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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. jayjayjayjay, on 22 Apr 2014 - 16:18, said:

    Pooofth.... 17.92Mbps.... All three systems i have DTAC 3G, Pacific and True all have been running at about 0.1792 Mbps average for the last week. I could walk to Europe quicker than we can Skype at the moment!

    Really is a joke... it is well known that popular Ookla sites (aka speedtest.net) are cached in Thailand, giving false/faked readings, even if you "think" you are testing to an overseas server.

  2. Jdietz, on 22 Apr 2014 - 15:11, said:

    It "tests" their ability to re-encode the extra channels they now have to carry as well as lower the quality of everything else even more so they can shoehorn in these additional 25 channels.

    :)... I know what they are doing, my comment is that they are using the "testing" of the digital "free to air" as the reason, which is completely wrong and misleading. What this is really about is increasing the number of channels on trues network, which will give then extra channels, but has nothing to do with testing the digital transmission to air, as is required for the "terrestrial" network. True could and should have made these changes 18 months ago, when they had a re-number, but seem to lack the ability to see this far into the future, hence 3 changes in 18 months.

  3. weegee, on 22 Apr 2014 - 15:23, said:


    Rorri, on 22 Apr 2014 - 15:03, said:


    weegee, on 22 Apr 2014 - 12:44, said:weegee, on 22 Apr 2014 - 12:44, said:

    Rorri.....the post above yours explains all.....pretty easy actually. 


    I must be a dumb old fart, but sorry, I don't see how it explains anything, perhaps you can help an old fart out and explain it to me. Warning, I have worked in the telecommunications industry since 1971, mostly in the transmission, both analogue and digital, field. How does this rearrangement "test" digital transmission?


    I thought you were looking for channels you couldn't find....not about why the testing of digital. Cant help with that.


    :), I suspect you didn't read my original post.

  4. Rorri, on 22 Apr 2014 - 11:44, said:


    Jdietz, on 22 Apr 2014 - 11:06, said:Jdietz, on 22 Apr 2014 - 11:06, said:Jdietz, on 22 Apr 2014 - 11:06, said:Jdietz, on 22 Apr 2014 - 11:06, said:

    All sat operators are obliged to carry these terrestrial channels as well on their feeds. So hence the renumber.

    You have missed a technical point, they said it was to test the "digital" transmission... as far as True is concerned, their satellite transmissions are already "digital", so nothing to test. The other thing is, the digital change has been known for a few years, true could have implemented these changes sometime back not 3 renumbering's in, I think, 18 months. Now, Has anyone translated the old numbers to the new. I have started and found a few either missing or renamed.


    Old Number       Program

    20                           Discovery Science

    44                           True Movie Hits (could be 239)

    48                           HBO family

    64                           BBC Entertainment

    37                           Disney Channel (could be 447)

    21                           Discovery Home & Health

    65                           KBS

    145                         Ki(fe) TV

    92                           IN TV


    Now for a test, ask this of your mates, especially after a few drinks.

    What signal are they receiving from their satellite, or, after converting to digital free to air, on their antenna? Most, if not all, will say digital, which of course makes sense. The truth is they are all receiving an analogue signal. Digital signals can not be transmitted through the air, what you do receive is a digitally encoded  analogue signal, but still only an analogue signal.


    I now have an excel spreadsheet with the new ch's against the old ch's, hope it is of some help.


    [attachment=263550:TVC - Platinum HD.xls]

  5. weegee, on 22 Apr 2014 - 12:44, said:

    Rorri.....the post above yours explains all.....pretty easy actually. 


    I must be a dumb old fart, but sorry, I don't see how it explains anything, perhaps you can help an old fart out and explain it to me. Warning, I have worked in the telecommunications industry since 1971, mostly in the transmission, both analogue and digital, field. How does this rearrangement "test" digital transmission?

  6. OP

    1. if I have CTH and True visions on satellite I will not need yet another set top box for digital TV(DVB)?

