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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. nicolas18, on 04 Aug 2014 - 09:17, said:

    Great, let's prevent the people who actually bring money into the country (eg. offshore and freelance workers) from entering Thailand, while celebrating people who actually perform jobs on the list of occupations reserved for Thais.

    What a nasty so n' so you are. Actually you are wrong.. it's not "Thailand" that is "celebrating this guy, it's only a news article.

  2. No wonder Thailand is in such a mess, just how many government authorities can make rules/laws. Jet skis are a business catering to the tourism industry, but no way under the control of the Tourism department. Control of these rats is under the local authorities, the police and the Marine departments. The Marine dept. up to the high tide mark, the police and local authorities above that mark.... Once again, I ask, why hasn't the governor ask to explain his failure to administer Phuket.

  3. Wat dee, on 03 Aug 2014 - 06:31, said:


    Soutpeel, on 02 Aug 2014 - 20:31, said:


    rickirs, on 02 Aug 2014 - 20:27, said:

    The uneducated commonly believe that all "chinese" people are "yellow-skinned", thereby different than Caucasions who are white-skinned. And by this perceived color difference, people establish a "them" versus "us" in terms of establishing cultural superiority and advantage. Yet, the Uyghurs, Kazaks, Khalkhas, Tajiks, Uzbeks and Chinese Russians in Xinjiang have white skin.  Even the predominant Han Chinese are not today a pure bloodline due to breeding with nomadic tribes throughout history, foreign immigrants, and inter-marriages. Thailand's move to waive visa fees for chinese is commercially and politically motivated, not discrimantely motivated.  


    Thank you Charles Darwin..thumbsup.gif


    Some Russians look white but still far from Europeans.


    People need to read the definition of "Caucasian" you will be surprised...it's not only white skin.


  4. Soutpeel, on 02 Aug 2014 - 21:14, said:


    Thakkar, on 02 Aug 2014 - 21:09, said:

    If some of these anti-Chinese TVF posters were put in charge of immigration, they'd ban all Chinese, Arabs, Indians, Nigerians, Ghanians, Kenyans, South Africans (except the white ones), Pakistanis, Israelis, Brits with names like "Ali", Bangladeshis...pretty soon, Thailand would have a thriving, Whites-only tourist industry--all high-spending, non-sexpaty, neat and tidy, well-behaved, temple-visiting quality tourists.

    My guess is, they just want all the girlie bars, massage joints, soapies and cheap, hole-in-the-wall restaurants all to themselves. That's not racism, that's just selfishness.




    You missed a nationality, if the TV bigots had their way, they would ban all Thai's, except the young ladies, manning the girlie bars massage joints and soapies


    Any evidence, to back up your ridiculous comment...

  5. Thakkar, on 02 Aug 2014 - 21:09, said:

    If some of these anti-Chinese TVF posters were put in charge of immigration, they'd ban all Chinese, Arabs, Indians, Nigerians, Ghanians, Kenyans, South Africans (except the white ones), Pakistanis, Israelis, Brits with names like "Ali", Bangladeshis...pretty soon, Thailand would have a thriving, Whites-only tourist industry--all high-spending, non-sexpaty, neat and tidy, well-behaved, temple-visiting quality tourists.

    My guess is, they just want all the girlie bars, massage joints, soapies and cheap, hole-in-the-wall restaurants all to themselves. That's not racism, that's just selfishness.


    That's a lot of assumptions with absolutely NO evidence to back it up

  6. TallGuyJohninBKK, on 02 Aug 2014 - 13:59, said:
    Rorri, on 02 Aug 2014 - 11:38, said:

    These aircraft were purchased in 1997, when parts were available. In fact they were fully refurbished by Spain.

    Well, the reason for the non-maintenance and operation given in the Wiki post I copied above was that the Asian Financial Meltdown hit in 1997, and thereafter, no funds were available for maintaining/operating either the carrier or its complement of Harriers... Thus, both slowly died...in a manner of speaking.

    The carrier was built by Spain, and it sounds like the second-hand Spanish planes came along with it as kind of a package deal, since the carrier's desk is small and apparently not suited for traditional fixed wing operations.

    A "meltdown" caused by Thailand, which lasted a little over 2 years, so why the ongoing lack of maintenance. When a country orders aircraft they also, usually order parts, it's not as if you simply jump online and place an order...the main reason for the failure is incompetence, heaven forbid if Thailand gets subs.... I would NOT want to be a Thai submariner. But then, looking at the navies track record, these subs would be un-seaworthy within a short period of time. They can then accompany the aircraft carrier as fancy tourist attractions. Few, if any, nations allow their aircraft to deteriorate, even in extreme economic times.

