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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. Don't know if this real or if I'm only imagining it but I have noticed that many jobs (for Thai people) require a higher level of education than comparable ones in the USA.   And age discrimination is rampant in Thailand.  Am I wrong on this?

    You are not wrong, but I suspect there is a "difference" in "education" levels. I believe a student, in a matching level in the US compared to one in Thailand, would exceed the Thai students knowledge and ability to apply that knowledge.




    Last time we heard about cleaning the immigration status of illegal workers, it was about the Cambodian nationals => they went back home but Thais realized they badly needed them => Cambodians came back.

    Same story here? No => Thais DON'T NEED English teachers from abroad because millions Thais speak a perfect English and can teach to the children.


    It's true. My wife and all her sisters speak excellent English. One is fluent in French as well.


    Well that's your "small family group" out 65 million, your argument is a bit weak, maybe you need to focus on what Thailand needs, not only your happy little family.



    And maybe some TV posters need to focus on the use of sarcasm and wit in the English language....................


    And maybe some TV posters need to focus on what sarcasm and wit really is and how to apply it.


    They are going to quit teaching ESL.

    The future looks to be MSL (Mandarin).

    I doubt Thai schools will stop teaching English anytime soon. The business language of ASEAN, and the world, is currently English. There are millions of 'qualified' Filipino English teachers who would love to fill Thailand's need for ESL teachers. By qualified, I mean degreed, many with education degrees in teaching English.


    Of course, then you have the accreditation of the degree granting institution to question--but that question exists with the many dubiously 'degreed' falang ESL teachers too.


    In the future, if and when the US drops drastically in global economic strength--like the Brits have already done--Mandarin may indeed take over as the lingua franca of business, in Asia at least.  Mandarin is already taught in most Thai schools.



    "Mandarin is already taught in most Thai schools." really, wow, this is news to me, and I'm sure news to the many Isaan schools I've been to.



    Don't most countries have qualifications and working visa requirements for teachers? What's wrong with Thailand doing the same?


    OT: I am just going to take a wild guess here: unqualified students with ED visas of convenience will be next in the clearing out.

    In case you have only just woken up, it comes down to money, qualified people can make more in other countries, why come to Thailand and settle for maybe 30000 baht a month. Thailand needs english teachers more than english teachers needing Thailand. Hope this isn't to hard for you to understand.



    Actually, maybe I don't understand and perhaps you can clarify your point. So are you saying that Thailand should allow anyone who wants to come here to teach English, to do so illegally on a tourist visa waiver, earn money, not pay taxes and do so without a work permit? Should there be a special exemption of immigration and labour law just for English teachers, whether qualified or not?


    Actually, maybe I don't understand and perhaps you can clarify your point. So are you saying things that I didn't... I fail to understand why people, like yourself, need to make things up simply to say something...why make false accusations?



    Don't most countries have qualifications and working visa requirements for teachers? What's wrong with Thailand doing the same?


    OT: I am just going to take a wild guess here: unqualified students with ED visas of convenience will be next in the clearing out.

    In case you have only just woken up, it comes down to money, qualified people can make more in other countries, why come to Thailand and settle for maybe 30000 baht a month. Thailand needs english teachers more than english teachers needing Thailand. Hope this isn't to hard for you to understand.



    If what you say is true Rorri ..... why do so many english teachers come here?

    I would say it is the freedom, lifestyle and or women/ladyboys/men

    for that there is a price to be, you must be qualified to stay


    And just how many are there, compared to the number of schools. granted, some do come for reasons of their own, but I stand by my comment. There would be far more will to immigrate if Thailand paid a descent wage. Korea is a far nicer country and pays so much more, along with students willing to learn.

    • Like 1
  6. My country,U.S.A. only supports countries that are a democracy. Thailand is not currently a democracy.

    The U.S.A does not support any country that permits slavery. Thailand permits slavery.

    What's left to explain?

    Oh yeah...come to Thailand and spend your money...but good luck getting a visa!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You mean those fine upstanding democracies like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar where the slave labourers building the World Cup stadiums are dropping like flies? Give us a break!

    I could be wrong, but I think you will find the countries you mentioned are NOT democracies.

    Oh dear, the concept of irony clearly goes right over your head!

    Irony: the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning...it seems you do not know the meaning of the word.

    I guess you know what "fool" means.

  7. My country,U.S.A. only supports countries that are a democracy. Thailand is not currently a democracy.

    The U.S.A does not support any country that permits slavery. Thailand permits slavery.

    What's left to explain?

    Oh yeah...come to Thailand and spend your money...but good luck getting a visa!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You mean those fine upstanding democracies like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar where the slave labourers building the World Cup stadiums are dropping like flies? Give us a break!

    I could be wrong, but I think you will find the countries you mentioned are NOT democracies.

  8. There are other, major issues that Thailand faces, which I have yet to hear the Junta (or practically anyone here) express any concern over, ever - which is more than telling. We're usually not even allowed to address it.