    Ans. I believe True's licence forces them to retransmit the free to air services, so you existing set top box is all you'll need

    2.As and when digital radio finally gets here, CTH and TrueVisions will have to provide it free on their service?

    Ans. Radio is not TV... at the moment if you receive radio, on a radio, it is from a local radio station, it is up to them to convert to digital, probably will not happen unless forced to.

    3. If I don't have CTH or TrueVisions I will need either a digital aerial hanging off the roof, or a satellite dish and a set top box, or a table top antennae, or a combination of all 3!!

    Ans. If you currently receive free to air TV with good reception and it is on the UHF band, then another antenna is not required, but if your TV doesn't have a built in digital tuner then you will need a set top box and if you want to watch HD channels your TV needs to be HD capable... 1920x1080. A satellite dish is of no use for free to air.

    4. If anyone has got this thing working yet which set top box is any good and how much do they cost (before the coupon).

    5. This is all thoeretical as all the new digital channels will be 100% Thai and of no interest to us Farangs (or Aliens as some people would like to call us)

    Maybe someone has answered all of these questions but I must have missed them!

    I suggest you read this


    • Like 1
  7. rametindallas, on 22 Apr 2014 - 08:53, said:

    With so many illegal venues, where do the police begin? They begin with the slow payers and irregular payers unless the whole announcement was to put everyone on notice that the price of staying open was going to go up.

    This 'stay out until sun-up' is ingrained in the culture and this crackdown won't be popular with the citizenry. Some of my favorite restaurants stay open until 6 a.m.. If the illegal clubs aren't keeping people up late, then their restaurant businesses will suffer. Most of the people who don't like these places are in bed early and shouldn't be bothering what grown-up want to do at 3:30 in the morning.

    What I find very typical way of thinking, is instead of closing the many "illegal" venues, they want to increase revenue....oops, sorry fines.

  8. Jdietz, on 22 Apr 2014 - 11:06, said:Jdietz, on 22 Apr 2014 - 11:06, said:Jdietz, on 22 Apr 2014 - 11:06, said:

    All sat operators are obliged to carry these terrestrial channels as well on their feeds. So hence the renumber.

    You have missed a technical point, they said it was to test the "digital" transmission... as far as True is concerned, their satellite transmissions are already "digital", so nothing to test. The other thing is, the digital change has been known for a few years, true could have implemented these changes sometime back not 3 renumbering's in, I think, 18 months. Now, Has anyone translated the old numbers to the new. I have started and found a few either missing or renamed.


    Old Number       Program

    20                           Discovery Science

    44                           True Movie Hits (could be 239)

    48                           HBO family

    64                           BBC Entertainment

    37                           Disney Channel (could be 447)

    21                           Discovery Home & Health

    65                           KBS

    145                         Ki(fe) TV

    92                           IN TV


    Now for a test, ask this of your mates, especially after a few drinks.

    What signal are they receiving from their satellite, or, after converting to digital free to air, on their antenna? Most, if not all, will say digital, which of course makes sense. The truth is they are all receiving an analogue signal. Digital signals can not be transmitted through the air, what you do receive is a digitally encoded  analogue signal, but still only an analogue signal.

  9. As we are all aware Truevision carried out its renumbering from midnight to 10:00am, 22/4/2014, the reason given was for testing of the digital transmission, well I sent this to True, am still waiting a reply.


    "As a technician I ask why was this renumbering necessary, the reason you give, to test the digital transmission, seems wrong, the reason being terrestrial (free to air digital) frequencies are much lower than those to and from satellites so there can be NO interference, you also use the testing to justify the changes to the cable network, this is stupid, as the cable network is a closed system, not affected by RF transmissions. This change simply looks like another renumber, the 3rd in  18 months. I hope you get it right this time."


    I hope, but do not expect, a reasonable reply, if any.

