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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. shirtless, on 02 May 2014 - 09:26, said:

    Hey Holden why bother with this token gesture, you took our money and gave us a crap product , Now you cant compete you move of shore, Just close your doors.

    What do you mean, move off shore...Holden is an off shore branch of General Motors, has been for years.. You're being a bit harsh calling Holdens crap, I've always found them reasonably good, the closest Ford came to them was the XW and XY GT's lol...

  2. geordiel, on 01 May 2014 - 04:53, said:
    Rorri, on 30 Apr 2014 - 09:12, said:
    sustento, on 30 Apr 2014 - 06:07, said:sustento, on 30 Apr 2014 - 06:07, said:

    When I go to meet my maker I shall ask him why Brad Pitt got the face he did while mine looks like a slapped arse?

    You're one of those fools that just has to say something completely off topic... Please start your own thread. Oh, you're not funny.

    Well I thought it was funny.

    Like I said...he can start his own thread and his "joke is so old as to be no longer funny.... Why do fools post off topic comments, and why do other fools support them. The topic is clearly about what happens to you family, but maybe that is too hard for you to understand....

  3. cmiuc, on 30 Apr 2014 - 15:16, said:

    How many times do you ever see the highway patrol cars parked in their police stations? How many times have you ever seen them on the road's catching violators?

    II just drove mototrcycle to Amnat the other day... and I had to think this... in the city, there are several check points for helmet violators...

    then went on the buzzing, drive as fast as you can or anywhere you want to highways... and most people driving on the sides(or aka Motorcycle lane) without helmets...

    Now wondering... in a city, there is less likely to be an accident because the flow of traffic is controlled by itself...maybe a drunk might cause an accident, but far and few between... and yet we read as in this case...most accidents are happening on the highways and expressways... so why are all those policemen checking in town where it is not for safety... and not being where safety is needed... of course we might have a united opinion on this... but in reality... we see these articles constantly and yet the solution is not being presented... (yet we pray for Korea)

    just a thought... and of course my opinion.

    Oh they take speeding very seriously, recently they installed fixed speed cameras in Phuket, now we know the open road limit is 90, otherwise 80, unless sign posted, well along one main rd, mostly built up areas, where in Oz the speed would be 60 guess what they set the camera trigger speed at....120kph.... absolutely stupid.

  4. onionluke, on 30 Apr 2014 - 11:39, said:

    The workers like to have the roof on before the slab is poured to protect them from the hot sun whilst toiling.

    More like they have no idea how to layout a slab. The "Thai" way leaves, after curing, a very small gap between the slab, the walls and pillars this allows termites in, they also do not put any water barrier down, almost every, brick and concrete Thai house I've been in shows, after a short period, signs of rising damp.

  5. DP25, on 30 Apr 2014 - 11:36, said:DP25, on 30 Apr 2014 - 11:36, said:

    I have shown them all of the 7 Homes I have Built in Australia, including in Port Douglas which has survived Cyclones, I have told them that if Thailand ever had a Cyclone, they would be wiped off the Map, I may as well talk to the hand.

    Thailand does get cyclones, they cause a lot of damage down in the south along the coast, but Isaan is pretty far inland. They like to build on poles because of floods, which you may remember from 2011 is a serious threat that can result in stagnant water a meter or two deep for weeks on end.

    In days gone by, at least in Isaan, houses were built high off the ground for a few reasons, flooding, storage, sleeping outside when hot, and often to house the water buffalo.

  6. A thought springs to mind, as kids we were always told NOT to jump on the bed, butt hey, some people don't listen. Guess the girl will be the butt of a lot of jokes, talk about making an ass of herself. In the end (get the pun) she'll have a story to tell.

  7. PatOngo, on 30 Apr 2014 - 07:42, said:

    Time to get serious.........sentence him to TWO slaps on the wrist.

    Wow.. too harsh, after all his "family" have taken responsibility and already discussed compensation...... so much for protecting human life, always comes down to how much baht. If someone killed a member of my family I'd through compensation in their face, it's about time Thailand grew up...Life is NOT about money, in this case, and many others, it's about responsibility, something sadly missing in this culture.

    • Like 1
  8. TallGuyJohninBKK, on 29 Apr 2014 - 10:36, said:

    I'm trying....but failing...to understand what the heck this article is talking about.

    I thought, Channel 3 has its own digital channels among those already approved. I see both a Channel 3 family, Channel 3 SD and Channel 3 HD among the digital channels list. Likewise, MCOT has MCOT Family and MCOT HD among the digital channels, as best as I can see.

    So why would MCOT be needing, or Channel 3 wanting, to air Channel 3 programs over MCOT's channel(s)???

    Then the OP article says this:


    Channel 3 is the only TV operator declining to simulcast its analog TV programmes. It recently announced its decision to run analog programmes together with the three digital programmes.

