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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. The BiB should announce that any foreigners enrolled in criminal activities should turn themselves in as soon as possible. What a pile of X. The longer I live here the more unwanted the feeling becomes.

    Better idea, criminals/terrorists should register at immigration on entry, with a copy of their itinerary , this would save the police from losing face and make their job easier, they wouldn't need to think so much.

    But ... but ... if I'm not mistaken, there is no line on the TM (arrival card) for visitors to write their profession, so even an honest terrorist, perfectly willing to write 'terrorist' on said line, can't do it. Tsk tsk, how annoying.

    Guess immigration could open the non-existent "special" lanes.. problem solve. lol

  2. Motorbike license does the same thing, right?


    Wrong,does it have your visa,visa extension,ect.

    That's not a police matter, if they want they can take your passport number then contact immigration. Proof of id is not on your "extension." They only check your details page of your passport, if they were to check visa entry stamps/extensions, etc, they'd be checking all night at a venue. Logic seems to miss some people.

  3. The BiB should announce that any foreigners enrolled in criminal activities should turn themselves in as soon as possible. What a pile of X. The longer I live here the more unwanted the feeling becomes.

    Better idea, criminals/terrorists should register at immigration on entry, with a copy of their itinerary , this would save the police from losing face and make their job easier, they wouldn't need to think so much.

  4. Yeah something else to moan about,don't forget every Thai has to have his or her id.card with them always!

    Moan, oh dear, and do you really believe ALL Thais carry their ID card, ALL the time... no, they don't. Do you ever hear that the Indonesian police, in Bali, raid venues simply to check passports, or the malaysian police, or Vietnam police etc... NO. Here we have a toy police force run by unintelligent adult kids.

  5. Like I said before there is more to this, I believe there is and has been a credible terrorist threat in Bangkok or major tourist areas in Thailand, basing this on two things, the leaked memo in Phuket and gut feel, if there is a threat they would be better telling people than trying to hide it.

    OMG.... Do you really think a terrorist will have "TERRORIST" stamped on his passport. Or maybe you believe the police have a list of ALL terrorists and by chance, might just find them in one of thousand of entertainment venues, man, some people who comment have far fetched ideas. This who thing is simply because Thai police have no idea how do do anything in a logical/ sensible way, this type of action simply puts tourist,s NOT terrorists, off from coming to Thailand.

  6. On one of my first visits to Thailand had a driver taking me around all day, we pulled up in a gas station, me and my friend sat in rear of vehicle, the driver has got out and while the young gas attendant is filling the gas, the driver is leaning against the front wing smoking a cigarette and chatting to the attendant, I thought, Mmm thats a bit dodgy, I then ran my gaze across from the first set of pumps on the island to the second set of pumps and in between was stored Calor gas bottles for sale/rent, Thats when I thought Oh $ hi t we are not in Kansas anymore....

    Another myth, there is NO proof, to show a cigarette will ignite gasoline, petrol to us more advanced Aussies.

    Really, and I thought it was the vapours that ignite to cause explosion of fire, advanced Aussie - Bush fires anyone..?. could explain a few things blink.png

    The guy lit the Tab with a lighter, and having portable gas bottles next to petrol pumps ain't too smart, even for an advanced antipodean like you (by the way, I'm a POM E, Manchester, England but that would be bedding to you Bruce lol) and thats another thing, first trip to Oz, was in Scarborough beach, Perth, drives into a Petrol station and it was a drive through Bottle Shop... W T F??? ha ha ha... bloody great idea though! smile.png

    I didn't think I'd have to explain that it is the vapor/fumes that ignites, you are just being pedantic, as most readers would understand my point, grow up, far too many pedantic fools on here.

    Now, there was NOTHING in your post that mentioned the "guy" lighting his "tab", this now comes across as if you are making up a story to justify your comment.

  7. This might sound weird, but I have lived here 15 years and see almost no littering. I live in the sticks, but 30 km from a large city. No litter in either location.