    • Like 2
  10. simple1, on 21 Apr 2014 - 05:21, said:simple1, on 21 Apr 2014 - 05:21, said:

    My wife & I have been married for 18 years, four .years of which were in Thailand. We recently returned to Australia as we jointly concur that the quality of life is better in Australia and more 'secure'. Primary reasons being no exposure to corruption by government/law enforcement personel (wife hates the corruption in Thailand even at the lowest level in the Amphur), cleanliness of the environment e.g. clean seas and beaches, quality of food, no noise pollution and equal rights for her & I etc. This is not to say that she or I will not return to Thailand in the future as we have a house and so in in Thailand. However, when I die she will return to Thailand to be near to her close family.

    I know many Thais living in Australia and the large majority prefer Australia for the reasons given above, including better opportunities for their children.

    If my wife wasn't with me I would say she is with you.... your wife expresses the exact same feelings as mine... she says Thailand crazy, stupid. Will visit family, but hates Thailand, loves Oz. Also agree with what you say about other Thais, living in Oz.... not one, that we know, wants to return to the "Land of Smiles," makes you wonder about how much truth is in that saying, or is it more government false propaganda.

  11. Comos said :

    "First, there is no scientific evidence of skin colour being a result of natural selection. In fact, the general scientific consensus on this point at the moment is that it is largely a result of sexual selection (a mechanism also first described by Darwin, but lesser known to laymen).

    This point alone shows that your very assumptions are wrong to begin with. It is very easy to see what you want to see, read what you want to read and hear what you want to hear.,

    Second, instead of reading opinions from journalists like Gladwell, I suggest you study the fact-based results of scientists, such as for example Jared Diamond."

    My reply.

    I believe you may be wrong...skin colour is determined by "natural selection" and has to do with the amount of vitamin D the body requires... do some reading http://www.nasw.org/vitamin-d-levels-determined-how-human-skin-color-evolved-1

  12. slipperylobster, on 21 Apr 2014 - 12:32, said:

    Nobody take America seriously anymore either.....

    The other countries are all broke...

    Australians just run around shooting kangaroos

    Brits just drink in the pub and complin about America, Aussie Kangaroo hunters, and the broken European Economy...

    I forgot....what was your point?

    "Australians run around shooting kangaroos", now we have entered the world of idiots.

    • Like 2
  13. stickylies, on 21 Apr 2014 - 09:27, said:
    thailiketoo, on 21 Apr 2014 - 09:21, said:
    stickylies, on 21 Apr 2014 - 09:11, said:

    abundant natural resources -> such as ???? ???? ????

    Tin, rubber, natural gas, tungsten, tantalum, timber, lead, fish, gypsum, lignite, fluorite and arable land and year round growing season.

    sure, but no abundance of all that imo. not even enough gas to provide energy to bkk...

    You are so right, he used "abundant" a little too freely.

  14. Suriya4, on 18 Apr 2014 - 13:17, said:

    If found guilty for disrespect, I hope she go to jail to the limit of the punishment. 5 years for every disrespect. That will be good for her. Thailand do not have such disrespectful people. We all love the king more than our parents. Don't believe me, just ask anything Thai you know.

    Bullshit, the problem is Thais are to scared to speak their minds, due to repressive laws. Many Thais, in private, say things they would never say in public or even to their own family and friends, Suriya, you live in your own dream world...dream on while Thailand remains in the dark ages.

  15. moonseeker, on 17 Apr 2014 - 14:56, said:

    Doing tests in both sites below give me totally different results. Testmy.net seems to confirm limitations, but what do all the other "international tests" show or measure.

