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Posts posted by Rorri

  1. bikkalad, on 17 Apr 2014 - 06:39, said:

    What a stupid post ??? They cannot drive properly on the side of the road they are now.

    I have to be careful what I say, as I have already been suspended twice...but I believe in Thailand many have it worked out, they simply drive down the middle, the biggest problem seems to be the visa run drivers who can't make up their minds what side they want, it seems like a country of dodgem cars, and those on bikes just ride any side and in any direction.

  2. maswov, on 16 Apr 2014 - 17:41, said:maswov, on 16 Apr 2014 - 17:41, said:

    Go to the vet and get Frontline. You should have been using this every month anyway even if the dog lives in the house.

    OK, I have to ask, where is "up country?" If on Phuket it could be Ranong, Bangkok it could be Khon kaen. I'm in Mukdahan so it could be Nong Khai. I might add, I've been in Muka for 18 months, so far, no fleas or ticks, so am guessing I am not "up country."

  3. NancyL, on 15 Apr 2014 - 18:18, said:NancyL, on 15 Apr 2014 - 18:18, said:

    Why didn't the OP just ask at the front desk for them to send around someone from the maintenance crew to trim the trees to improve the view? He really shouldn't be doing work on his holiday, should he? Would he have rolled up his sleeves and cleaned the pool if he'd found it dirty?

    You're right, that's exactly what he should have done, he had no right touch someone else's property. He could have threatened to book out and inform agoda to stop payment. What I find very strange is that he's on holidays, but says his visa card has already been cancelled...what! This is another one of those strange posts, sometimes hard to believe.

  4. tingtong, on 15 Apr 2014 - 17:47, said:
    geetee, on 15 Apr 2014 - 17:34, said:

    With all due respect I disagree Mary, that isn't the point

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    So, what is the point?

    OP booked a sea-view room, with obviously a little help from his side to make that come true.

    The owner lied about this, when advertised.

    While making your own landscaping isnt the best solution, i would bet the house the owner wouldnt want to give discount/refund due her misquiding advertising.

    (What would you think if instead of a jaccuzzi you find a tub?, would you think it is right when you paid for jaccuzzi?...that sea-view came with extra price, for sure!)

    I would say you bring the police on, let them know that the owner lie about the place, and threatening you about a f.cking tree. Not that OP cut the whole thing, anyway.

    A discount/refund due her misguiding advertising, wake up you fool, this is Thailand.

  5. bannork, on 16 Apr 2014 - 08:15, said:bannork, on 16 Apr 2014 - 08:15, said:

    Pink panther, I regret to inform you but you are displaying all the signs of a wimp.

    Unless you're a vastly overweight fat b.....d, that toilet is no problem and indeed more hygienic than a toilet with a seat.No doubt there is a tank containing water next to it for flushing.Much more useful than toilets with a cistern which are useless if the water is cut off for any reason.

    I suggest you attend a boot camp here in Bandung before next year to get you in shape both physically and mentally.Charges are very reasonable and on completion you're allowed a visit to the nearest Tesco Lotus, only 8 km away.

    • Like 1
  6. oldsailor35, on 16 Apr 2014 - 11:29, said:

    The water throwing is alright, everybody having fun, if one does not like it, then stay at home. However the habit of targeting a persons face is so prevalent and especially dangerous to motor cyclist who will become temporary blind. I did notice that all those with water guns made it a point to hit their victims fare in the face. This should be stopped especially with motorcyclist. I went out on my motorcy, had no choice, but put on a rain cape and used full face visor, no one bothered to target me for the whole 10 klm journey !

    Do what I do, wear swimming, not diving, goggles, looks strange but saves the eyes.

    • Like 1
  7. tingtongteesood, on 15 Apr 2014 - 20:32, said:tingtongteesood, on 15 Apr 2014 - 20:32, said:

    I am so damn fed up of idiots who keep complaining about people complaining, surely your complaining about people complaining is also complaining so you are just as bad ? And if people want to complain then what the hell is wrong with that ? Let them. Just stop reading it and move along if it really bothers you that much...

