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Posts posted by Katipo

  1. If you can afford it, then do it knowing you are showing compassion and a desire to selflessly help another.

    If in the end, for whatever reason, it doesn't end as well as it might. You still can look at yourself in the mirror and know you showed an act of kindness.

    If this is playing on your conscious, and you choose not to help, it may weigh you down for some time.

  2. I was at a Bar in Ayudhya when first we were told by Police to go inside the bar if we wanted to keep drinking. 10 minutes later when the soldiers with guns arrived and told us to go home, we promptly did so.

    Owner was fined 500 Baht, and told that for a second offence it would be 20,000 Baht and 10 days in jail.

    The Police were apologetic but said the Army was running things now.

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  3. Yinglucks mistake was stepping down calling for elections, once that happened she was stopped from being able to pay them for it. I think the farmers are smart enough to see what really happened. All you yellow followers seemed to hate the scheme, now you think its brilliant because your hero non-corrupt coup leaders are doing it now.

    I don't think the scheme is good. Never have. It was pure unsustainable populist vote buying, and mismanaged beyond belief at that.

    I'm just happy the farmers are being paid for what they sold.

    Yes I am glad you agree the money that should have been paid months ago was being held as a political hostage. Keep drinking the Yellow Kool-aid.

    Most Governments around the world have subsidy programs for farmers, but because it is done by a political party you oppose it must be bad. Oh my.

    I don't identify with either colour, but I know a poorly thought through and implemented policy when I see one.

    Why weren't the farmers paid in September, October, November, or December (before parliament was dissolved)? I'll tell you why, because most of the rice hadn't been sold due to the artificially inflated price and massive mismanagement. Governments shouldn't be in the commodity markets (especially perishables). The money made from the rice that was sold, mostly disappeared into corrupt official pockets. The government ignored the problem until it was too late. They have no one to blame but themselves for this mess.

  4. At a 1000bht per head wow!

    The PDRC were 'compensating' supporters 750baht a day for 'loss of earnings' in January - I know some teacher's that attended and confirmed this. How did you come by your information, or are you just making things up?

    Just last week redshirts were filing a complaint with the police as they did,nt get their 100bht as promised,

    As for anti government supporters being paid i have only seen it posted on here by government supporters, although i do know a few who join the protests i very much doubt they are being paid.

    I can't speak for all, but the PDRC supporters from my company who joined the protests were not paid anything. Some of them did get free meals or food though while they were there.

    Back in 2011 I saw Red Shirts being given money first hand.

    I don't believe any of the parties involved are above using underhand measures to achieve their desired result however.

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  5. It would be interesting to know where exactly they found the bombs. I mean, they gave the place a thorough clean, and bombs are not the sort of thing one normally just forgets. So I'd like to know if they were found in an obvious or open area, or were they found stashed away somewhere secret where perhaps someone may have forgotten them.

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