    We really need some Pro to explain. THX. MS>



    OK..one thing readers need to realise is that any testing done to "speedtest" sites, needs to be taken with a grain of salt... popular "speedtest" sites are being cached in Thailand, by cheating ISP's, these give a false test. Try this site, all US,http://www.dslreports.com/speedtest?flash=1, and see the difference, Parsippany was being used for speed tests, by a Phuket site, http://www.khunwoody.com/phuket-internet-speed/report/add, to show speed tests, the ISP's cottoned onto it, then start caching the site in Thailand, this is why Parsipanny gives such good results. Remember, data travels at close to the speed of light, so the different sites should be similar. Anyone paying for a package greater than 1/13Mbps is wasting their money...and the only reason I have that speed is simply to get a higher upload for Skype video calls. Anyone whose getting higher than 2Mbps D/L's, from overseas, I'd like to see to proof, bearing in mind what I have already said about speedtest.net (aka Ookla), I'd prefer tests from www.testmy.net.

  16. pigeonjake, on 17 Apr 2014 - 18:02, said:

    is it just me,

    but i thought the thais just drive whatever side they like,

    even on the hard shoulder going the wrong way,,

    they have tried changing things with roundabouts,,,lol,, its he who dares wins at them,, they just dont have a bloody clue,,

    i keep saying to the wife, everybody gives way to trafic from the right,,,lol,, then it works good,

    but as the old saying,,,, T I T,


    There seems to be a problem with the "give way to the right" rule, seen in countries that drive on the left side of the road Section 71, of the "Land Traffic Act, B.E. 2522" states :If two vehicles enter a junction from different directions at the same time, the vehicle on the left has right of way, except when there's a designation of "principle roadway" in which case the vehicle on the principle roadway has a right of way." I honestly think they got it wrong, but whose silly enough to tell them.

  17. Somtamnication, on 14 Apr 2014 - 18:54, said:Somtamnication, on 14 Apr 2014 - 18:54, said:Somtamnication, on 14 Apr 2014 - 18:54, said:
    FireMedic, on 14 Apr 2014 - 15:52, said:FireMedic, on 14 Apr 2014 - 15:52, said:FireMedic, on 14 Apr 2014 - 15:52, said:
    Somtamnication, on 14 Apr 2014 - 15:40, said:Somtamnication, on 14 Apr 2014 - 15:40, said:Somtamnication, on 14 Apr 2014 - 15:40, said:

    Forward it to the governor. He will be interested in it, especially once it is up on youtube. whistling.gif

    I'm fresh out of his email address. I have forwarded it to local media and we will see what happens.....likely nothing.

    Send it to Claire and thephuketnews. She is always looking to rock the boat.

    Not if it involves the governor...they treat him as a "protected" species. Be critical and your comment is not posted, be favourable and it's posted. Perhaps being critical is why the consuls meetings were cancelled.

    • Like 1
  18. Somtamnication, on 14 Apr 2014 - 15:40, said:

    Forward it to the governor. He will be interested in it, especially once it is up on youtube. whistling.gif

    Sorry, but when was the last time the governor actually did something, except photo ops.... you seem to forget, he signed off on the already overpriced fares, nothing to do with fixing any problems, simply caving in to the taxi mafia

  19. Gonsalviz, on 14 Apr 2014 - 22:08, said:

    You could go back to your home country.

    Oh dear, it didn't take long for this stupid comment to come up....certainly a sign of a non-thinker. To the OP, unless you can scare a whole nation/village/soi etc, then there is no way, but you could go on a short holiday over the nearest border, or stock up on "your" essentials, notice I only said yours, not the whole families, and hibernate for the duration.

  20. laobali, on 17 Apr 2014 - 10:24, said:

    Ridiculous, pointless, not to mention the cost for vehicle conversion as well as redesign of highways (camber).

    Take China out of the equation? Myopic too.

    Um, sorry to burst your bubble, but whether "right hand side" or "left hand side" the camber remains the same. The camber is set for a right hand or left hand bend/curve, not the side, of the road, you drive on. The two biggest issues when travelling between countries with different sides to drive on are 1) sub conscious mind verses conscious mind in an emergency 2) when turn left or right at junctions.

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