    I'm complaining about you complaining about other people complaining, so please stop complaining, let those who want to complain, complain, just do not read them. Everyone has a right to their personal opinion. A Thai friend said only on Monday, she wished the young Thais wouldn't dance in the streets and to stop throwing water, because her car gets wet, so it's not only TV members that complain. Most Thais don't have much in their lives, let them have their 3, 5 or 7 days of fun..

  8. HardenedSoul, on 14 Apr 2014 - 22:13, said:
    Jip99, on 14 Apr 2014 - 22:09, said:
    HardenedSoul, on 14 Apr 2014 - 21:54, said:

    Hmm didn't realise one had to be a member for a minimum period before expressing distaste at the sense of entitlement displayed by some of our more curmudgeonly members.

    I mean, what could be more annoying than the old "cold towel" lament?

    You know the one. When the sweaty hippo in safari shorts and sandals would enter a bar and expect to be waited on hand and foot by a young nubile who would wipe the sweat off the pock-marked, blubbery expanse that was his back with an ice-cold flannel before massaging his shoulders and his ego in return for the princely sum of 50 baht. laugh.png Fat chance of that these days.

    All I can say is "Roll on, progress".

    I support anything that gets these people into better jobs away from the "industry"

    .... and you needed a Songkran thread to make that rant ?

    Wouldn't it have been worse to actually create an entirely new thread about it?

    I think you're getting old and grumpy....now where do I find a young nubile to wipe the sweat off my pock-marked, blubbery expanse that is my back with an ice-cold flannel before massaging my shoulders and my ego, for 50baht.

    • Like 1
  9. Jip99, on 14 Apr 2014 - 18:22, said:
    northernjohn, on 14 Apr 2014 - 17:05, said:

    I think a better more accurate question would be when did a Ex Pat decide that there was some thing wrong with what has obviously been going on for years and as the population and tourism grow it has grown.smile.png

    So it was an expat, was it, who extended Songkran in Pattaya to 11th - 19th April ?

    I learn something new every day.

    Your reasoning fails me, was something deleted from northernjohn's comment, because I fail to tie what you say, to what he has said.

  10. dotpoom, on 13 Apr 2014 - 19:15, said:
    Rorri, on 13 Apr 2014 - 16:56, said:
    David48, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:58, said:David48, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:58, said:David48, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:58, said:
    celso, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:53, said:celso, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:53, said:celso, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:53, said:

    I'm 26, been here a year. Been out with plenty of girls, none of them brought their aunt along, I definitely don't think it is normal even in Thailand.

    In the OP you said it was the Mother/sister, not the Aunt.

    So which one was it?

    Get the story straight!

    David, you must be a recent arrival, mother/sister ( also said as sister/mother)is the Thai way of saying sister of my mother, in other words aunty. It seems you need to get it right, before commenting on others.

    Those of us who have been blessed with so many good things happening in our lives since coming to Thailand and as a result have so much to be grateful for should be wishing the same for the younger ones like the OP who have arrived here and may need all the support they can get. Why would one want to jump at an opportunity to put one down when they have so much to be grateful for in their own lives..

    dotpoom, you seem to have a reason to comment, but did anyone say David48 is a "younger," arrival, not me, I simply made an assumption based on his reply to celso, who is the OP...OP means "Original Poster" which David48 isn't, so in David48's own words... Get the story straight.

  11. Before anyone can really help, you first need to find where you problem is. If you go VPN you will not get any benefit if the bottleneck is your Thai ISP, which for example, if you are in Phuket the slowing of speed could be anywhere between Phuket and Bangkok. VPN via a VPN provider requires you to connect to their gateway via your Thai ISP. To set up your own VPN becomes very expensive because you have to lease a guaranteed bandwidth between you and the far end server. otherwise you will still suffer speed loses caused by your local ISP, You will also need to have the far end server running at all times.

    • Like 2
  12. David48, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:58, said:David48, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:58, said:
    celso, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:53, said:celso, on 12 Apr 2014 - 19:53, said:

    I'm 26, been here a year. Been out with plenty of girls, none of them brought their aunt along, I definitely don't think it is normal even in Thailand.

    In the OP you said it was the Mother/sister, not the Aunt.

    So which one was it?

    Get the story straight!

