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Posts posted by Katipo

  1. The government told the farmers last year that they could not continue to pay 15,000 baht per tonne, they simply could not afford it. The farmers blocked the roads, the government caved, continued to pay a price that was non sustainable. The votes mattered more than the economy. While i am sympathetic to the plight of the farmers, they decided that they would hold the government to the 15,000 baht price and now they will sell for 9,000 baht plus Bt3,279 per rai compensation from the government. Perhaps they've never heard the expression "if it's too good to be true".

    It's easy for us to rationalise it this way, but not so much for certain other secros of society. I've spoken to several locals who still believe the Thaksin's have 'good credit' (I guess this means have lots of money) and thus everything will be Ok in the end.

    When you believe in something so much, it can be very hard to let it go even in the face of overwhelming evidence. A scenario that has played itself out again and again throughout history.

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  2. the banks labour union is telling the bank how to run it's business . (even if they have a point) sounds like yellow shirt supporters wanting to cause trouble


    You don't think they might just be worried about their jobs?

    If the bank becomes insolvent, all of these people will be unemployed.

    I would expect any labour union in any country to come out if it appeared someone was putting the jobs at risk. That is what labour unions are for.

    Not to mention that a lot of the staff might have money invested in the bank in shape or form. If things start to look shaky and there is a rush on withdrawls, the outcome would be very bad indeed.

  3. Not 'drunk with power', just drunk w00t.gif

    For all the good he does the goverment, I sometimes wonder if he isn't actually on the democrat's payroll.

    Now that Chalerm's delicate touch is back, let PTP 's already wobbly house of cards come a tumblin' down.

  4. A 3,900 baht fee would certainly put people off. Since Thailand is a country that currently goes for quantity of quality, the costs would far outweight the benefits. If they truly did change the type of tourist that they were aiming for, it would change the face of many tourist destinations and have massive repercussions. I imagine those who would be hurt most are the 'Mum & Pop' establishments, from guesthouses, to tour organisers, restaurants, and bars. The truth is, currently Thailand needs these tourists, all of them.

    Western countries on the other hand, don't need Thailand so much. While it may hurt a little, there wouldn't be protests in the street and road bloakades by angry tuktuk drivers.

    FInnaly, I might add that many countries charge Thais a higher visa fee for a reason. There are a small but significant proportion of Thais who do things in their host countries which they are not meant. This spoils it for others, and costs a significant amount of resources to try and combat. Yes, I know there are plenty of foreigners in Thailand who do the same, but thats because in Thailand it is easy to do... and hey, the Thais themselves lead the way in doing it. It you could show me that perhaps the money collected from this tourist visa was going to be used to clean the scum from Thailand, perhaps I wouldn't mind paying it. As it stands, I know it will go into the back pocket of high ranking immigration officials further fueling the corruption problem, not combatting it.

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