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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. I think the punishment should fit the crime and people who rape and murder children definitely in my opinion deserve the death penalty.

    Are you Thai?

    Serious question. Its my understanding that Thai culture is largely based on Buddhist ideals.

    Its fine to have an opinion but its also up to the culture how they define Justice and Punishment .

    Don't you know? Thailand already has the death penalty. They shoot you through the back. (Not through the chest, because the shooters don't want the spirit of the dead man to remember them and find them. Really, this is the truth.)

    People have been executed for the rape of children.

    For me, cold blooded murder is probably enough to warrant your death. For sure, raping and killing a child warrants the death penalty.

    And, I agree with the headline; The death penalty does not solve the problem of rape. But it certainly solves the problem of the the monster who does it.

    I didn't know that Thailand already had Capital Punishment.

    Obviously, if such is the case, then this rapist/murderer would qualify for such a punishment as there is no doubt as to his guilt.

    More details please.

    I seem to remember two cops, from a northern province, being sentence to death, for murder, but in typical Thai fashion, they were let out on bail, guess what, they have never been seen again.

    • Like 1
  2. I think the punishment should fit the crime and people who rape and murder children definitely in my opinion deserve the death penalty.

    The state cannot and should not decide whether someone should live or die. If the state kills him, then they are no better than the murderers themselves, whether they deserve it or not. If anything life imprisonment would give him hell for the next 60 years, prisoners don't really go easy on child rape and murderers.

    Doctor, your belief that if the state kills him then the state is no better than the murder is, I put it to you, and TV readers, your way of thinking is only from the last, maybe, 40 years, compare to the 10's of thousands of years of mankind, I put it to you, maybe your "modern" thinking is wrong.

    I see where you're coming from, but I'm from a school where I think once artificial protein growing can match the quality of real meat and is indistinguishable, then killing any animal should be illegal and humans should only consume artificial meat. It is time to move on and advance, especially if we are thinking about moving on from planet earth.

    So, if a dog attacks a child, and kills it, then the dog should not be put down, even though it has, without provocation, previously attacked.

    • Like 1
  3. I think the punishment should fit the crime and people who rape and murder children definitely in my opinion deserve the death penalty.

    The state cannot and should not decide whether someone should live or die. If the state kills him, then they are no better than the murderers themselves, whether they deserve it or not. If anything life imprisonment would give him hell for the next 60 years, prisoners don't really go easy on child rape and murderers.

    Doctor, your belief that if the state kills him then the state is no better than the murder is, I put it to you, and TV readers, your way of thinking is only from the last, maybe, 40 years, compare to the 10's of thousands of years of mankind, I put it to you, maybe your "modern" thinking is wrong.

    • Like 2
  4. Swift execution is warranted here.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    The death penalty solves nothing.

    But further restrictions on alcohol would make a massive difference throughout society.

    I get sick of the people here who praise 'beer' and moan when the bars are closed.

    Too much alcohol. Too much violence (especially domestic) ......

    The death penalty stops him doing it again, it also acts as a deterrent, to others. You will be delighted to learn that (TV 9 July 2014) "The State Railway of Thailand will impose a ban on alcohol sale and drink on all trains in the aftermath of the rape and killing of a 13-year old girl on board a night sleeper train by a railway employee who took drug and drank on board." A slight over reaction, it would be better to monitor their employees, but hey, this is a "typical" reaction in Thailand. It almost appears that it was the alcohols fault, not the scumbags.

    • Like 1
  5. The very first person to be kicked out should be the governor and deputy. Why such investigation just started after the coup and not long before that? The answer is simple. He /they have been taking bribes prior to the coup and now its a good time to turn table because nobody can accuse them for helping the authority.

    I've often said the governor should be investigated, it is his failure, to do his duty, that has allowed the corruption and illegal activities to exist. It seems that he is "protected" as there has been no mention of his failings, this itself reflects badly on the military.

    • Like 1
  6. The army will organize a short training course to educate some 1,000 drivers of traffic laws and public safety.

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/motorcycle-taxi-drivers-jackets-will-light-green-colour-near-future/


    -- Thai PBS 2014-07-07

    Helmets are what is needed for public safety, better to use one that's 'unsanitary' than to have your brains splattered in the road.

    My heads itching just at the thought of it... lice, fleas, dandruff, ringworm. I'd prefer to take the risk, by not wearing a helmet, the same we did before helmet were made compulsory, that is, from when man first stood upright. Helmets are NOT for "public" safety, they are for personal safety.

  7. It's not ideal to remove IE. yes, some older sites are only configured for it. It can be disabled through control panel, add remove programs, then the option for windows programs. I wouldn't. Check default programs and ensure your desired browser selected as default. When IE popup pause, and look for arrow near yes no option for making IE default. Then select No, don't ask again. IE is porous and there's actually sine study that concluded people who use IE are intellectually lower IQ. Amazing what's called science, but nearly self evident too!

    Also I'd consider running Malwarebytes, or your preferred. You shouldn't be getting enough pop ups to irritate you. Just a thought.

    I must be one of those with a lower IQ, I find nothing wrong with IE even after trying most other browsers. What I do know, after 30 plus years in IT is that those who complain are those who complain about Microsoft's dominance, but still use windows and other Microsoft products. It is true some sites are not supported by other browsers, it is also a fact that some hardware, eg IP cams, using a built in GUI where ALL functions are only available using active-X, only supported by IE. All browsers have vulnerabilities. Chrome is looking good, Firefox seems to be lacking, have had numerous sites fail, and the other browsers, well use them if you want, but why? Some say one browser loads fast than another, in practice this comes down more to your connection speed from you to the site you are accessing, a lightweight browser may load faster, but this is usually milliseconds, hard to prove and who cares.