    David, you must be a recent arrival, mother/sister ( also said as sister/mother)is the Thai way of saying sister of my mother, in other words aunty. It seems you need to get it right, before commenting on others.

    • Like 2
  13. p_brownstone, on 08 Apr 2014 - 20:01, said:p_brownstone, on 08 Apr 2014 - 20:01, said:
    majhiggins, on 08 Apr 2014 - 19:40, said:majhiggins, on 08 Apr 2014 - 19:40, said:
    Fullstop, on 08 Apr 2014 - 19:04, said:Fullstop, on 08 Apr 2014 - 19:04, said:

    How can one die from being shot in the nuts? I mean they aren't a vital organ ... err, well... sort of.

    Yes, you can bleed to death from this. I'm a former army medic and I know this from training, not personal experience. The scrotum is very well supplied with blood vessels. If you were to cleanly cut somebody's nut-sack off, the severed ends might be able to clot over on their own and stop bleeding. A gunshot at close-range, OTOH, could shred so many blood vessels that the bleeding won't stop on its own and I'm willing to bet that even if this guy knew anything about first aid, which shockingly few Thais do, he'd still be unwilling to tie a tight tourniquet around it and call an ambulance straight away. Instead he waited, probably a long time, in hopes that it would stop bleeding on its own. By the time he realized he was bleeding to death and crawled from the bedroom asking for help, it was too late.

    Hmmm - thanks for the information!

    However since it's 8.00 pm here in Thailand and therefore I am about to go down to Dinner, it's rather more detail than I need right now.


    No one made you read it... hope your dinner stayed down, I hope it wasn't spaghetti and meat balls.

    • Like 1
  14. 8OA8, on 08 Apr 2014 - 22:32, said:
    Kooweerup, on 08 Apr 2014 - 11:35, said:
    LivinginKata, on 08 Apr 2014 - 07:53, said:

    No case as no proof. Driver can just say he was very tired and was having a rest.

    maybe in Thailand but in Australia if he was found by the police in this state in a cab he would lose his taxi licence as he would be deemed unfit. Probably keep his driver licence but would definitely be considered a risk to the public.

    That is of course assuming that the guy asleep in the driver seat was the owner.

    Last night I did something I'd never done before and took a bus home, now that I've sobered up I cannot remember where i found it but it had the keys in the ignition, wonder who owns it and will they be annoyed that I took it home with me last night.

    In the "Great" land down under, a taxis drive has a licence to drive a taxi, it is an addition to you drivers licence, the taxi has taxi "registration/licence" plates.

  15. Naroge, on 08 Apr 2014 - 09:26, said:Naroge, on 08 Apr 2014 - 09:26, said:

    Taking a nap, even if drunk, is probably not illegal, but for the police to let the driver drive away while "smelling of alcohol" is a serious breach of duty. I rather see the policeman called in for questioning than the taxi driver.

    It makes you wonder if the police take drunk driving and road safety seriously, going by this excellent example it appears they don't. Perhaps Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation director-general Chatchai Phromlert, as part of his "road safety campaign," should be asking why the driver was allowed to leave.

    • Like 1
  16. Tywais, on 05 Apr 2014 - 15:38, said:
    OMGImInPattaya, on 05 Apr 2014 - 15:35, said:

    Probably not even cops...just Somchai and his best friend trying to shakedown a newbie farang or tourist for some drinking money.

    So I guess a fake police station they went to. smile.png

    You should catch up on the Phuket story regarding police and dive companies. The police, I think captain, said the "alleged" police must be fakes, but hey, they used his police station.

  17. DavoTheGun, on 03 Apr 2014 - 14:23, said:
    sms747, on 03 Apr 2014 - 12:28, said:

    Rearing for slaughter is no different from hunting, it's still unnecessary killing to eat. Humans do not need to eat animals or fish and those pointing the finger at the 'nasty' Japanese are of course stuffing themselves with dead animals everyday, so who are the real hypocrites here?

    A Typical stupid comment from a Vegan, it is well known that Meat is Brain Food, which is why such people make such comments!

    True, scientifically shown that eating red meat is what allowed the brains to develop from ape to man.

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