    One, is the class system in Thailand, which oppresses millions, and which is at the root of it's political turmoil. I have many friends in Thailand (who truly represent millions just like them) who their whole lives, have worked harder than most westerners can imagine, and are expected to survive AND simultaneously support parents and children, on a salary of about 6k baht per month. I hear all the dehumanizing excuses that westerners make, in their attempt to overlook those people in order to enjoy themselves without guilt. But it is truly UNACCEPTABLE to build a system on the backs of those individuals that way.

    What is the Junta's position on that? I have yet to hear his impassioned speech on the matter. Instead, he tells those people that they should stop watching western movies. That is not an aid to them.

    What is the Junta's position on the sex trade, and the utter lack of education and opportunities which forces millions upon millions of young people to throw their lives away to become the servant of any passerby? What is YOUR postition on that, retirees? I never hear it addressed here, other than westerners complainging that these poor young women (and men) don't 'really love them'...in exchange for a few baht, no less.

    Every day here, I read other westerners talking about 'getting rid of the undesirables', and I'm sure some of them are very decent. But, we all know here, and are not allowed to mention it, than many (many) of them are here because they can enjoy a luxurious lifestyle at the expense of others. This is a FACT. And I consider those people, when they sit here every day judging who is 'legitimate' or not, before running off to obsess on beer, bar girls and football, while making negative remarks about all those people, claiming constantly that they are 'vicitimized' by Thai people if they happen to have a discrepancy over a few baht or the like, to be profoundly immoral.

    The obvious solution to those (massive) problems for Thailand, is education. Education education education! I have yet to hear the Junta address this, even once. Are they closing the sex tourism areas? Are they investing in finding other options for those millions of young people? NO. And...are you guys here? NO.

    How can you legitimately belief that, compared to these OBVIOUS problems for millions of people around you everyday - that what you believe the 'real' problem is, is whether some English teacher is on a tourist visa or not? It's a weak excuse, to say the least, in order to avoid any type of self reflection or honesty from most voices here.

    " I have many friends in Thailand (who truly represent millions just like them) who their whole lives, have worked harder than most westerners can imagine," prove it. These are easy words for you to say, but can you back it up. In what area of "work" are you talking about. I know many western police that work harder than Thai police, pollies who work harder than thais, farmers who work hard etc.... in fact, I think many readers could give examples of "lazy" thai workers.

    You're utterly blind to say you need 'proof' of that. They are working all around you, every day. They are your maids, the gardeners who manicure your environment, your security guard, the people reparing houses across the soi, cooking your food, bringing you your beer....I could go on and on. Sociopathic of you, in fact, to not have noticed their struggles behind those smiles by now. Or, do you actually believe they find it a pleasure to serve you?

    When you characterize 'lazy Thai people', is speaks to your racism. And is a justification you make for taking advantage. And, you conveniently overlook the salary aspect, I notice. Let me guess, you blame the poor for their own low salaries, as well.

    Racism would be "IF" I said "ALL" Thais, I did not say ALL, get it right. I agree Thais do work...what I commented on was you saying "who their whole lives, have worked harder than most westerners can imagine" which is utter BS, it is you sir, who seems to be "blind". All those occupations you mentioned are also done by many western people in their own country. As for "salary" well it is the Thai government's policy not to encourage paying higher, otherwise it will start a, "local" wage war... we as foreigners do not set national wages. I suggest if you are going to debate, make sure you are smart enough to back up what you say, there are many readers who read these posts.

    • Like 1
  9. There are other, major issues that Thailand faces, which I have yet to hear the Junta (or practically anyone here) express any concern over, ever - which is more than telling. We're usually not even allowed to address it.

    One, is the class system in Thailand, which oppresses millions, and which is at the root of it's political turmoil. I have many friends in Thailand (who truly represent millions just like them) who their whole lives, have worked harder than most westerners can imagine, and are expected to survive AND simultaneously support parents and children, on a salary of about 6k baht per month. I hear all the dehumanizing excuses that westerners make, in their attempt to overlook those people in order to enjoy themselves without guilt. But it is truly UNACCEPTABLE to build a system on the backs of those individuals that way.

    What is the Junta's position on that? I have yet to hear his impassioned speech on the matter. Instead, he tells those people that they should stop watching western movies. That is not an aid to them.

    What is the Junta's position on the sex trade, and the utter lack of education and opportunities which forces millions upon millions of young people to throw their lives away to become the servant of any passerby? What is YOUR postition on that, retirees? I never hear it addressed here, other than westerners complainging that these poor young women (and men) don't 'really love them'...in exchange for a few baht, no less.

    Every day here, I read other westerners talking about 'getting rid of the undesirables', and I'm sure some of them are very decent. But, we all know here, and are not allowed to mention it, than many (many) of them are here because they can enjoy a luxurious lifestyle at the expense of others. This is a FACT. And I consider those people, when they sit here every day judging who is 'legitimate' or not, before running off to obsess on beer, bar girls and football, while making negative remarks about all those people, claiming constantly that they are 'vicitimized' by Thai people if they happen to have a discrepancy over a few baht or the like, to be profoundly immoral.

