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Posts posted by Katipo

  1. Thais use smiles to convey a wide range of emotions for which many Westerners would consider strange. If I was to generalise, I would say they are not fake, but rather outward coping mechanism for awkward or unpleasant situations. Other Thais would know exactly the true meaning.

    Then Thais also smile for exactly the same reasons we do (some of which might also be considered 'fake' e.g. sarcastic smile), but many of which are genuine smiles of joy, happiness, and pleasure.

    As with any foreign culture, if you plan on spending any length of time among it, it is best to learn the nuances so that you can function more effectively within it.

  2. If adding a label helps to reduce the current media noise around cannabis, then fine. It's similar to alcoholic beverages listing a percentage, and makes sense for mass market products especially. I can just see some dodgy corporation promising to make me baked as a cake with their product, only to find all I got was a tingle in my little. #disappointment


    Beach and tourist spots are bound to be selling unlabeled supplies from the back room if that's your thing. That's just the way Thailand is.

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  3. Whether or not it was in protected land would have been obvious from the very beginning. Lines on a map tend to rather east to see. The fact this unsurprisingly reversal of the original judgement took so long suggests strongly that something dodgy took place. I mean, judges deciding whether judges' exclusive hillside compound is legal or not was only ever going to go one way. 

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