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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. Seems to me the wife had enough of you.

    Go back to her, be sincere with her and promise her you will change your attitude towards her.

    A good thing also is to get a bunch of nice flowers for her.

    Good Luck to you.

    forget the flowers, but add a pickup (new)

    I'm starting to wonder if Costas2008 does in fact live in Thailand, or if he has "dated" Thai women, I do not know any, Thai women, that want flowers, they hold no monetary or food value at all. I admit though, I do not know every Thai woman.

    • Like 1
  2. This is the driver's side of the story, who is understandably terrified about

    losing face and criminal action. Would be nice to get the side of the family,

    hard to believe that they would ask be dumped out in the middle of the tollway..

    Not only on the tollway, but hey, they are tourists, they wouldn't know where Soi Sukhumvit 71 is so why would they just abandon the van... this is another "story" that doesn't hold true. We have yet to see and video, and we know there are cameras...

  3. ""We're investigating the fact. We cannot give any answer at the moment,” Natthapong said. “However, we should leave out the idea that they were left by their taxi because we didn't even know if it was a taxi or which vehicle dropped them there.”"

    Yeah, right.

    You would think someone would think about using footage from the CCTV cameras....oh wait, that would require thinking and worse still, could prove the farangs are telling the truth, now we can't have that now, can we. Thainess, yes, a word that means a lot more than a Thai wants to believe.

  4. Superstitious Thais blame attempts by Rahu, the mythical god of darkness, to swallow the sun, hence the eclipse. They beat Rahu off with drums and other noisemakers and it seems to work!

    They don't cower in schools or other hiding places, but face the evil Rahu head-on in full confrontation mode.

    I think the UK's nanny education system is being over-cautious, as usual. I hope they have got this sorted out by the time the full solar eclipse comes around in 2090.

    What kind of stupid comment is this "I think the UK's nanny education system", do you believe everything done, in the UK is due to a "nanny" state, or is it simply in your own mind, rules/laws are put in place to protect the people from ignorant/anti-social people, of which you may be one... the other thing is, and this is very important, you seemed to have missed that this action was taken by ONLY one (1) school, how the hell do you then go on to comment about the WHOLE education system... some would say it is an idiotic comment therefore you would be an...well I can not say, out of fear of once again being "suspended," for stating the bleeding obvious. Some readers really are thin skinned.

  5. harleyclarkey, on 04 Mar 2015 - 16:45, said:

    Phuket...a beautiuful island ruined by an utterly corrupt and rotten police force.

    This is nothing more than a sop and an infantile PR exercise.

    Would I be cynical in thinking that the guns and those that were arrested for their posession will go home after a beer, an envelope and a laught with the arresting cop?

    Sadly I agree, I to believe it to be a stunt, trying hard to gain credibility. We all know what the police are like, when they arrest ANYONE... photo op with all the finger pointing, yet here we see NOTHING.

  6. smutcakes, on 03 Mar 2015 - 13:18, said:

    Is it the cock fighting which is illegal, the gambling or both?

    I travel to the south regularly and it seems to be very popular down there. Every single weekend literally 100's of pick ups converge on what looks like a purpose built venue right near the center of Chumphon. They even have police directing traffic. It seems a way of life down there, and pretty much every bloke in the area spends there Saturday and Sunday there and no one batters an eye lid.

    As the law is, and it was reported less than 12 months ago, cock fighting is legal, as long as no cocks are injured. Though I don't see how you can cock fight without injury, but then we are dealing with Thai thinking.

    • Like 1
  7. OK... what is -1 decibel (dB)? I'll tell you what, it actually means nothing, unless referenced to a level, dBm,... dBm is a power measurement while dB is a logarithmic ratio. Another fact, the human ear can only just, yes just, perceive a change of 3dB, a change of -1dB means nothing. Another interesting fact, every +3dB change is a doubling of power and every -3dB is a halving of power.

