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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I wonder if the violation was riding without a licence alt=blink.png>

    Noooooo license, driving under age, modified machine, who knows. BUT, nobody cares about anything here, so, seems must go with the daft flow.............coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

    It's certainly no laughing matter, I don't know what the road violation was, but these schoolboys are one of the reasons for Thailand having so many road fatalities, and they probably do not have a licence.

    Not a crash helmet in sight!!!!

    Um, I must be looking at a different photo....

  2. Just for those that don't know the history of the beach chairs and the Tsunami. For a number of months after the tsunami, no beach chairs nor umbrellas were allowed. Then concessions were made to allow up to two rows of beach chairs, with a minimum number of metres (2-3) in between sets of beach chairs, which had to be made of plastic and not wood. That lasted through the summer of 2005, then the "regulations" were thrown out the window thanks to the greediness of the local officials and the local beach chair rental guys.

    Very similar to the jet ski ban, where around 12 years ago they were given 7 years to find alternative sources of work. 7 years and 7 governors later, this was forgotten and more envelopes were passed, while more jet skis were introduced.

    The sum of the post is "regulations don't work here thanks to greed and corruption" for those that are yammering on about regulation. We would all love to see regulation, but over the past two decades, greed and corruption have won out.

    The main issue is the failure of consecutive governors, including the present one, of failing to do their duty. They are responsible for overseeing all levels of government and have FAILED miserably. Why isn't the governor asked to explain his failure. According to the retiring German Honorary Consul, he has also submitted "doctored" minutes back to Bangkok, deleting anything negative brought up at the now cancelled consuls meetings.

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  3. Wow, I didn't realise tourists came to Phuket only for the chairs. Here's me thinking there was so much more to see and do. Oh, no chairs on Australian beaches, with thousands of tourists coming and enjoying them.

    Made the mistake of going to Bondi about 1988 and frying for about 2 hours before we left, never to return.

    All holidays since have been to deck chair/umbrella destinations and happy to spend the money.

    If Aussie's are so happy with no chairs on their beaches how come so many

    come to Thailand & Bali when, on the whole, their beaches are better.

    Aussies don't just come for the beaches, why would they, they already have far more and far superior ones. If you think people come for beaches only, then you need your head read, same as if you go to any beach, all day, and don't take the necessary sun protection with you. If you "fried for 2 hours, on Bondi, then you can only blame your own foolish self, I'll bet the Aussies didn't suffer as much as you, so whose fault, I suggest you stay home, safe and sound. What a prat, thinking everyone else should suffer simply because you are not sun wise.

  4. Twenty two posts. This, apparently was one of the 'good' guys. IMHO murdered by special interests, yet not one RIP comment. Somewhere this man had a family and his death is a cause for speculation and accusation. Lurking in the background, someone ordered his fate.

    RIP Sutthi.

    He's dead, no RIP is going to help him, with posts here we can only hope someone in authority will take up the challenge and push for the truth.

  5. This is another fine example of Thailand showing everybody just how immature they are. It's time that this country grew up and started behaving like adults - this proposed scheme, under discussion , is one of the most pathetic and totally impractible ideas that any education ministry anywhere in the world has ever come up with.

    Don't be so serious

    Anyway you're not Thai so you wouldn't understand

    So, I guess you must be Thai and therefore you know "all."

  6. I'm not down the beach that much, probably once a week, and then I'll walk a little, so the current situation suits me, but I know a few people who will not return to thailand if they've no chairs. High season, there will not enough room under the shaded tree areas and any families with young children will not spend 5 hours in the sun, same for the older tourists. As mentioned by someone, who will clean up the beach. What about refreshments, stuck in the middle of karon beach with nothing around, not a good situation for tourists. My guess will be that they will return, under some sort of regulated rule......who knows, this is thailand. Bottom line is though, wether people like it or not, no beach chairs equals, in the long run, less tourists. Just my penny's worth.

    Wow, I didn't realise tourists came to Phuket only for the chairs. Here's me thinking there was so much more to see and do. Oh, no chairs on Australian beaches, with thousands of tourists coming and enjoying them.

  7. You may badmouth the beach chair guys, but, ...... if they don't return, you'll badmouth the litter even more.

    Who do you think cleans and rakes the beach every morning?

    Australian beaches are almost spotless, most beach goes have respect for the environment, those that haven't are quickly "encouraged verbally" to take their rubbish with them, there are big fines for littering, the beaches are patrolled by council rangers and the beaches are maintain by local authorities.

  8. A knife is a deadly weapon, a punch is usually not (Unless the opposition is a professional Martial Arts type.)

    "King hit" or cowardly single punches are the norm on the streets of Australia.

    Yes they are, but when I spent six weeks in Perth late December to mid Feb there were something like five stabbing murders many if not all fuelled by chrystal meth. Kids in Aus now have knives in their cars and take knives to parties for self defence. I lament the loss of innocence of my beautiful country.

    Strange, I only know of 3 and no mention of crystal meth.

  9. I call to ban all knives! If it were not for the knife he had the young man would be alive today.

    Young people have forgotten how to settle disputes....killing is not a option! RIP

    You can "call" as much as you lie...but who's listening? You also forget, many Thais do not fight fairly, so if he did bring a knife he surely would have brought some mates. I'm actually surprised there's only two people involved, but then, maybe one was faster with a knife than the other.

  10. It was still not clear whether the missile parts were linked to the downing of MH17

    The shipment was intercepted, then seized and put in storage. It was not released, because the investigation is still ongoing. It should therefore be quite clear that these missile parts are not linked to the downing of MH17.

    However, it would be interesting to know which airline transported this shipment to Finland...

    They could of course come by sea.

  11. It is refreshing to hear the Junta promise something and then follow through it it. (Heay Chalerm!)

    Today in front of Central Plaza (on the Khon Kaen Ram hospital side) the police were there inspecting vans with what I can only assume was mechanics? Not sure, but they were there inspecting vans. One was being towed away after we came out of the shops. This is actually being enforced. They followed through with their promise. Seat belts are being fitted. Lives will be saved because promises are kept. This is not propaganda. This was people checking vans for safety and stickers this morning at Central Plaza.

    I for one thank the Junta for following through on their promises and showing transparency and sincerity in putting the peoples safety first. No contempt shown by the Junta here.

    If using mechanics, show me their qualifications.

  12. Since when "prepare" is part of Thai vocabulary and Culture? cheesy.gif

    It's been in their "vocabulary" for a very long time, the problem is many don't know what it means, goes the same for the over use of the term "transparent."

    The other problem is they don't really know how to "prepare", they do run around doing something, but not actually achieving what they set out to do.

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  13. Most Thai food will have MSG, the amount depends on the cook. MSG can be a poison to westerners, if taken over a long period. Be aware, that although banned in some countries, eg, Australia, it is still put in cans of Campbells soups sold in Thailand...Campbells has not replied to my email, at least 10 months ago, asking why, when I ask the question, was it removed only due to public pressure rather than for concerned for customers health...

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