  7. Varangkul, on 01 Aug 2014 - 22:17, said:
    TallGuyJohninBKK, on 01 Aug 2014 - 20:31, said:
    Rorri, on 01 Aug 2014 - 19:48, said:
    Just1Voice, on 01 Aug 2014 - 16:19, said:

    Just1Voice, on 01 Aug 2014 - 16:19, said:

    Ahh, yes, buy the world's smallest aircraft carried, with 9 planes you can't get parts for. That's why it's now a floating museum. Amazing Thailand!

    Two years after purchasing them eight were unserviceable, I do not know how much longer the remaining one flew for, but with the inability to maintain them, I would not have liked to have been the pilot.

    Is there any particular reason they CANNOT get the parts needed for maintenance, or, just can't be bothered and wouldn't know what to do with them if they had them???

    Because no one makes the 'planes - nor the parts, anymore They have all been replaced - a long time ag

    These aircraft were purchased in 1997, when parts were available. In fact they were fully refurbished by Spain.

  8. TallGuyJohninBKK, on 01 Aug 2014 - 20:31, said:
    Rorri, on 01 Aug 2014 - 19:48, said:
    Just1Voice, on 01 Aug 2014 - 16:19, said:Just1Voice, on 01 Aug 2014 - 16:19, said:

    Ahh, yes, buy the world's smallest aircraft carried, with 9 planes you can't get parts for. That's why it's now a floating museum. Amazing Thailand!

    Two years after purchasing them eight were unserviceable, I do not know how much longer the remaining one flew for, but with the inability to maintain them, I would not have liked to have been the pilot.

    Is there any particular reason they CANNOT get the parts needed for maintenance, or, just can't be bothered and wouldn't know what to do with them if they had them???

    All I know is that they were fully refurbished by Spain, why Thailand could not maintain them, well, I suggest you contact the Thai navy. If I was to take a punt, I would think they were incapable of maintaining them, same as they are incapable of maintaining the aircraft carrier.

  9. Naam, on 01 Aug 2014 - 20:04, said:
    Rorri, on 01 Aug 2014 - 19:52, said:
    Naam, on 01 Aug 2014 - 18:46, said:Naam, on 01 Aug 2014 - 18:46, said:
    iReason, on 01 Aug 2014 - 17:25, said:iReason, on 01 Aug 2014 - 17:25, said:

    "...on Thailand’s only aircraft carrier, which now has just a handful of working planes due to lack of maintenance, age and a scarcity of spare parts."

    cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

    what is so funny about it? huh.png

    The Thai media have nicknamed it the Thai-tanic.

    how is the cost overrun of GBP 2.55 billion =110 billion Baht (and counting) of the two unfinished British carriers called? Brit-Tanic?


    That sir, has nothing to do with this article, please stick to the posted story, not what happens in other countries.

  10. KittenKong, on 01 Aug 2014 - 19:36, said:

    "It took a group of uniformed and volunteer officers to restrain the boisterous Russian ....."

    I'm surprised they dont use tasers in situations like this.

    Cops here buy their own equipment, so if he has already bought a gun, why would he then by a Taser.

  11. bkkjames, on 01 Aug 2014 - 15:46, said:

    With an incubation period of up to 21 days is it, how can authorities judge a person walking through the airport? 

    Same way the police can determine how someone, usually foreigner, has died, without an autopsy or any medical inspection. They are very good.

  12. thejcb, on 01 Aug 2014 - 15:09, said:
    Rorri, on 01 Aug 2014 - 10:37, said:

    After reading the OP's story the only thing I can say is ALL THAI ladies, keep well and truly away from this guy... he appears only to be after a free "ride".

    ........and what are "ALL THAT ladies" after ? and what will they bring to the table ?

    People like you are the reason why the "THAI ladies" are as they are !

    So, your comment make no sense at all. I don't believe 'ALL" Thai ladies are the same. In fact if I made such an all encompassing comment, I would have been suspended again. And maybe you can explain why it is people like me (whatever that means) are the reason why Thai ladies are like they are, I never thought I was responsible for "ALL" Thai ladies.

  13. mike324, on 01 Aug 2014 - 17:58, said:
    Jay Sata, on 01 Aug 2014 - 05:19, said:

    The immigration officer is correct and this guy should be on a multi entry marriage visa assuming he is legally married and not just been through some village ceremony.

    The whines about rights and money spent will cut no ice with immigration elsewhere in the world so why has a westerner got the right to abuse the Thai system.

    This is a big wake up call not least for some expats fro Europe who have had an easy time living in the black economy and under the radar.

    Agree, if the OP did not mention having a wife or gf, perhaps the officer would have let him in. But because he told the truth, he needs to follow the law that immigration officers are trying to enforce.

    If any foreigner visits US and Europe and did the same thing, immigration would question you as well, if you are married they will also give you a warning to get your spousal visa. Why can the law be applied in foreign first world countries but not here in the land of frowns?

