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Posts posted by Katipo

  1. I feel there is something dodgy with the lottery. The draws being held behind closed doors in recent times is fishy to start with, and all these draws reflecting Yingluk's vehicles goes beyond chance.

    I honestly wouldn't put it past the government to manipulate the lottery in an attempt to make Yingluk appear as auspicious. The weight of this perception in the minds of many Thais cannot be overestimated.

  2. If this is indeed the reason, it is more blood on the hands of the PM, her brother, and their government.

    Sorry mate but no you are wrong!!!,

    the farmer did NOT sell to the rice pledging scheme, but to an independent miller that cut the buying price far lower than the farmer could afford, This is one of the reasons why the government started the rice pledging scheme, to help the farmers out of poverty by offering a higher price than the rich profiteering of millers holding them to ransom , GEE have you ever heard of price fixing??? Which goes on in the most modern country's and when they get caught they are made to pay large fines and sometimes jail, but here the out stretched Palme's are crossed with cash and everything is just a misunderstanding,,,now remember TIT so it's been going on for years, Now I agree the rice pledging scheme is not a well planed policy and full of corruption, BUT in your claim the PM has blood on her hands, try understanding the facts before throwing around blame, fair enough.

    Not wrong, and I didn't throw blame. I was very cautious in my wording "if this is indeed the reason".... so if it's not, it's not.

    However... if now unscrupulous rice millers are taking advantage of farmers who are in debt and desperate because of not being paid for past crops under the rice pledging scheme, the PTP must shoulder some of the blame, and must find a way out of this ever deepening hole the farmers find themselves in.

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