    I can't tell if that means they are or are not simulcasting their analog content (I assume that means the regular shows people traditionally have watched on Channel 3) on their various new digital channels. If they're not showing that content on their various digital channels, what content are they showing???

    I'm totally confused as well... the only way the broadcast ch3 is to simulcast at the same time, the way the article is presented is ridiculous, they've got themselves totally confused. What is the difference between what MCOT is doing and the "free to air" ch's that air being re-broadcast on True via satellite, a digital signal.

  9. jaideeguy, on 28 Apr 2014 - 18:20, said:

    @67 years of age and with a few health issues I think of that scenario more and more often. My inheritance depends on how long I will last, as I'm dipping into savings and my family will be better off if I die tomorrow [before the 'well' dries up]. I have been here long enough to know my Thai wife and most Thais are terrible money managers............. to put it politely.

    I've instructed my younger brother and sister to disperse my overseas funds on a monthly basis and will get a trust fund drawn up on my next trip back stating the above.

    She will get all of my Thai bank accounts, by Thai law and I've requested [demanded] her to give me a simple pauper's funeral and not blow 100,000 THB for my burning and can only hope she complies. I tell her that I'm not a Buddhist and don't treat me as one when I pass, but I've seen it happen so many times when the surviving wife blows big Baht on getting a lot of locals drunk for a week.

    Can I get a legal binding document stating that??

    The problem I see with a monthly "allowance" is that the Thai family, in many instances, will know when it's due, the following day it will all be gone.

  10. JournalistsAreLiars, on 27 Apr 2014 - 18:27, said:

    If someone has not been able to set up a life when i was here why should i care when i will be gone ? Luckily i do not mess with retarded uneducated Thai.

    But you obviously rest with yourself and I pity those that rest with you, does your partner know how you feel?

  11. StreetCowboy, on 27 Apr 2014 - 03:34, said:

    To be honest, if I meet my maker, I'll be more worried about myself than those that are following me.

    When I look upon the temporal and temporary pitfalls of this mortal coil in comparison to the eternity that lies ahead, it seems like little more than a prequalification exercise for what lies ahead. I think the OP is somewhat off - topic with respect to his title....


    It's my topic, how can I possibly be "off-topic," you're weird and obviously think only of yourself.. good luck to you and I wish more luck to your family, if you have one.

  12. poweratradio, on 26 Apr 2014 - 22:40, said:
    pigeonjake, on 25 Apr 2014 - 16:33, said:

    when im gone,,,

    probly family coming round who she has never met trying to get her to give lend money to them,

    at the moment when people ask she says jake has to go to work to earn it so should you,

    but if im not around more presure on her bless her,,


    I guess the OP has No life insurance or a mindset that a Thai can live in Thailand without him.LOL

    You seem to be thinking only of yourself... I have no doubt they can live without me... my concern, which you seem to lack, is the quality of their life.. Shame on you.

  13. oilinki, on 28 Apr 2014 - 22:39, said:
    QuoteAnd since Windows XP users won't be getting the patch for this fairly threatening bug, anyone still running the now-unsupported software is going to have to cough up some big bucks to stay safe. Anyone like—oh, the IRS, for instance.

    Brilliant timing indeed. Microsoft is old school which tries to monetize it's customer base as long as it still is possibility.

    Fortunately there are far better alternatives compared to the Microsoft products. Let me introduce you to the the Linux family, where the operating system as well as applications get their security updates with ease.

    Both the core software (which you might call Windows) and the applications like browsers and way way more, automatically check their security status and upgrade themselves automatically. Pretty handy actually.

    There is no waiting for upgrades to be installed as everything is done in background. There is no forced reboots - in cases the core (or kernel as we like to call it) is upgraded, the system will suggest to reboot, but never forces it. It's not uncommon to go days before the reboot as there is not really needs to shutdown the laptop every now and then. Simple sleep and wake up in few seconds is enough.

    The pricetag to upgrade to Linux? - it's free of charge.

    I currently run both "Linux Mint" and "Windows"...why, well Linux is still not suitable for the mass market, eg, try setting up a printer, or webcams (yes, I know most should work out of the box but there is no software to drive the), try updating your mobile phone...can not be done, try running anything that requires ActiveX, there are still too many reason that you cannot do without "Windows," sucks yes, but that is reality. Most of us will be stuck with "Windows" for some time. Not many manufactures support Linux, hopefully it will change.

  14. bigbamboo, on 28 Apr 2014 - 14:33, said:
    Rorri, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:44, said:
    Thai at Heart, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:32, said:Thai at Heart, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:32, said:
    Rorri, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:11, said:Rorri, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:11, said:

    This is news from 2013, why is it making news now...One suspects a political move.

    2013 Michaelmas Parit Wacharasindhu St John's

    2014 Hilary Polina Ivanova University

    2014 Trinity Ben Sullivan Christ Church

    2014 Michaelmas Mayank Banerjee St John's

    Come on TV, I and I suspect others would like to know, why it is now news.

