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Posts posted by Katipo

  1. Irrelevant who leads. The Government will win this race. They will call an election and guess who will win again. I am not stating this is a good thing but looking at the cooments about Sutthep, he seems just as bad as those he is trying to oust.

    So who is better? I know the ones in are useless corrupt and hopeless but is the other side really better? What a bloody joke this country - politically is..

    I agree that the Democrats have some serious flaws. This amnesty bill and the 2 trillion baht of unaacountable spending money really push the envelope to a whole new level.

    Just imagine if Thaksin came back and had access to this money. Do you think for one minutes he wouldn't use it to further his cause and buy absolute power and control?

    Thailand cannot allow this to happen, for everyone's sake.

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  2. Let's see Adul. Weekend is coming up.

    Exactly. Most anti-govt protestors have regular jobs that require them Mon-Fri. They are not farmers who can just leave for weeks at a time outside of planting/harvest season.

    Have regular jobs?you could have fooled me.There's enough of them on the street during the day.what are they all night workers?

    Exactly. Imagine how many there would be if those who work during the day could get time off?

    My friends and collegues can only go when they can. Often on one day it will be different people to the next.

    It's not the same static group as the Red Shirts who just camped there.

    The real numbers of current anti-govt protesters/supporters are much higher than the numbers you see on any one day in the street. Much, much higher.

  3. Suthep on Tuesday called for the creation of an unelected administration to run the country,...:

    basically not a bad idea, considered how 'well' democracy and elected governments function in thailand. but the question is: who will select this administration?

    i am sure that suthep would imagine that either he would be a part of the selection team or any body near to his party - and that is would be a total non-starter and lead only to more upheveals in the future.

    maybe it would be the best if the UN would administer thailand for a while? or at least select the (thai) people administering thailand?

    Some might say this is a preposterous idea. Truth is, it's not so much.

  4. The government would be unperturbed if fireballs came raining down from the sky and a swarm of locusts covered the land. The TAT would also issue a statement that tourist numbers have been unaffected, and may in fact increase.

    NB. I didn't use flooding as an example as this has already actually happened... twice, and they were largely unperturbed on both occassions.

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