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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. I have often wondered this myself. Of course common sense will tell you that it would vary according to many conditions. But I would have thought that rice farmers would have a ball park idea........BUT.....surprise, surprise, of the maybe 10 farmers I have asked in Issan, not one had any idea!

    then ask them how much rice they get per crop and then ask them how many rai they farm. they will all know both those #'s.

    Many do not even know how many rai they crop, never mind how much rice they harvest, many simply harvest, store, for personal use, then sell what is left.

  2. can we also PLEASE ask both authorities especially the Orbortor of Cherngtalay why are food vendors not respecting what has been achieved at Surin Beach carpark

    and have set up shop again. the car park is for cars.... please see photos attached which were taken at 1030am saturday morning 19th july. they were also there

    friday 18th july.... once one or two set up then everyone will think this ok and all will return...

    i asked 2 of the vendors why they were there this is a public car park not market area and they should respect the thai authorities they both just laughed at me and

    asked did i want some fried chicken...

    please take action before it comes all back again..

    please see photos attached....attachicon.gifphoto-51.JPG


    Perhaps it is he governor who needs to be asked, he is ultimately responsible, in fact it is his failure to do his sworn by duty that has allowed so much corruption/illegal/criminal activities to thrive. One wonders why he has not been investigated for not doing his duty.

  3. How to get rid of your outdated obsolete junk - any suggestions what the Thais can dump on them?

    How about a few concrete pillars from failed Japanese projects? A remarkable monument to the history of corruption, failed dreams and fortunes wasted...

    They could put the Mig in the submarine pen. A Mig-pen.


    Or better still, one used, useless incumbent Phuket governor.

  4. Oceanbat... OMG, you only posted the part to show you are "right", however the rest of the article clarifies it, here is just a portion On average, Australian families will pay $12,935 in income tax this year but receive $9515 in benefits — a net yearly contribution to the public purse of just $3424.

    The figures include welfare paid in pensions, family benefits, jobless support and childcare support.

    They include all income taxes paid but not indirect taxes, such as cigarette excise and state-levied taxes such as the GST. Needless to say, not all taxpayers receive the pension lol, child support, family benefits or job support. You need to understand what you read.

    Here is the link to the whole article.


    • Like 1
  5. In the local supermarket in the UK, there was a Frenchman, German, Greek, Spaniard, Dutch, Belgium, Polish and Portagueese working there and had just arrived in the UK that morning. My Thai wife of 20 years and living in the UK for almost a year isnt allowed to work....example only..double standards or what

    They are all from EU countries.

    Exactly, and the Cambodians, Laotians and Burmeese the OP is talking about are all from SE.Asian countries..as they say in Thailand same same.

    True, but until next year there is no free trade in labor. As we have seen recently, many do not have WPs and fled back to Cambodia.

  6. I imagine the Immigration Officer would say Thai nationals support the parks with their taxes. Visitors do not.

    Rumor is a Thai driver license or Tabien Baan will get you local admission prices at national parks, museums, etc. I have not yet put that to a test.

    First, a large portion of Thais do not pay taxes....in Australia, locals and tourists all pay the same.

    Secondly, so far I have NOT been allowed "local" admission prices to national parks, museums etc, I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just saying it's not guaranteed.

    I think a large portion of Aussies don't pay taxes either on a net basis. Around 50% of the working population. However they are Australian citizens, much as the Thai that don't pay taxes are Thai.


    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Wow 50%, I guess a wild guess is better than none, please supply your source for this guess.. Those people who work most pay as they earn.

  7. There are special rules for migrant workers from Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar because Thailand has a need for laborers.

    I would not call it a double standard. Would you be willing to work for 300 baht a day?

    Isn't working for 300 baht/day a personal choice, how did race come into it.
    I wouldn't have thought 300 per day was a "choice" for most.


    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Of course it is...no one is forced to work for 300 Baht a day....

  8. Why westerners expect privileges ?

    We don't, that is simply how you believe we are. What most "westerners" expect, is to be treated fairly, same as any "foreigner" expects to be treated in western countries. If a tourist, in Australia, was treated the same as tourists in Thailand then legal action could taken against those who single out tourists for "special" attention.

  9. Why westerners expect privileges ?

    We don't, that is simply how you believe we are. What most "westerners" expect, is to be treated fairly, same as any "foreigner" expects to be treated in western countries. If a tourist, in Australia, was treated the same as tourists in Thailand then legal action could taken against those who single out tourists for "special" attention.

  10. Why westerners expect privileges ?

    We don't, that is simply how you believe we are. What most "westerners" expect, is to be treated fairly, same as any "foreigner" expects to be treated in western countries. If a tourist, in Australia, was treated the same as tourists in Thailand then legal action could taken against those who single out tourists for "special" attention.

  11. Why westerners expect privileges ?

    We don't, that is simply how you believe we are. What most "westerners" expect, is to be treated fairly, same as any "foreigner" expects to be treated in western countries. If a tourist, in Australia, was treated the same as tourist in Thailand then legal action could be taken against those who single out tourists for "special" attention.

    • Like 1
  12. I imagine the Immigration Officer would say Thai nationals support the parks with their taxes. Visitors do not.