    Maybe he's going to be the anointed PM???? And don't anyone tell me there is zero chance of this. Just sit back and remember where we are.

    He is at least 100:1

    His time has come and gone, Hilary Polina is the current president.

    Hilary Polina...! cheesy.gif

    cheesy.gif I sorta stuffed up

    • Like 1
  15. Tom420, on 28 Apr 2014 - 14:40, said:
    Rorri, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:03, said:
    Tom420, on 28 Apr 2014 - 10:43, said:Tom420, on 28 Apr 2014 - 10:43, said:

    50 deaths out of 30,000, I like those odds. until that thing mutates in a way in which is can be transmitted via sneezing or simple touch, then I am not going to worry in all honesty.

    Person to Person

    People with flu can spread it to others up to about 6 feet away. Most experts think that flu viruses are spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Less often, a person might also get flu by touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth or nose.

    Then that makes me feel even better, thanks. 1 in 600 chance of dying from this thing and most of those will be people who are already ill, poor nutrition or the elderly. It still needs to be made a lot more clear to the masses though, trying to cover up the severity of it doesn't do anybody any good, in fact it probably makes things worse.

    Yeah, just remember, next time you see/hear someone sneezing or coughing hold you breath and run lol..good luck... or become paranoid and wear a surgical mask. Just remember, the majority of victims survive, more people will die from smoking and drinking related illnesses, but we don't see any campaigns to stop it... too much money being make.

    • Like 1
  16. WoopyDoo, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:54, said:WoopyDoo, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:54, said:
    Rorri, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:42, said:Rorri, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:42, said:
    WoopyDoo, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:24, said:WoopyDoo, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:24, said:WoopyDoo, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:24, said:WoopyDoo, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:24, said:
    Rorri, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:11, said:Rorri, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:11, said:Rorri, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:11, said:Rorri, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:11, said:

    This is news from 2013, why is it making news now...One suspects a political move.

    2013 Michaelmas Parit Wacharasindhu St John's

    2014 Hilary Polina Ivanova University

    2014 Trinity Ben Sullivan Christ Church

    2014 Michaelmas Mayank Banerjee St John's

    Come on TV, I and I suspect others would like to know, why it is now news.

    Erm........ my wife showed me this a few days ago on her facebook as it was being shared by a massive amount of Thais and had hundreds of thousands of likes. Merely because this has ballooned Thailand's pride and international recognition for one of their nation's people.

    Also many news articles have been spurred from facebook phenomena, and this has been reported by loads of Thai press long before The Nation posted it as news, i fact it was on Sanook News last week....... so get your facts right before you humiliate yourself with your ignorance.

    The facts are, today is 28/4/2014... this dude was elected 2013, so who is ignorant, of the facts? FACT: The current President is Hilary Polina, so get your facts right before calling others ignorant.


    Stop embarrassing yourself.... I know the facts... I was replying to your question why reported so late.

    He obviously hasn't been bragging about it, or it would have made news at the time.

    That is why he's different to most Thais, he obviously has masses of integrity and sees no value in bragging and boasting.

    This just shows that the family's discretion and integrity are light years ahead of anything from the red camp which are all blow- and gob sh-ites.... like you.

    Are you suggesting he, or someone else, is now bragging about it. Surely not news worthy, I ask you, if MH370 went missing 8 months ago, would you be interested, if it was only now reported. Oh, I thought name calling was against forum rules.

  17. Rorri, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:42, said:
    WoopyDoo, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:24, said:WoopyDoo, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:24, said:WoopyDoo, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:24, said:
    Rorri, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:11, said:Rorri, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:11, said:Rorri, on 28 Apr 2014 - 13:11, said:

    This is news from 2013, why is it making news now...One suspects a political move.

    2013 Michaelmas Parit Wacharasindhu St John's

    2014 Hilary Polina Ivanova University

    2014 Trinity Ben Sullivan Christ Church

    2014 Michaelmas Mayank Banerjee St John's

    Come on TV, I and I suspect others would like to know, why it is now news.

    Erm........ my wife showed me this a few days ago on her facebook as it was being shared by a massive amount of Thais and had hundreds of thousands of likes. Merely because this has ballooned Thailand's pride and international recognition for one of their nation's people.

    Also many news articles have been spurred from facebook phenomena, and this has been reported by loads of Thai press long before The Nation posted it as news, i fact it was on Sanook News last week....... so get your facts right before you humiliate yourself with your ignorance.

    The facts are, today is 28/4/2014... this dude was elected 2013, so who is ignorant, of the facts? FACT: The current President is Hilary Polina, so get your facts right before calling others ignorant. The facyt remains, it is still old news, so why is it being published now... 8 months after he took office and from what I can gather, a full 16 months after the elections.


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