  8. lifeincnx, on 02 Mar 2015 - 10:45, said:
    2fishin2, on 02 Mar 2015 - 10:34, said:
    NeverSure, on 02 Mar 2015 - 10:27, said:
    SoilSpoil, on 02 Mar 2015 - 10:11, said:

    I hope that the Thais stay clear of the US version of democracy/corporatocracy.

    The US isn't a democracy. Go back to school. thumbsup.gif

    Then what is the government?

    The USA is a Republic.

    A Democratic form of government = system in which the people decide policy matters directly

    A Republic form of government = system in which the people choose representatives who, in turn, make policy decisions on their behalf.

    Hnece the phrase "and to the republic for which it stands." in the Pledge of Allegiance.

    I don't know where you get your definitions from but

    Democracy: a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

    You also conveniently forgot Democratic Republic.

    Democratic republic: A democratic republic is, strictly speaking, a country that is both a republic and a democracy. It is one where ultimate authority and power is derived from the citizens, and the government itself is run through elected officials.

    Perhaps, in order to prove your point, you use your own definitions.. are you sure you are not "Ed" from Phuketwan.

  9. TomJoad, on 02 Mar 2015 - 09:00, said:

    Why is democracy ALWAYS assumed to be the BEST form of government....?

    Germany 1933 - a democracy that allowed Hitler to come to power. Millions died.

    USA 2003 - a democracy that allowed George W. Bush to start a war over false claims. Hundreds of thousands died.

    Perhaps, being so wise, you could suggest a better form of government, that still maintains the people as being the nation, not a dictator, or an unelected leader. Come on, let's hear from you, or are you full of crap.

    • Like 1
  10. wabothai, on 19 Feb 2015 - 19:41, said:

    What business is it of a government to regulate someones erection?

    The guy who was in charge should have his dick chopped off.

    Patronizing Idiots!!

    Using big words when you don't know the meaning could make you what you called them... last time I used the "id##t" word I was once again suspended, some TV readers are very thin skinned. Any way Patronize :

    treat with an apparent kindness which betrays a feeling of superiority.

    What makes you think the government "regulates" someone's erection, I would think the guys take the pill voluntarily and "regulate its use themselves.

  11. trainman34014, on 06 Feb 2015 - 13:05, said:

    Serious waste of time and they should get on with solving the REAL problems of the country.

    This is just childish stupidity, they seem to forget that some of these "criminals" would be in democratic countries, real democratic countries, opposed to Thailands idea of democracy, these countries have freedom of speech laws, in effect they would give these "Thai kids" the proverbial finger.

  12. dragonfly94, on 06 Feb 2015 - 14:02, said:

    Pretty serious accusations he made and surely he would not return if he did not have proof, I think some will be wishing he was not coming back

    You need to FOLLOW the whole story, all he, and his blog, did was REPRINT part of an article published by Reuters. Reuters has not been charged. Although Alan can be a pain in the arse, criticises many readers, especially if they have different views to his, often with bitter, snide remarks, and not publishing replies that he doesn't agree with, I do hope the charges are dropped. Mmmm, maybe a public caning wouldn't go astray.

  13. mikemac, on 01 Feb 2015 - 07:49, said:mikemac, on 01 Feb 2015 - 07:49, said:

    Funny, but some of the posters who are all over this story like a cheap suit are well known for being Thai bashers and usually disregard anything a Thai comes out with, unless it suits their agenda.

    This guy, Thitinan Pongsudhirak said: "This interim period could be longer - longer than most of us might think."................and you have picked it up and run with it, like a dog with a lamb chop. clap2.gif

    So, besides "bagging" all those so called ( your cheap name calling) thai bashers, just what is your intellectual stance on the op, or are you only capable off cheap shots at those who see Thailand as it really is...NOT perfect, but would like to see it improved for the sake of ALL Thais, including they now Thai families. What a tosser.

  14. rasmus5150, on 01 Feb 2015 - 07:12, said:

    What was the alternative to the coup....... Civil War. Which scenario do you prefer?