    Sounds weird to me. Sure your in Thailand? :-)

    Some people are simply in denial, and see only what they want to see. 15 years and sees almost no rubbish... go get your eyes tested, either that or he's a liar.

    Some city's/villages are very clean, they even can have wide clean perfect pavements without streetvendors.

    In BKK that's hard to find though.

    deckape did say in 15 years.

  8. Nah, doesn't happen. The real reason people are asked not to use their mobiles in fuel stations is that there is a possibility it might interfere with the wireless signal that goes from the pump to the kiosk showing fuel taken and cost of fuel taken. Nothing else.

    What wireless system, they're cabled.

    there are various systems for communicating with the fuel dispenser and POS....and now pay at pump....including wireless

    when forecourts started to be digitalised it was feared that the "new" mobile phone transmissions might interfere with the computers at either end....as a concern, this has since been sidelined. however the urban myth of ophones exploding fuel at the dispensers has proved more difficult to allay.

    show me a wireless one, if your can't then why reply, your words are useless. Has anyone seen a bowser with and antennae?

  9. Nah, doesn't happen. The real reason people are asked not to use their mobiles in fuel stations is that there is a possibility it might interfere with the wireless signal that goes from the pump to the kiosk showing fuel taken and cost of fuel taken. Nothing else.

    What wireless system, they're cabled.

    If the garage is pre-war maybe!

    show me one, oh wise one, a search shows nothing for wireless bowsers (pumps).

    Oh, and just which "war" would you be referring to?

  10. I also find it ridiculous that they evidently have to bring their own supplies of sticky rice and grilled pork from 8,000+ km away (the tag on the carton says BKK-ZRH), otherwise they probably would starve to death, because Swiss food is oh so terrible - not.

    Is it any more rediculous than the posts i have read on TV were the all knowing farangs are bringing back suitcases of food to Thailand from their own countries ?

    Can't get Vegemite in Mukdahan, or corned beef.

  11. On one of my first visits to Thailand had a driver taking me around all day, we pulled up in a gas station, me and my friend sat in rear of vehicle, the driver has got out and while the young gas attendant is filling the gas, the driver is leaning against the front wing smoking a cigarette and chatting to the attendant, I thought, Mmm thats a bit dodgy, I then ran my gaze across from the first set of pumps on the island to the second set of pumps and in between was stored Calor gas bottles for sale/rent, Thats when I thought Oh $ hi t we are not in Kansas anymore....

    Another myth, there is NO proof, to show a cigarette will ignite gasoline, petrol to us more advanced Aussies.

  12. There has never been any PROOF that mobile phones have been the cause of a fire, at gas stations, it is purely a myth, perpetrated even more by those stupid signs at gas stations.


    Knowing there are so many "experts" with their own, unproven theories, I await replies, but show show PROOF, not what is conjured up in your own mind.

  13. Thailand, .. known as the Land of smiles!! A country full of friendly and polite people, ... NOT!!! This is an all too common event in Thailand, especially in Pattaya. Any disagreement with a Thai and you are in big trouble. A gang of them materializes out of nowhere. They have weapons, sticks, chains, tasers, brass knuckles and proceed to beat a guy, usually elderly, (being the brave boys these Thai guys are (NOT)) No such thing a s a fair fight here!!!

    To add insult to injury, ... these same guys are then given an amazingly small fine and sent on their way. Farang get fined more for smoking in Lumphini Park!

    I have lived in Thailand more than 10 years. When I was first here, I marveled at how safe it was and how I could go virtually anywhere at any time of the day or night without fear, .... but not any more. I am afraid of going out at night on my own as an old Farang. I am a target for these cowardly gangs! ... and now I am supposed to carry my passport at all times or go to jail!!! Carrying a passport leaves it open to damage, being lost or stolen.

    Thanks Thailand for welcoming with open arms, weapons and ridiculous rules!