    Rumor is a Thai driver license or Tabien Baan will get you local admission prices at national parks, museums, etc. I have not yet put that to a test.

    First, a large portion of Thais do not pay taxes....in Australia, locals and tourists all pay the same.

    Secondly, so far I have NOT been allowed "local" admission prices to national parks, museums etc, I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just saying it's not guaranteed.

  13. Don't worry about your AV software, the NSA are reading your stuff and that includes your SMS messages.

    If you have nothing to hide nothing to worry about.

    Unfortunately, it is not you who decides if you have something to hide!

    A fair dose of paranoia is a healthy thing in the interconnected world.

    Anyone who is that paranoid should either not be online or should be using an external HDD to store their "sensitive" files.




    Thailand's economy is already heavily tied to China's. Get ready to have more of China's massive debt poured into Thailand. Chinese teachers are here on tourist visas teaching without qualifications, degrees, training or work permits. Thailand will become a financial slave of China if the current trend persists.

    so what? america is in the same boat.


    Why bring up America, in case you missed it, we are concerned about Thailand's future, not that of "America." Many post seem to forget this.


    leave thailands future to the thais. its none of your business.


    AYJAYDEE... your comment borders on the ridiculous, I didn't make any comment to say how Thailand should handle its future...you really are a fool. Perhaps many of our english, and maybe non-english, readers could help you. Maybe you should google the definition of "concerned." Most comments of yours do show a "lack" of thought and education and an uncanny knack of not being able to use any education you may have.


    Thailand's economy is already heavily tied to China's. Get ready to have more of China's massive debt poured into Thailand. Chinese teachers are here on tourist visas teaching without qualifications, degrees, training or work permits. Thailand will become a financial slave of China if the current trend persists.

    so what? america is in the same boat.


    Why bring up America, in case you missed it, we are concerned about Thailand's future, not that of "America." Many post seem to forget this.

  16. To just  be able to have any understanding English conversation with a Thai, is 'worth its weight in gold'   so just to be able to teach conversational English is very important. I do not think that it is necessary to have a uni degree to do this.  A very good example (so i am told.  lololol) is the uneducated Isaan girl who turns up to work in a bar, Usually she learns to speak and understand English quite quickly, and believe me it is not from the English lessons of an English Degree teacher..........Does this not prove a point.   TESL teachers are needed in Thailand. I am not a TESL teacher but a retiree with his eyes and ears open. The Military are doing the kids of Thailand a massive disservice

    Absolutely right, so many posts here believe that ALL Thais should be taught perfect english, in reading, writing and speaking. The truth is most only need conversational english. I for one don't give a rats whether the teacher is "qualified" or not, as long as they try and are better than the Thai teachers.

    • Like 1



    They are going to quit teaching ESL.

    The future looks to be MSL (Mandarin).

    I doubt Thai schools will stop teaching English anytime soon. The business language of ASEAN, and the world, is currently English. There are millions of 'qualified' Filipino English teachers who would love to fill Thailand's need for ESL teachers. By qualified, I mean degreed, many with education degrees in teaching English.


    Of course, then you have the accreditation of the degree granting institution to question--but that question exists with the many dubiously 'degreed' falang ESL teachers too.


    In the future, if and when the US drops drastically in global economic strength--like the Brits have already done--Mandarin may indeed take over as the lingua franca of business, in Asia at least.  Mandarin is already taught in most Thai schools.



    "Mandarin is already taught in most Thai schools." really, wow, this is news to me, and I'm sure news to the many Isaan schools I've been to.



    My partner from Suratthani  had to go to uni in Bangkok to get her degree in Mandarin, and now we are being told that it is being taught in schools, goodness me!  how the Thai education has improved in recent years.


    Wow, that would have taken a few years.... or a few baht. Mandarin has 10,000 characters with most chinese taking 15 plus years just to learn 3000 of them.


    If there is a great shortage of native speaker TEFL instructors then the void will be filled by ASEAN. There are many, many teachers in Philippines or Myanmar who have excellent English language skills and who find the wage scale in Thailand quite adequate. 


    Agreed. And all the unqualified but eminently more crucial 'native' English speakers that have been here 'teaching' their students cringe worthy things such as, "You should of done your homework," or "You should of payed attention yesterday," can bugger off back to their regular jobs as a cab driver or brick layer where, "You should of caught the bus," and "You should of made more cement," only makes the speaker look like a tool.


    Not "perfect" english, but quite understandable.



    Don't most countries have qualifications and working visa requirements for teachers? What's wrong with Thailand doing the same?


    OT: I am just going to take a wild guess here: unqualified students with ED visas of convenience will be next in the clearing out.

    In case you have only just woken up, it comes down to money, qualified people can make more in other countries, why come to Thailand and settle for maybe 30000 baht a month. Thailand needs english teachers more than english teachers needing Thailand. Hope this isn't to hard for you to understand.


    Yeah, absolutely no one would rather be in Thailand on B30k/mo than in Iran on B60k/mo



    Mmm, I admit to not fully understanding your comment, maybe you are being sarcastic, but who knows why.

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