    It seemed to work ok for the USA. So many coups here and what has been achieved.... absolutely nothing! The "alternative" is to "educate" the population in what democracy is....NOT Thai democracy, and to inform the population they should QUESTION those in authority, NOT accept everything they are told, but this is unlikely to happen as it doesn't suit those in power/control, this includes the military, the ultimate control freaks.

  15. lovetotravel, on 30 Jan 2015 - 21:39, said:lovetotravel, on 30 Jan 2015 - 21:39, said:
    englishoak, on 30 Jan 2015 - 21:07, said:englishoak, on 30 Jan 2015 - 21:07, said:

    Amazing what an International slap round the head and pocket does for motivation. thumbsup.gif

    Names and more details please.

    At least this is a start. It would never have happened 3 years ago. So maybe things are changing for the better?

    Mmmm... has it really happened, no names, no media coverage, no finger pointing photos, all we have is a timely story... Let's see a few names, convictions AND jail time.

    • Like 1
  16. Crazy chef 1, on 30 Jan 2015 - 13:27, said:
    2008bangkok, on 30 Jan 2015 - 13:18, said:

    Having 1 6 yr old boy and a 4 yr old girl it also crosses my mind but to be honest i dont think they will get it any worse than thai v thai, saying that iv just enrolled my son in ju jitsu lessons incase it happens in the future and my daughter will do the same at 6

    because violence solves any problem...

    Being brought up in Thailand, YES, violence IS the way it's done... you're not living in your softy softy western world now. And let's not forget, "violence" has solved many problems... WW1, WW2, and many more throughout history, it's also stopped a few people recommitting murder, rape... a has "sorted" out a few schoolyard bullies.

  17. PepperMe, on 30 Jan 2015 - 08:02, said:

    Being the leader of a country is a very very important role. There are 66 million people who rely on that person being of sound judgement and intelligence to do the job. It is not a role to be given over to negligent incompetents, and I think we would all agree that Yingluck is both.

    Such as Thailand's piss poor form of democracy that allows idiots like this to be put into the top position in the first place, things need to be done to shield the nation from such absurd happenings.

    Unfortunately the nation is so full of moronic individuals that the head moron would likely get voted back into power, because the Thais just don't get it. So things like impeachments are necessary to save the idiots from themselves.

    But it is obvious Yingluck WAS negligent, and that negligence DID allow massive corruption to flourish, so that impeachment was 100% justified. Even if it WAS politically motivated, then that motivation is justified in itself for the above reasons.

    This is maybe what the NLA should be explaining to the US rather than whinging like kids. If you think the US is wrong, then just explain it to them till they understand. Fortunately for the Yanks, their electorate is a bit better educated.... hang on..... Bush, Obama..... Maybe not.

    Are you suggesting the NLA, with its unelected leader, the "d" word is banned, is any less negligent or corrupt>

    • Like 1
  18. ebonykap, on 26 Jan 2015 - 17:44, said:
    Rangsitreppin, on 26 Jan 2015 - 16:46, said:

    all i miss about australia is the 65 cent homebrand meat pies and optus 2 dollars for 500 mb phone plan.

    Welll.....that's two more things than I misswai.gif

    You must have had a very sad life, but was it really Australia's fault, somehow I doubt it.

    • Like 1
  19. gandalf12, on 23 Jan 2015 - 18:20, said:

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    mikiea, on 23 Jan 2015 - 18:17, said:
    Moonlover, on 23 Jan 2015 - 16:56, said:
    gandalf12, on 23 Jan 2015 - 16:48, said:

    You are not recognised as being married in Thailand unless you have been through a Buddhist wedding service

    Sorry Gandalf, that complete and utter nonsense!

    ehhhhh...... gandalf ...... huh ..... wat you smoking ?

    I am smoking a large dose of facts, how about you?

    Perhaps you could post where you get your "facts" from, that would save a lot of replies.

  20. brucetefl, on 23 Jan 2015 - 10:25, said:

    OK but thats not what the lawyer here said... I honestly have no idea.

    You need help son, you ask a question then you seem not want to accept any replies that are different to what your lawyer said, so, WHY ask in the first place.

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