    "Land of Smiles" was a slogan dreamed up by TAT, so we take it with a "pinch of salt" simply because we who live/lived here now the truth, even though some refuse to accept it. Personally, I see no more smile, from Thais, as I do in any other country I've traveled.

  14. A stupid move to try and get out of paying for drinks. If I tried to steal from Thais in this way I would expect the same treatment.

    I really like the Thai style of getting a bill rather than having to pay for every single drink every single time you buy one like in pubs in other countries, where you have to wait at the bar to be served, then wait for the waiter to pour your drinks and then pay for your drinks and then have to wait again for your change.

    If idiot farangs keep behaving like this it will ruin it for everyone. A couple of Canadian girls tried it in a go go a couple of weeks ago and I have personally seen it many times. Come on a holiday to Thailand and steal from the locals. Scummy.

    Mmmm, you are assuming the bar staff are telling the truth, condemning the Canadian, without getting his side of the story, the first 3 letters of "assume" describes you very well.

  15. This is one of my pet peeves. Local journalists (if you can really call them "journalists") consider it rude and inappropriate to ask follow-up questions, or ask for status updates on statements/promises made by government officials. This would be seen as exposing their BS, resulting in a major loss of face, which we all know is not tolerated. Unfortunately, for our civil servants maintaining "face" is much more important that performing one's job in a competent manner.

    Excellent observation .... I could not have written is better ...

    I've often said the same thing, about poor journalism, often suffering a blasting from an EDitor from a now closed blog site, I guess they don't ask, follow up because their lives could be at risk, so only report what those in power/influence want us to hear, not always the truth. The media has a lot to answer for when it comes to allowing crime/corruption/ineptitude to flourish. Someone should start an off-shore site.

  16. So...please stop spilling thousands and thousands and thousands hectoliters of water during Songkran...One can celebrate Songkran in a respectfull way...just as it was meant to be in it's original version...

    Oh dear, when will you people STOP complaining about songkran, get over it, your constant whinging will stop NOTHING, no Thais are listening to your whining.

  17. This report comes from the leading nanny state in the world, Australia.

    Thailand must love listening to these so called experts from countries that are nowhere near as successful as the Thais concerning tourism, but who feel the need/urge to advise them.

    Most of the tourist deaths are caused by their own drunken stupidity, riding motorbikes, drowning etc etc.

    it is also a bit much coming from the land of the backpacker murders where tourists were rounded up and shot and buried in the Aussie bush, and a whole lot of other cases. A Thai schoolgirl is still missing and I recall another case where a Thai woman was thrown over a bridge so the crocodiles would eat her.

    Maybe this David bloke should concern himself with his own country. He probably hasn't even been to Thailand, but considers himself an expert.

    Despite the odd mishap the Thai tourism industry is booming. Bigger than ever.

    Loser, it's my belief so called "nanny" states come about because the law abiding citizens need protecting from those who live on the fringes of the law, maybe you are one of them, remember, there are millions that live comfortably within these "states", it seems your chose Thailand because you wish live outside the norms of civilised societies. Nanny states are a state of mind.

    Now to tear you apart.

    1. The "missing" Thai girl is believed to have RUN away from home, if you have any other knowledge then let us, and the Australia Federal Police, know.

    2. The backpacker murders, these were NOT targetted simply because they were tourists, that is coincidental, in fact 5 were foreigners and 2 Australian. ll killed by a serial killer, Ivan Milat.

    3. Thai woman eaten by crocodile, I think if you actually do a follow up, you will see that although covered by Australian media, the incident actually occurred in BANGKOK, by a 65 year old, committing suicide.

  18. not sure how old she is but sounds like international school kids/university coming back from a party break in hua hin.

    I certainly made that drive back from friends condos there on a number of occasions.

    Does it really matter where she was coming back from... it has NOTHING to do with this accident, for all you know she could have been coming back from McDonald's, far to much idiotic guess work and assumptions on TV.

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