    All my comments are based on Windows machines, those using other OS's need not comment. Having said that on Linux, use Chrome not Firefox, those using Apple, well you were tricked into buying an overpriced box, even Apple seems to push the iPhone rather than a Mac.

    After reading your response I realize how insensitive, and perhaps foolish my post was regarding IE users; I apologize. Not sure how I didn't process that as unkind, and perhaps ignorant on my part. I did the search for IE users and IQ again and found the same Telegraph article citing the study but have now also found entries indicating it was not a correct study. To all those I've offended, sorry. I don't like unkind comments and prefer I also avoid such statements. Perhaps because I don't prefer IE I allowed that trivia to enter into my thinking.

    Oh, I wasn't really offended, actually made me laugh.

    • Like 2
  8. I.E is one of the most vunerable and least configurable of browsers. It is also one of the hardest to uninstall properly as obviously Windows and its partner Bing dont want you to uninstal. There are ways but its not worth the hassle as it will come back again if you use Windows automatic updates. You can just go to control panel and disable it. With your choice of browser make it the default Browser, you can do this in options on your browser. I use Firefox as it is quite secure and configurable, however, these days on my humble laptop it becomes a bit resource hungry if you are running pop up blockers and going through a VPN. Might try out some Linux OS. Stay away from Apple browsers.

    Just how "configurable," which I'm not sure what you really mean, do you need a browser to be, for the majority a bog standard browser, with no "add ons" etc, is all that is needed. Bing is simply a search engine, which you can easily replace with your favourite one, eg google. If you want to "try" Linux, I suggest Linux Mint, but like all Linux distributions, most hardware manufacturers do not support them, therefore you will not be able to use all functions of your printer, graphics tablet, or simply update/backup you mobile phone.

  9. It's not ideal to remove IE. yes, some older sites are only configured for it. It can be disabled through control panel, add remove programs, then the option for windows programs. I wouldn't. Check default programs and ensure your desired browser selected as default. When IE popup pause, and look for arrow near yes no option for making IE default. Then select No, don't ask again. IE is porous and there's actually sine study that concluded people who use IE are intellectually lower IQ. Amazing what's called science, but nearly self evident too!

    Also I'd consider running Malwarebytes, or your preferred. You shouldn't be getting enough pop ups to irritate you. Just a thought.

    I must be one of those with a lower IQ, I find nothing wrong with IE even after trying most other browsers. What I do know, after 30 plus years in IT is that those who complain are those who complain about Microsoft's dominance, but still use windows and other Microsoft products. It is true some sites are not supported by other browsers, it is also a fact that some hardware, eg IP cams, using a built in GUI where ALL functions are only available using active-X, only supported by IE. All browsers have vulnerabilities. Chrome is looking good, Firefox seems to be lacking, have had numerous sites fail, and the other browsers, well use them if you want, but why? Some say one browser loads fast than another, in practice this comes down more to your connection speed from you to the site you are accessing, a lightweight browser may load faster, but this is usually milliseconds, hard to prove and who cares.

    All my comments are based on Windows machines, those using other OS's need not comment. Having said that on Linux, use Chrome not Firefox, those using Apple, well you were tricked into buying an overpriced box, even Apple seems to push the iPhone rather than a Mac.

    • Like 1
  10. Hopefully this coup might result in the scruffy ill mannered holidaying scratters from the UK going elsewhere for their vacation.

    The LOS will be a far better place with no pink skinned, beer bellied, foul mouthed plying their 'wares'.

    And the Russians.

    Oh dear, there's a coup on, and that's all that worries you two....

  11. It all sounds good, and I (tentatively now he's dismissed the senate) support that General........but professional soldiers are not economists. I hope he's doing the right thing.

    Politicians also are NOT economists, they rely on their respective depts.

  12. Only ignorant westerners would consider them freedom fighters. Most Thais would think they are stupid. Like I've said before, outsiders should refrain from commenting on domestic affairs. They simply don't know, and the US disgusts me for trying to force their ideology on other nations. Most of the Americans I know that live here, seem to have a more balanced view of he situation.

    Ignorant, stupid, outsiders, westerners, they don't know - political arguments from the finest thai intelectual elits, not ashamed of their own stupidity and xenofobia.

    ~What we Thai people DO know is how our country runs even though it may not be perfect - you should stay in your own country and sort out Britains many problems - we don't need people like you here - When did you last see a Thai telling your people on a forum how to run their country? If you like Thaksin so much move from London to Dubai NOT to Thailand.

    only educated, thinking people have an opinion.

  13. Today they added Thaksin's son to list of those detained. Looks like the general has almost all the trump cards in his hand.

    Don't think so

    Where is the jack of diamond's

    Jack of diamonds?

    Let's see...

    Queen of diamonds? Check. Detained

    The Joker(Chalerm) Check. Detained

    Deuce of spades(Jatuporn) Check detained

    So I guess the jack of diamonds He's holed up in London

    Unless I missed Chalerm and Jatuporn being re-detain then I believe they are still free.

  14. Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

    He made this statement last Thursday whilst be interviewed by Australian media, (ABC) his interviewed was beamed live into Thailand via the Australian network. The Thai Military have no power to stop the Australian government T.V station from broadcasting.

    They don't need to, they have the power to stop Thai broadcasters rebroadcasting it...besides Mr Abbott will close it down.

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