegal actions, of the bike rider, that caused the collision.

  8. Enough guess work. go read this http://www.siberrescue.com/huskyed5.html, People, Google is your friend, it beats me why so many seem to post on TV, surely they know that many people will give an opinion but not based on much fact. This is sometimes the worst place to ask advise, as we know eventually it will lead to either Thaksin and Yingluck bashing or to a discussion on "qualified" or "unqualified" English speaking teachers.

    Utterly useless link. For evidence about their ability to live in hotter climates it considers Florida - nowhere near at hot as Thailand. (Google tells me maximum temperature is typically in low 30s in summer there.)

    Clearly in this case using Google has not been your friend.

    I believe it also mentions Australia, which gets hotter than Thailand... maybe Google is your friend, only if you can read.

  9. Don't know about the rest of the world, but Australia has a " police hotline" to enable good citizens to report " suspicious" behavior.

    These ( Thai cops) can't seem to win with some TV readers..., not acting.... acting to slow... Jumping to conclusions... Illegal searches.... Not searching etc etc

    IMHO, they acted correctly to a tip, and would have been remiss to have not acted.... As to the search being illegal, I can't comment on Thai law, but it would seem justified.

    And as to dreadlocked folk.... I have yet to meet one that does not smoke a bit of weed, but that's just my experience, although I would suspect that a qualified (FBI) profiler would not disagree with my supposition.

    Could they be doing better things with their time? Maybe yes.... But the fact remains, they were still doing their job

    Big difference is, the Aussie cops will investigate, but not if the call is because someone acted under the influence, it's mainly for dealers, and they investigate first, before raiding and arresting.

  10. C'mon all you self-righteous folks (again!).. if any one of YOU spotted this guy and his bag of 'tea', not saying you'd grass (pardon the pun!) but you'd definately be thinking the same as everyone else.. 'You see his stash?'

    Actually, 'ganja-looking tea' (as in 'bag of') is a pretty funny concept!! The idea of the other way round (tea-looking ganja) being brewed down at the local station, as the local law enforcement get off their faces on it, is even funnier!!! gigglem.gifwai.gif

    Another person who doesn't read/understand what is written... it doesn't say he was seen holding anything.

  11. Yeah Thai cops do make a fool out of themselves sometimes but this time they are not at fault, Im saying this as a Turk.

    You see a guy whos dressed like Bob Marley and holding a bag which looks like it has weed inside, what do you do?

    Go read the op, it doesn't say he was "holding" anything, it says "Police reported being informed by a "good citizen" at 11am on January 10 that there was a suspicious foreign tourist staying at Patong Condotel who was displaying "drug behavior"." Did you notice "displaying "drug behavior."

  12. The Turk doesnt look the type to be smoking pot ! then again he doesnt look like a tea totaler either

    Mmmm, what does a "pot" smoker look like, I bet you can't pick all of them, eg, Bill Clinton, many cops, lawyers, university students, MP's, school teachers... do I really need to go on? Man, some people really don't think before posting, but then maybe, just maybe, they smoke too much pot.

  13. Enough guess work. go read this http://www.siberrescue.com/huskyed5.html, People, Google is your friend, it beats me why so many seem to post on TV, surely they know that many people will give an opinion but not based on much fact. This is sometimes the worst place to ask advise, as we know eventually it will lead to either Thaksin and Yingluck bashing or to a discussion on "qualified" or "unqualified" English speaking teachers.

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