    You miss a very important thing, this discussion is about Thailand, and mainly concerns the changes taking place, and how it affects people...it is NOT about US or European immigration...why is it people go off track.

  14. Keesters, on 01 Aug 2014 - 10:28, said:

    Anything you like as long as it's NOT one of those ridiculously noisy HDs.


    Have some respect for people and keep your exhaust under 90dB.





    Loud pipe save lives...obviously you have never owned a HD, until you do then you really do not understand, so any debate would be wasted.

    • Like 1
  15. spidermike007, on 01 Aug 2014 - 12:40, said:

    The military government seems to be designing policy without any regard for the financial impact it has on the local economy, nor on tourism. And it will have an impact. There are just too many choices guys like this have, when it comes to where he wants to spend his hard earned money. This is the kind of tourist Thailand wants to have here. He is spending good money, and creating problems for nobody. He leaves after 30 days, goes out and earns a lot more money, then comes back.The level of ignorance some of these immigration officers are conveying, is completely without regard to the well being of their country. Nothing wrong with strong immigration policy. There are a lot of undesirables here, and nothing wrong with the government trying to root them out. But, this kind of policy is simply wrong headed. It needs to be well considered, and it needs to be done in such a way that it does not cause great inconvenience to the kinds of tourists the country wants, and needs to have.

    As I see it, the junta and immigration are changing the "norm" by using knee jerk thinking...the problem is, they are not trained/taught to think of any repercussions of the changes and when you have a culture that will NOT say the thinking is wrong, all yes men, then things become ridiculous, followed by patch up after patch up....bit like Microsoft products.

  16. SureNDT, on 01 Aug 2014 - 10:49, said:
    IsaanAndy, on 01 Aug 2014 - 10:43, said:

    IMHO the OP is not a tourist, is he? As he admits to coming to live with his TGF for a month 5 times a year, so I guess you can't be a tourist if you aren't going about doing tourist activities so technically Thai Imm are right, although I do sympathize with the OP. As he himself states he needs to get the right entry visa.

    Spending money and relaxing in a foreign country when you are off work is the very definition of tourism.

    Tourism Def: the activity or practice of touring, especially for pleasure. This is not the same as coming to see your wife.

  17. LivinLOS, on 01 Aug 2014 - 07:41, said:

    Everyones fixating on the OP is married part.. But the issue is not the fact this oil guy is married.. Its all the other unmarried ones, who purely come here for their downtime.

    They are not abusing the 30 day system, they are using it as they have been told to do, and are high spending regular repeat visitors.

    The OP started this threat, so any reference to non married is irrelevant. You could, of course, start your own thread

    • Like 1
  18. Bpuumike, on 01 Aug 2014 - 00:19, said:Bpuumike, on 01 Aug 2014 - 00:19, said:


    AnotherOneAmerican, on 31 Jul 2014 - 19:07, said:AnotherOneAmerican, on 31 Jul 2014 - 19:07, said:

    on your divorce

    UK no

    Australia yes

    on your death

    UK yes

    Australia yes

    Unmarried: no and no.

    Pretty simple decision.

    The op clearly stated married.....did you not read his comment, was rather long winded, all 5 lines, which included Hi and Thanks.

  19. krystian, on 01 Aug 2014 - 09:14, said:

    I thought these Jetski scammer should have insurance for their jetski to avoid scams...then again it goes on and on and onthumbsup.gif thumbsup.gif

    I would also like to know why he hired them out, in an area that had submerged rocks, also, why they were not marked and were the Chinese couple warned about them. If jet skis are hired out, then it is the responsibility of the owner to warn customers and/or not hire in an area with potentially dangerous submerged objects. If I was an insurance company, I would not pay out because the owner has been negligent.

  20. Rimbuman, on 31 Jul 2014 - 10:49, said:
    mokwit, on 31 Jul 2014 - 09:49, said:

    If you just want to protect from mains power surges you can buy a surge protector without UPS - I use Belkin multi plug which they claim to guarantee up to Bt40,000 compensation for any surge damage. If you want to a monitor, let alone a TV to run via UPS for more than a few minutes it will cost a lot. The Bt4000-8000 single battery ones last a few minutes with one PC and one monitor - after that price point they get very expensive - if you want to run for more than the 15 minutes it takes for most power offs to resolve you are talking a lot more.

    You can parallel more batteries to your UPS and run a lot longer no need to invest ++++ baht for an expensive UPS unit and surge protection can be included if you buy a decent one, mine cost me about 2000 baht for 1000VA power bank and surge protector in one. If you parallel batteries don't use regular car batteries but the deep cycle type.

    Really easy to do.smile.png

    Most small/home use,UPS's come with non deep cycle batteries, in fact they use the same as most security systems use,... deep cycle batteries are designed for repeated discharge, recharge cycles. Batteries by the way, act as a very efficient line noise filter.

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