    The obvious solution to those (massive) problems for Thailand, is education. Education education education! I have yet to hear the Junta address this, even once. Are they closing the sex tourism areas? Are they investing in finding other options for those millions of young people? NO. And...are you guys here? NO.

    How can you legitimately belief that, compared to these OBVIOUS problems for millions of people around you everyday - that what you believe the 'real' problem is, is whether some English teacher is on a tourist visa or not? It's a weak excuse, to say the least, in order to avoid any type of self reflection or honesty from most voices here.

    " I have many friends in Thailand (who truly represent millions just like them) who their whole lives, have worked harder than most westerners can imagine," prove it. These are easy words for you to say, but can you back it up. In what area of "work" are you talking about. I know many western police that work harder than Thai police, pollies who work harder than thais, farmers who work hard etc.... in fact, I think many readers could give examples of "lazy" thai workers.

  10. My country,U.S.A. only supports countries that are a democracy. Thailand is not currently a democracy.

    The U.S.A does not support any country that permits slavery. Thailand permits slavery.

    What's left to explain?

    Oh yeah...come to Thailand and spend your money...but good luck getting a visa!!!!!!!!!!!!

    thanks for explaining that

    now i understand why things are the way they are in the good old democratic u.s.of a

    btw...my money seems to last longer here

    Your money might last longer here, but where did you earn it... certainly not in Thailand.

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    What about speeding and clearly marked speed limits on all thoroughfares and sois?

    Speed limit signs are badly needed on all roads. I was driving on one road (Route 36?) where my GPS gave the speed limit as being 110 km / hr. A little later, I glanced at it and it showed my speed in red. It had detected that the speed limit at that point was 80 km / hr but there was no indication whatsoever of a change in the speed limit so it was telling me that I was speeding. Similarly, when leaving Pattaya on Sukhumwit Road, there is no indication as to when the speed limit changes from 80 to 110!


    This is the way some police think...one of the "commanders," on Phuket, said you have your license, you should know what speed you should be doing... a fool.. yes.

  12. "Can any one give me a list of the correct road rules in Thailand in English? I have been told one must give way to the left,but this just does not work on a round-a-bout."

    In Thailand you only need to give way if the vehicle is bigger than you or driving crazy.

    A sensible question gets asked, and you reply with what....stupidness. The answer is, true, here it is give way to the left, I assume they copied the US way forgetting they drive on a different side of the road. Unfortunately I have on my PC, somewhere between Thailand and Australia.

  13. Great to see Thailand stick it to USA. If usa wants to be dumb about Thailand and try to play usa's silly little "freedom" card, usa can go play by itself. Go Thai Army !!!

    USA still does not understand the world has grown up around it and now considers Uncle Sam an out of touch old fogy. Sam can not slap nations around with the "democracy" stuff anymore. Sam has used up his credibility.

    Note, stat on Net says Thailand is China's THIRD largest trading partner. Handwriting is on the wall.

    PS, usa war planes need SEA bases; Diego Garcia is a little too far and Australia is way way too far.

    Okinawa is close enough my friend. We can still reach out and touch you anywhere we want.

    So true, people like khnomkhnom really don't think too hard, Okinawa, South Korea, navy bases in Australia and at a bet I'd say Taiwan would be cooperative. Thailand doesn't even share a border with China, so any land forces would have to "invade" Burma or Lao first. Interestingly, Vietnam is in conflict with china, it's not beyond possibility that the US and Vietnam could become allies.

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  14. i stop being suprised here years ago....whistling.gif ..buy a legal visa from a THAI consul (WHO HAVE THE POWER TO REFUSE) and then be refused entry at teh border...idiotic to say the least

    It's again worth remembering that possession of a visa doesn't guarantee the holder admission to a country, it's the Immigration Officer at the Border that has the final say, this applies to most countries in the World, including the likes of the UK, the Schengen Area and the United States of America.

    A cold fact that apparently needs to be repeated ad infinitum since some people seem incapable of understanding it.

    Doesn't need repeating at all. The fact is we are dealing with Thailand, not UK or any other country. Another fact, they issue 60 day visa but deny re-entry. However, they then say if you fly in, from KL, you will be given entry, strange attitude. I'm not against countries enforcing their immigration laws, but for "f"'s sake be consistent at all borders and entry points.

  15. Electricity is neither a liquid or gas so it does not leak. My guess is the Electrical Cable had a bad spot in the insulation and was covered or at least partially covered by water. The article then goes on to say the teacher saw their hands on the post of the stand. So, if they were standing in the puddle and touched the steel post of the stand they provided a ground for the electricity to flow.

    Chances are the lad that did not die was shocked while trying to rescue his mate. Never touch a person that is being electricued with you hand use a piece of wood or something that is an insulator. If nothing else take a run at them so your inertia will break them away as a ground.

    Then, according to you, there is no such thing as an "Earth Leakage" circuit breaker or "leaky" coaxial cable, used in buildings to allow mobile phone to pick up a stronger signal. Go check this definition http://dictionary.infoplease.com/leak.

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